Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Nineteen

I put on a nice smile and continued down the hallway towardsimpending doom Alex.

''Mandy!'' he called excitedly and I waved weakly.

''Hey Alex.'' I said as I reached where he was standing. I would have to go past him a little to reach the door to the lounge so there was no ignoring him.

''How've you been?'' he asked, pulling me into an awkward –on my part- one-armed hug.

''Good, touring is pretty fun.'' I told him, trying to move away without being obvious about it.

''So I guess I'll see you in a bit then?'' he asked as I swiped my card to open the door.

''See ya.'' I said, pushing the door open and practically jumping in.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I closed the door. I shook it off and went about my job, putting out drinks and stuff on the table.

When I was finished I called Eden. She was the only one who knew about my almost kiss with Bill and my night spent making out with Alex.

''Hello?'' she said, sounding tired.

''Hey E, I've got a problem.'' I said, sitting on the couch.

''Shoot.'' she said, sounding like she was waking up a bit.

''Ok well you know about that whole Bill thing right? And you know how I spent my time at Alex and Trevor's party right?'' I asked.

''Mmhm.'' she replied.

''Well guess who's got backstage passes and I get to spend the next few hours with?'' I asked and could almost hear her jaw drop.

''No way!'' she said, sounding shocked yet on the verge of laughing.

''Yea all three of us in a few hours of awkward secrets.'' I said and this time she did start to laugh.

''Oh shut up Eden.'' I said sourly, but in the most affectionate way possible.

I heard some loud voices in the hallway and it sounded like the boys were coming. Eden was still laughing a bit and I rolled my eyes.

''Ok they're coming I've got to go!'' I said hurriedly.

''Good luck.'' she sang and I closed my phone and shoved it back in my pocket.

''Hey! Mandy! You were right! Guys!'' Georg laughed as he walked in the room.

''But they're mostly girls.'' Tom said sourly and I laughed. How I suddenly wished they all were.

''Maybe you can find a hot date.'' Gustav teased, wiggling his eyebrows a bit and I smacked his arm as he walked by.

''She doesn't need a hot date, I'm all the man she needs.'' Tom said, putting an arm around my shoulders and making an attempt at a debonair smile.

''Oh yes Tom, you're all the man I need.'' I laughed, pushing him off me. He tripped over the edge of the coffee table and fell onto the couch and we all burst out laughing. He frowned like a two year-old as he straightened his hat.

''Alright guys here we go.'' Vince said, opening the door and waving to someone, presumably the security guards.

Within seconds, at least ten people spilled into the room. Eight girls, Trevor, and Alex. The girls were surprisingly lacking in blonde, there were only two out of the eight and the rest were all either brunette or had black hair.

The two blondes immediately veered towards Bill instead of Tom, which surprised me a bit, considering Tom seemed to be the usual favourite among blondes. The girls immediately started to fall all over Bill as if he was as easy as Tom. He said something and the girls started to laugh hysterically. Bill looked at me and rolled his eyes and I giggled.

Tom once again found himself sitting on the couch, girls surrounding him like bees to a flower, a big egotistic flower. Trevor and Alex along with the remaining girls, were standing in a group with Gustav and Georg.

I went over to where Vince was sitting and working away on his laptop. I sat next to him and we started going over scheduling details, hotel reservations, and a bunch of other stuff to do with the rest of the tour.

I went to get a bottle of water and passed Bill where he was now sitting with the two girls who had attached themselves to him. I heard him excuse himself and then got up and headed in the direction of the bathroom. Bill looked at me and nodded his head in the direction of the bathroom, telling me that he wanted me to come. I stifled a grin and followed discreetly behind him.

When I got into the bathroom, Bill was sitting on the counter, swinging his legs.

''Having fun?'' I asked with a smile and he rolled his eyes dramatically.

''Those two are not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier if you know what I mean.'' Bill said and I laughed.

''I figured as much. When I walked by, one was asking the other what your name was.'' I laughed and he smacked himself in the head.

''Hey at least they're hot though.'' I said, sitting on the counter next to him. He jumped down and stood in front of me.

''Looks aren't everything, I'd rather be able to have a coherent conversation with someone.'' he said, putting on hand on either of my legs and leaning on me.

''Bill?'' a ditzy voice called from the other side of the door. Bill rolled his eyes and I laughed.

''Your public awaits.'' I said and he chuckled.

He stepped back from where he was leaning on me on the counter and looked hopelessly towards the door. I looked towards the door on the other side of which stood the girls who would be draped across Bill in a matter of minutes. At that thought, a wave of resentment towards the two girls washed over me and I scowled slightly at the door. Bill must have seen the look I gave the door because he grinned.

''Don't worry about them, they'll be gone in a few hours.'' he said and I smiled.

''Besides I'm much more partial to girls with dark hair.'' he said, twirling a strand of my black hair between his fingers. I blushed furiously and he grinned before leaving the bathroom.

I left the bathroom shortly after Bill did, once I was sure that my face wasn't red anymore. When I left the bathroom, I noticed the groups had changed a bit. Tom and a few girls were still on the couch, Bill and his two newest best friends were now standing by the bar, but the big group that had been Alex, Trevor, Gustav, Georg, and a few other girls was now gone, they had split up into smaller groups.

I went over and sat on the couch where Bill had been before. It was starting to get late and I was tired from running back and forth across the front of the stage all night, this must have been what the boys felt like after a show.
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This chapter is the first of a set of two, so the next one will pick up right where this one left off.