Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Seventeen

''Ok do we have everything this time?'' Vince asked impatiently, looking particularly at Tom.

''Yes.'' everyone chimed.

''Good now lets go.'' he said, turning around and doing up his seatbelt.

We were on our way to Tokio Hotel's first of two shows that would be taking place this week. It was the last set before we would be back home and see Eden.

The first time we had all gotten into the limo, we pulled out of the parking lot, and were halfway down the road when Tom realized that he wasn't wearing the right hat. He said that it was lucky and that he couldn't go on without it. Tokio Hotel obviously needs a guitar player, so naturally we turned around to go and get it.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I took it out to find Eden's picture on the screen. I hadn't talked to her in a few days and I knew she would be getting excited about the show coming up.

''E!'' I said rather loudly considering the space we were cramped into.

''Mandy! What's up?'' she asked excitedly.

''We're on our way to a show, say hi to the guys.'' I said, putting her on speaker.

''HI!'' she squealed and the boys chuckled.

''Hi Eden.'' they said in unison. I took her off speaker and put the phone back to my ear.

''Well I'll let you get back to your 'show' things, I'll talk to you soon!'' she said.


''Bye!'' I said and then closed my phone.

I looked at the boys. Tom was talking to Georg, Bill was apparently listening to a very good song in his head and Gustav had his phone out and was texting furiously to someone, a grin plastered across his face.

''Who are you texting?'' I asked, leaning over and trying to get a look at his screen.

''No one.'' he said, quickly shutting his phone.

''Gustav has a girlfriend!'' Tom teased.

''Shut up!'' Gustav whined.

''Who is she?'' I asked, grinning.

''A girl.'' he mumbled and then jumped as his phone buzzed again.

''Aw come on!'' I said, trying to grab his phone.

''No!'' he said, reaching his arm as far as it would go so that I couldn't get it.

I leaned over his back and reached desperately for his phone that was just a little too far for me to reach.

''Help me!'' I laughed as I struggled for Gustav's phone.

''You're on your own.'' Georg said, sitting back with his hands behind his head. I mock glared at him and he chuckled.

I huffed as I gave up on trying to steal Gustav's phone and sat back in my own seat. I looked at Bill who looked like he was trying not to laugh at me and stuck my tongue out at him.

''Wait! I forgot my-'' Tom started but everyone looked at him, telling him that he'd better not finish that sentence.

''Never mind.'' he said, looking almost afraid of us as a mob and we laughed.

*~Ten Minutes before the Show~*

''Where's my pick! I can't find it!'' Tom said, looking wildly through his bag.

''This?'' I asked, holding up his pick and relief washed over his face.

''I love you.'' he said, taking it from me and then going to get his guitar.

''I know.'' I laughed.

''Mandy!'' Vince called from the door. I hurried over to where he was standing.

''We're going to do this concert a little differently. In front of the stage, its set up so that there's a walkway for security to move through, it's small but people can fit.'' he explained.

''And?'' I asked.

''I want you to take pictures of the people in the front row, and the band.'' he said, handing me a camera.

''Me? Don't we have photographers for that?'' I asked, taking the camera.

''He cancelled last minute. Good luck!'' Vince said and then disappeared out into the hallway.

''All of them?'' I asked no one in particular.

I heard a door open behind me and Bill walked in, his hair and makeup done, looking ready to go.

''Guess what?'' I asked.

''What?'' he asked, eyeing my camera suspiciously.

''I get to play photographer.'' I said and then snapped a picture of him. He laughed and posed as I took another picture.

As the other boys came out of their dressing rooms, I took pictures of them as well.

When Vince came to get the band to go and be ready to go on stage, instead of following them like I usually did so that I could watch from stage left, one of the security guards escorted me down a hallway to a door.

''Good luck.'' he said and I could hear the crowd screaming from the other side of the door.
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Now I know this chapter seems kind of unimportant, but its leading up to a much more eventful next chapter I promise!