Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Sixteen

''I'm hungry!'' Gustav whined.

''Be quiet we'll stop soon enough.'' Leah said from the front of the bus.

''Yea, we'll stop soon enough.'' Georg repeated in a teasing voice and Gustav whipped a ball of paper at him.

We had just finished a set of three shows and were now on our way to the next set. It was a quarter past five and we hadn't stopped for dinner, hence the whining.

After the 'almost' kiss between Bill and me, I would have expected things to be awkward, but it wasn't. We had gone on being great friends, acting like nothing had ever happened. Although there had been one awkward silence where Bill and I had just looked at each other, no doubt both remembering what had almost happened.

I was sitting with Tom, both of us with our guitars –mine had been bought for me by the boys for as they put it 'putting up with them'- and we were just playing, trying to find something that sounded good together.

Gustav, Georg, and Bill had started an X's and O's tournament which had turned into the three of them scribbling on a piece of paper as they made jokes in German.

I felt the bus start to slow and I looked out the window. We had pulled up in front of a Wendy's that's parking lot was virtually empty save for the cars of the staff.

''Finally!'' Gustav cried, running to the front of the bus. He bounced anxiously on the balls of his feet until Leah shut off the engine.

''Go!'' she said, opening the door and Gustav took off out the door.

''Any longer and he might have starved.'' Leah said sarcastically as the rest of us headed off the bus.

As we walked I was far too into the conversation that the three boys were having and wasn't watching where I was going. I tripped over the curb and fell flat on my but. The boys laughed and I stuck my tongue out at them.

''Like you've never fallen.'' I said sarcastically.

''Only for you.'' Tom retorted, batting his eyelashes.

He held out a hand to help me up and I smiled as I took it, but I had something other than standing up in mind. I pulled down hard on his arm, causing him to fall right next to me.

''Hey!'' he said. I laughed and jumped up.

''Now you've fallen for me twice.'' I said, winking at him and his jaw fell open in mock shock.

''You're gonna get it.'' he said, getting up and starting to chase me.

''Oh come on Tom! You're never going to catch me running like that!'' I teased and he rolled his eyes. Then he glanced over my shoulder and grinned but I knew better than to fall for something like that and kept my gaze on him.

''Oh I'll catch you.'' he called from half way across the parking lot.

''Or I will.'' Bill whispered in my ear, suddenly right behind me. His smooth voice rang through my ears, making me temporarily loose all motor functions and my knees go weak. How I remained standing will forever be a mystery.

The twins took advantage of my temporary mental unavailability and Tom sprinted across the parking lot, holding his pants up, and then the two of them squashed me in the best kind of sandwich, a Kaulitz twin sandwich.

''We love you Mandy.'' both twins said as though they were five and I was their kindergarten teacher.

''Love you- to- but can't –BREATH!'' I choked out as they continued to squash me.

They laughed and let go of me and I drew in a deep breath. Georg had already gone inside so the three of us walked in to meet them. Gustav was already sitting down and eating when we walked in and the three of us went to the counter to order.

The girl behind the counter was beet red as she took Georg's order and when Bill and Tom walked up she started to stutter uncontrollably. Clearly she knew who they were. Tom smiled at her and she looked as if she was going to faint at any minute. I rolled my eyes and ordered for the boys, afraid that if they actually spoke to her she might faint.

She disappeared behind the counter and I could hear her talking excitedly to whoever else was back there.

''You shouldn't do that to people Tom, it's not nice.'' I said and he chuckled.

''Watch this.'' he said as the girl came around with our food.

''Thanks.'' he said, winking at her as he picked up the tray. She looked like a dear in the headlights, one who was about to faint.

''Now that poor girl is going to spontaneously combust!'' I muttered on the way to the table and both boys laughed.

''You boys better eat up, we might not stop again until tomorrow morning.'' Leah said, suddenly joining us. She had a bag with her own dinner in it and Gustav looked at her questioningly.

''Why don't you just eat with us?'' he asked as she pulled out a salad.

''If I ate all the fast food that you guys do, do you honestly think my ass would look this great?'' she asked and Tom started to choke on whatever he had in his mouth.

Leah had told me about how even though he knew she was a lesbian, Tom still looked at her like as if he thought that if he stared enough she would be straight, and to top it all off, he thought she didn't see him doing it. We laughed as Tom choked and Georg slapped him on the back.

''And if her ass didn't look that great we wouldn't make out so often.'' I joked, winking at Leah who laughed and winked back. I hadn't told them I was bi yet, but Leah and I joked like that a lot anyways. Tom started to choke again and looked like he was going to cough up a lung.

''We love you Tom.'' we cooed and he glared at us.

''That's why you're trying to kill me right?'' he asked and everyone started to laugh.