Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Twelve

''Thank you! Thank you!'' Bill called as he and the rest of the band left the stage. The crowd was crazy for them.

''That was great you guys!'' I said as I met them backstage.

''Thanks Mandy!'' Bill said, crushing me with a hug. I welcomed the hug, but not so much the smell.

''Ugh, you need to shower.'' I laughed and he relinquished his hold on me.

This was the third concert on their tour and it had gone as well as the other two. They played, the crowd cheered, and then they came backstage and I told them they did great, it was like a routine. I was still in a slight state of disbelief whenever they played and I watched from backstage. A week and a half ago had someone told me that I was going to be kissed by Bill Kaulitz and then end up going on tour with Tokio Hotel; I might have thrown that person out for getting my hopes up.

Suffice to say, it was so surreal.

Vince escorted the boys to their dressing rooms so that they could change and shower before they met with the backstage pass holders. I, doing my job, went to the room where they would meet with everyone and hang out for the next few hours to put out drinks and other refreshments like Vince had done the time Eden and I were there.

Once I had everything arranged just so, I sat down to wait for everyone. I took out my phone and texted Eden. We'd been talking whenever I had spare time and she loved to hear my stories about practically living with Tokio Hotel. Near the end of the tour, we would be doing a show back home and I had already gotten Eden a ticket so that I could see her. She squealed like a schoolgirl when she got the backstage pass in the mail.

''Bring on the ladies!'' Tom said as he and the rest of the band came into the room looking much fresher.

''How do you know there wont be any guys?'' I asked and instantly knew I would eat my words.

Tom raised his eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes. I had never seen guys with backstage passes to Tokio Hotel's concerts, but still hoped that there would be just so I could push Tom off his pedestal.

There was a knock at the door seconds later and then Vince came in, followed by six –you guessed it- girls. I sighed and Tom grinned proudly.

There were two blondes out of the six girls with passes and the rest were brunettes, a much better turn out than the last two concerts. They had all been blondes, leaving me feeling rather out numbered, considering I'm a brunette.

The girl's eyes were all lit with excitement as they walked into the room. Vince introduced the band to the girls, and the girls to the band. The two blondes –much to my surprise- went straight to Georg, normally, they went for Tom.

''Hi.'' three of the brunettes cooed at Tom as they surrounded him on the couch.

Watching these girls fall all over the boys truly amused me, especially when they fought for their attention.

Vince and I went to the far side of the room where his laptop was set up so that we would be out of the way and could get some work done. Vince logged in and a schedule reminder popped up, telling him that the boys had to make an appearance at a party tonight. He asked me to remind him around eleven-thirty and I said I would do so.

*~Around Eleven-Thirty~*

''Alright ladies, I'm afraid these boys have got to be at a party.'' Vince said, standing by the door.

All six girls 'aww-ed' and unwillingly removed themselves from the band member they had chosen. Tom looked almost disappointed as the brunette who had found her way into his lap got up and walked reluctantly to the door.

I went with Vince to walk the girls out, giving them all tour shirts and posters signed by the band. When they were all in the car to take them home, Vince and I went back to the room. The boys all seemed excited about the party as they were all crammed into the same bathroom, trying to use the same mirror.

''Ah! What the hell!'' Gustav said as he, Georg and Tom all ran out of the bathroom spitting and coughing.

''Woops.'' Bill said, grinning proudly as he continued to spray his hair with hairspray and I laughed.

After Bill cleared out of the bathroom, the other three boys went in to get ready and I could have swore that I saw Tom slip a condom into his pocket. In my opinion, he was too smug for his own good.

''Come on guys we have to be there for midnight.'' Vince said, glancing at his watch. If it wasn't for him, Tokio Hotel might not even have made it to their own concerts on time.

''Yea, Mandy stop taking so long.'' Tom mocked as I followed them out of the room and I swatted at his head.

''Hey!'' he said, readjusting his hat.

We all piled into the limo outside the concert hall and immediately started to drive. The boys actually looked kind of tired as they all stared vacantly out of the windows but I knew it would wear off as soon as we got to the party.

''Big smiles everyone.'' Vince muttered as we pulled up to the party.

I could already see hundreds of camera flashes going off outside the limo before we even got out.

Vince got out first, holding the door for the band. Tom got out first and the flashes seemed to increase –if it was possible- along with the screaming that erupted almost as soon as the door opened. Gustav and Georg got out next and then Bill. I was about to get out when Bill turned around and held out a hand to me.

I felt my face go deep red as he helped me out of the car. As I stood upright, my hand was still in Bill's and before that instant, I never thought that the sound of so many cameras going off, could be so loud.

''Here we go.'' Bill murmured in my ear and I giggled.

''MISS! MISS! OVER HERE! BILL! THIS WAY! ARE YOU TWO TOGETHER? DO YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS? BILL!'' all the photographers seemed to be screaming at the same time and all I could hear was an incoherent mixture of them all as I was blinded by flashes.

Bill simply shook his head and smiled as we walked towards the club pulsing with loud music. Vince followed behind, wearing sunglasses even though it was the middle of the night.

When we got inside, Vince muttered something to one of the bouncers who nodded and then showed us to a large booth on one of the balconies. The boys sat down and I stood next to Vince. He tapped me on the shoulder and then leaned into my ear.

''You work hard, have a little fun, I can manage.'' he said and a wave of excitement washed over me. I wasn't working anymore, now I was partying with Tokio Hotel.
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This chapter plus the next two started as one really big chapter that I cut into pieces so they're going to lead right into one another and they might all go up today, depending on how generous I'm feeling =)