Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Ten

''Call me sometime.'' I said as Alex and I exchanged numbers at the door.

''And if you don't, I know where you live.'' I added playfully and he laughed.

He pecked me quickly on the cheek and then Eden and I turned to leave.

As soon as we were inside out apartment, Eden squealed.

''My ears!'' I laughed, covering them.

''We got numbers.'' she sang, happily waving the napkin with Trevor's phone number on it in the air like a flag.

''I know.'' I sang back.

The light on the answering machine was flashing so I pushed the play button.

''You have one new message.'' the mechanical voice informed us.

''First message.'' it continued.

''Hey Mandy it's Bill! I just wanted to let you know that we'll be coming over tomorrow afternoon so that we can make sure you're ready to go on Sunday. See you then!'' Bill's musical voice rang through the machine.

''End of messages.'' the mechanical voice stated.

I looked at Eden who looked half disappointed but half brimming with excitement. Her face was a twisted mix of both.

''You have to pack!'' she said excitedly.

I knew that even though she didn't want me to leave, Eden was excited for me. That was one thing I liked about her, she wasn't the jealous type. Something great could happen to me and she would be genuinely happy, and that’s hard to find.

We both raced to my room and started to wrestle my suitcase out of my closet. Even though it was pushing three a.m., we were both wide-awake.

An hour of packing later, we were both dead. We were lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. My suitcase was on the floor next to the bed, packed for three weeks and then some.

I was twirling a strand of Eden's hair and I could see her starting to fall asleep.

''E?'' I said quietly.

''Hm?'' she answered sleepily.

''Thanks for being happy for me, it means a lot.'' I said.

''You're welcome.'' she said, though she didn't sound quite all there.

''You're my best friend E, I love you.'' I said, feeling very sleepy myself.

''Me to.'' she yawned and I chuckled.

*~Three p.m.~*

''Where are they?'' I whined, shaking my legs anxiously.

''Outside!'' Eden squealed from the front window.

I jumped up and raced to look. There was a black town car with dark tinted windows outside of our building. Getting out of it were four people while a fifth held the door. It was Vince and the boys. I raced to the front door and waited to open it.

The second I heard a knock on the door I whipped it open. Standing there, all in hooded sweaters and –in Gustav and Bill's case- big glasses.

''Hey! Come in!'' I said happily. The boys crowded in and Vince came in last.

''Hi!'' Eden said, suddenly standing right next to me.

''So you brought the whole band to pick up my stuff?'' I asked, laughing slightly and the boys chuckled.

''Hey, we didn't know how much stuff you would have, you're a girl.'' Georg said.

''Probably less than Bill.'' Tom snorted and everyone laughed as Bill swatted his head.

''Well sorry to disappoint you, but I only have one suitcase.'' I said, wheeling my suitcase out from behind the counter. They all looked at it as if to ask ''seriously?'' and Eden and I laughed.

''Well then I'm sorry I brought the boys, we could have been alone.'' Georg said, putting one arm around my shoulders and I laughed.

''Oh no, they weren't supposed to find out about us.'' I said dramatically and we chuckled.

''Well boys we've got to keep this a short visit, you've all got to pack up your stuff to.'' Vince said, glancing at his watch. What a party killer.

''We've been packed for two days!'' Bill protested.

''But who is it that always makes us turn the bus around because he forgot something?'' Vince asked, eyebrows raised as if he was a parent scolding a child.

''Apparently we have to go.'' Bill sighed.

''Talk about a short visit.'' Eden muttered.

''I'll send someone over to get you in the morning around ten.'' Vince said as he started to herd the boys out of the door.

''Bye!'' Eden and I waved and the boys all turned to wave.

We closed the door behind them and then looked at each other. Eden looked like she was going to burst.

''YOU'RE GOING ON TOUR WITH TOKIO HOTEL!'' she yelled, being unintentionally loud but we both started to squeal.
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Sorry about the horrid ending, but I was completely stuck!