Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Fourteen

''What did that guy want?'' Bill asked as soon as I sat down.

''To dance.'' I said, sipping my drink.

''And?'' he asked and I looked at him as if to ask 'are you really asking me that?' and he laughed.

''I told him I wasn't much of a dancer.'' I said, sipping again.

''You might not be, but it looks like Tom certainly is.'' Bill said, looking down to the dance floor where Tom, Gustav, and the group of girls they had 'adopted' were dancing.

Tom found himself in the middle of a circle of slightly intoxicated, gyrating girls and looked like he was loving every minute of it. They were all pushing against him as they danced and he looked like he was favouring the one who had linked arms with him earlier as he had his hands around her waist. She was a short brunette who was working him like a pole at this point.

''I guess that's being a rock star for you.'' I sighed as I turned back to Bill.

''What is?'' he asked, cocking his head slightly to the side.

''Tell me Bill, what is it like having girls fall all over you after just one little look?'' I asked and he laughed.

''Hey, it takes practice to pull off that look.'' he said and I laughed.

I was almost finished my drink now and I was feeling rather sick. I can hold my alcohol, so after one drink, I knew I shouldn't be feeling like this.

''What did you get me Bill?'' I asked, swirling the last little bit of my drink in the bottom of my glass.

''Why? Are you feeling ok? You don't look so good.'' Bill said, sounding concerned.

''I feel sick.'' I told him, putting my glass back down on the table and wrapping my arms around my stomach.

''Vince!'' Bill called and Vince turned around. He saw me and came racing over to the table.

''Something's wrong.'' Bill said, worry written across his face.

''What's she drinking?'' Vince asked as he put his hand to my forehead.

''Rum and coke, nothing strong.'' Bill told him.

Vince picked up my glass and swirled it around a bit.

''There's something in it'' he said and Bill went wide-eyed.

''James.'' I muttered.

''That guy?'' Bill asked and I nodded. My stomach was turning violently and I felt like I was going to throw up.

''I feel like I'm going to be sick.'' I groaned.

''We should take her back to the hotel. Where's that guy?'' Vince said and I pointed to the bar where James was talking animatedly with his friends.

''I'll call the car around and you take her out. I'm going to go have a chat with our little friend.'' Vince said getting out his cell phone.

He dialled a number and muttered something before closing it and then getting up.

''He's around back, no one needs to see you like this.'' Vince said sympathetically.

''Come on Mandy.'' Bill said, taking my arm and helping me up.

''I'm sorry.'' I groaned as we walked to the back exit, escorted by a bouncer.

''It's not your fault.'' Bill said, sounding almost angry.

''Are you mad?'' I asked.

''At him.'' he said and then muttered something under his breath in German.

We were outside and the light breeze felt great on my hot skin. Suddenly there was a pre-throw up sensation in the back of my throat that I couldn't force back anymore. I pushed Bill away from me, leaned into a bush beside the sidewalk and heaved. I hated throwing up, it was, in my opinion, one of the grossest things the human body did. My black hair swung forward and I tried desperately to hold it out of the way.

As I struggled with my hair, trying desperately to keep it out of the gross liquid coming from my mouth, I could feel someone beside me. Whoever it was, pulled my hair back into a ponytail and then rubbed my back soothingly.

When the gag sensation finally took a break, I was still feeling insanely sick to my stomach but, all the same, ready to stand up. I looked to the person who was rubbing my back. I half expected it to be Vince, but when I looked up, staring back at me were two beautiful brown eyes belonging to Bill Kaulitz.

''Oh great, Bill Kaulitz just saw me puke in a bush'' was the first thought that crossed my mind and I had never been more embarrassed in my life.

Even the time when Eden thought it would be funny to pants me in the middle of a McFly concert couldn't compare to how I was feeling now.

''Sorry.'' I apologized again and he chuckled sympathetically.

''It's ok, that's not the worst I've seen.'' Bill said as we walked to the car.

''Really? That was pretty bad.'' I said as he opened the door.

''You've never seen Tom wasted.'' Bill said and I couldn't help but laugh.

The driver took us back to the hotel and Bill walked me to my room. As Bill helped me to my bed, his phone rang.

''Hello…mmhm…oh really…she'll be happy to hear that…ok bye.'' was the half of the conversation I heard. I looked at Bill and he sighed as he pulled a chair to the side of my bed.

''Vince 'spoke' to James.'' Bill said.

''And?'' I asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

''He put antabuse in your drink, the conniving little bastard.'' Bill said and I was lost.

''It's a drug that makes you violently ill if you drink alcohol, so putting in your drink was a really low blow.'' he said, sounding disgusted at the thought of what James did.

''So I'm not going to die?'' I asked, trying to lighten his mood a bit.

''No you're not going to die.'' he chuckled.

''I can sleep right?'' I asked, unsure of what the side effects of this drug were.

''Yea.'' Bill answered.

''Thank god.'' I said and he chuckled. I turned down the sheets on my bed and started to take off my pants. Bill smiled and put a hand over his eyes, making me laugh.

I crawled under the sheets and felt a huge sense of relief as my head hit the pillow, it had been a long day. The nausea was starting to wear off and I was thankful for that.

''I'll leave you to sleep.'' Bill said, getting up and putting his chair back against the wall.

''Bill?'' I said and he turned around.

''Thank you.'' I said and he smiled. He walked back over to the bed and bent over.

''You're welcome, now sleep.'' he whispered and then gently kissed my temple. His kiss sent a wave of electricity over my body, almost completely wiping away any fatigue.

''Goodnight.'' he said as he walked towards the door.

''Goodnight.'' I sighed and closed my eyes.