Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Thirteen

I slid in next to Bill who was swaying –more like wiggling- to the fast beat that pumped through the building and leaned in to his ear.

''Boo!'' I said and he turned to look at me with a look of excitement on his face.

''Hey! Don't you have a job to do?'' he joked and I rolled my eyes playfully.

''Nope, I just got off, now you're stuck with me.'' I said and he laughed.

''Or are you stuck with us?'' he asked and I giggled.

''If I go, you have to go!'' Gustav said rather loudly to Tom, causing both Bill and I to turn our attention to them.

''Ok I'll go.'' Tom shrugged and Gustav looked put off at the fact that Tom wasn't as nervous as he was.

Both of the boys got up and started to make their way over to a group of girls standing near the bar. The two boys stood a few feet away and the girls immediately noticed. One of the girls looked at Tom and then started to whisper hurriedly to her friend. Tom took that as the 'ok go' and went over to the group with Gustav closely behind him.

The boys started to talk and the girls laughed animatedly at whatever they were saying. One of the girls -making it look as though out of impulse- slipped her arm around Tom's, linking them. Tom turned and smiled devilishly at her making her blush profusely.

''Look at how they throw themselves at him!'' I said, thinking out loud.

''I can do that to.'' Bill said and I snorted. I raised my eyebrows at him. Bill was gorgeous to the point of making me weak in the knees, but somehow I couldn't picture him having the same innate charm that Tom had, even if they were twins.

''You don't believe me?'' he asked and I smiled and I shook my head at him.

''Fine, watch me.'' he said, climbing over me to get out of the booth and practically sitting on me as he paused to talk to Georg.

''Georg, come be my wingman.'' Bill said and I laughed. He sounded like he was going into battle or something. Either way Georg hopped up and followed Bill over to a group of girls at the other end of the bar.

Bill had a different take on this game than Tom did. As opposed to standing away from them and earning permission to go over with just a look, Bill went straight up to the group, standing in between two of the girls and dove head first into their conversation.

At first the girls looked at him as if to say ''who is this freak?'' but their looks of confusion were wiped of their faces as Bill began to speak. All of their looks now read ''I'd do him in a heartbeat'', and that fact made me laugh. Maybe he was as good at this as Tom was.

Bill and Georg stood chatting up the girls for a while until Bill nodded back to the table and left Georg to be fawned over by the girls. Bill sat down next to me with a triumphant look on his face.

''Told you.'' he said and I rolled my eyes.

''You want something to drink?'' I asked, keeping away from the topic that I was wrong and he was right, which I was sure he would relish in at any opportunity.

''Yea, I'll get them, what do you want?'' he asked and I shrugged.

''Surprise me.'' I said and he smiled before getting up and going to the bar.

He came back minutes later with two glasses. He handed one to me and I took a sip. Whatever it was it was good, but warm.

''Way to forget the ice.'' I teased, rolling my eyes playfully.

''Want me to go?'' he offered. A couple of the girls from the group where Bill had been earlier glanced over their shoulders, looking like they were hoping he would be coming back.

It sounded odd even as I thought of it but I didn't want him to go back to them and it wasn’t just because he would be leaving me here on my own. I didn't want him to go because I wanted him to stay, if that makes any sense.

''No I'll go.'' I said, putting my glass to the end of the table and then sliding out over him.

I picked up my glass and walked over to the bar. The bartender was halfway down the bar so I leaned over the counter a bit to get his attention. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a couple of guys looking at me but I ignored them, I was here with Tokio freaking Hotel and nothing could distract me from them.

I leaned over the counter a bit more and waved a little, seeing as the bartender seemed not to notice me last time. I noticed one of the guys was standing closer to me now. He caught my gaze and I smiled out of habit. I heard a whistle from behind me and turned to see Bill giving me an exaggerated version of the 'up-down' as I leaned forward. I laughed and tried to hide the fact that I was blushing.

When I turned around the guy was right next to me.

''Hey.'' he said and I knew what he was going to try.

''Hi.'' I said and then immediately looked away from him.

''What're you drinking?'' he asked casually.

''Beats me.'' I laughed and then kicked myself for engaging in conversation.

''I'm James.'' he said, inching subtly closer.

''Ma-''I started but was cut off when Bill called me.

''What's taking so long?'' he called from the table and I shrugged.

''I guess he's busy.'' I called back and Bill huffed, making me laugh.

''Is that your date?'' James asked, referring to Bill.

''Friend.'' I answered curtly.

''So do you want to dance?'' he asked, cutting right to the chase.

''Sorry, I'm not much of a dancer.'' I told him, sparing him a flat out no.

''I'll teach you.'' he pressed.

''No thanks'' I answered.

''Come on live a little.'' he said, now moving blatantly closer.

I put two fingers to my neck so I could feel my pulse and then paused for a minute.

''Look at that, I just lived for a whole three seconds.'' I said sarcastically.

''Aw come on, please?'' he asked. As I was about to turn to him and make a remark that would forever scar his ego, Bill called me again.

''Are you ok?'' he asked and I nodded.

I turned back around to James who had a strange look on his face, but I brushed it off.

''Listen, I don't want to dance, get over it.'' I said.

''Fine, I'll go.'' he said and I readied myself for just about anything at that point, but instead he just turned and left. I stared after him for a minute, almost expecting him to come back, but he didn't. He went back to his friends and picked up the conversation.

Then the bartender came over. I asked for some ice, which he provided, and then went back to the booth.