Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Eleven

''I'm going to miss you so much!''' Eden said as I stood in front of the open door of the black car that Vince had sent to pick me up.

''I'm going to miss you to! I'll call as often as I can.'' I promised.

''Miss I hate to interrupt, but we've got to go.'' the driver informed me from the car.

I hugged Eden again before getting into the back of the car. She closed the door and then stepped back as the driver started the car.

As we took off down the road I was brimming with excitement. Eden would survive, she was a tough cookie and I was going on tour with Tokio Hotel! There was a permanent smile plastered on my face and the driver was looking at me through the rear view mirror as if I was slightly insane.

''She's here!'' Bill called back into the hotel lobby as I got out of the car.

''Good!'' I heard Vince say and then all four boys were pushed out of the lobby in an unorthodox group.

They all headed in the direction of the back of the hotel and I caught up and walked next to Bill.

''So where are we going?'' I asked as we walked.

''To the bus.'' Tom said as we rounded a corner.

''Whoa.'' I gasped, now seeing the giant bus that would be our 'almost' home for the next few weeks.

I'd seen tour busses before, but not inside, or up close for that matter. Their bus had a huge 'Tokio Hotel' on the side of it and was black. The boys went in first, opening the door and then climbing up into the bus. I followed them with Vince behind me. I stood, mouth agape, for a few seconds as I took in the inside of the bus. It looked like a little hotel…filled with hot, German rock stars. Vince put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and ushered me forward.

''Go on, they don't bite.'' he said as I stepped forward.

''I can't any promises though.'' Bill said with an irresistible grin and leaned forward as if to bite me, but instead of biting me, licked my cheek.

''EW!'' I laughed, wiping the German singer slobber off my face with my sleeve.

Tom flopped down on the couch, taking up enough room for thee people while Bill, Gustav, and Georg all sat at the 'kitchen' table.

''Mandy this is our driver Leah. Leah this is our new assistant Mandy.'' Vince said, gesturing back and forth.

''Hey! Its good to meet you! Now I'm not the only girl on this bus anymore.'' she said, shaking my hand.

''Its good to meet you to, and I'm glad I'm not the only girl on the bus to.'' I said.

''Now more often than not, we'll stay in hotels but there are beds here for those late trips.'' Vince said.

He continued to show me around the bus and the boys started to get impatient.

''Can't we go yet?'' Tom whined at Vince.

''Yea, you can show her around when we're going.'' Gustav added.

''Alright, alright. Come on Leah lets go.'' Vince called and Leah responded by starting the engine and revving it a bit.

The boys cheered and Vince rolled his eyes.

''So where are we going?'' I asked Vince.

''Pretty much the other side of the country, this tour's all over.'' he told me.

''And we're driving because?'' I asked.

''Gustav doesn't like to fly.'' Vince whispered and I stifled a laugh.

''So we'll be driving pretty much all night then?'' I more asked than said.

''Yes, now if you want you can drive with me. I personally don't like to ride with this much ego.'' Vince said, looking pointedly at the boys, Tom in particular.

''No! She's staying with us.'' Bill answered for me, putting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me towards him. Vince raised his eyebrows as if to say 'are you sure?' and I nodded.

''Play nicely.'' Vince said as he got off the bus.

''Come on Leah! Let's go!'' Bill said and Leah smiled.

Vince's black car pulled out of the parking lots and we followed.

Bill shoved Tom's legs off the couch, making him sit up straight, and Tom glared at him. Bill stuck his tongue out, the silver ball of his tongue ring shining briefly in the light coming through the bus window, and sat down, pulling me with him.

The four boys started a full-scale interrogation about my life. They asked everything from what bran of perfume I wore to my parent's names.

''And your birthday?'' Bill asked.

''October 15th.'' I told him.

''Coke or Pepsi?'' Gustav asked.

''Uh coke?'' I answered, not sure why it was pertinent.

''Thong or grannies?'' Tom asked. The look on his face was genuine curiosity and I burst out laughing.

''What does that have to do with anything?'' I laughed. The other three boys had also started to laugh.

''Hey! I was just asking.'' Tom said; now laughing to.

''Well that's for me to know and you guys not to know.'' I said folding my arms and the boys let out a resounding 'aww', making me laugh.

I talked with the boys forever, or at least what felt like it. We talked about everything, music, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, books, parents, and everything else under the sun. For rock stars slash sex icons slash millionaires, they were a lot cooler than you would think. After a while, it felt like they were friends I had known all my life.

It was getting dark now and Vince had called and reminded the boys that they had work to do on a new song. While they worked on that, I sat in the passengers seat and talked to Leah. There was a sliding glass door that cut off the drivers cabin from the rest of the bus and it had been closed so that we could talk while the boys played.

''So, to be rather blunt, are you sleeping with one or possibly all four members of Tokio Hotel?'' I asked and she laughed, a reaction I was grateful for.

''No, actually, I'm a lesbian, that’s partially why I got this job.'' she said, not sounding offended in the least.

''Really?'' I asked, looking at her as if some give away would have magically appeared in the last twenty seconds. Other than the fact that she wasn't in any way sexually attracted to any of the members of Tokio Hotel, I would have never guessed. Earlier we had been talking about boys.

''Yea.'' she laughed, amused by my reaction.

''It must have driven them nuts when you first started to drive for them.'' I mused.

''Yea, poor Tom, I don't think his ego's ever been hit that hard.'' she said and we laughed.

''You know my friend Eden I was talking about earlier?'' I asked and Leah nodded.

''I think she'd like to hit more than his ego, if you know what I mean.'' I said and we both started to laugh.
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Sorry about the filler-ish chapters, but I'm leading up to something big, I promise!

And thanks to everyone who has left me comments or subscribed, I really appreciate it!