Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Two

I woke up the next morning in a haze. Did yesterday actually happen?

''Can I have your number?'' Bill asked, sliding open his phone.

I was still stunned from the fact that he had kissed me and forming entire sentences was beyond my current capacity.

''Sure.'' I said, which was good enough.

We traded phones and I saw him take a picture of himself before programming his number in. As if I would forget who he was. I did the same, thinking that I would be more likely to be forgotten, and then handed him back his phone.

''I'll call you.'' he called over the noise as he turned back towards his laughing brother and the two of them headed back towards the car.

''I believe you now.'' Eden said, turning to me, an incredulous look on her face.

''Mandy!'' Eden squealed as she ran full speed into my room and jumped on my bed.

''AH!'' I screamed as she almost bounced me out of the bed.

''Did he call?'' she asked frantically, reaching for my cell phone.

''Did he?'' I asked as she looked through my call history.

Her face fell slightly and she put my phone back on my nightstand. I can't say I wasn't surprised, it was Bill Kaulitz and I could only imagine all the girls' numbers he had on his phone.

''Guess not.'' I sighed and tried to turn over to go back to sleep.

''What was it like?'' she asked, waiting intently for my answer and looking like a five year old waiting for story time.

''What was what like?'' I asked, playing dumb.

''Amanda. Yesterday Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel kissed you…on the mouth! So don't you dare ask me what I'm talking about.'' she said, folding her arms as she finished.

I grinned at the memory. I remembered every second of it, how close he got, and then the feeling of his lips on mine. It was bliss, but how do you describe that to your antsy roommate?

''It was…'' I trailed off, thinking of a word.

''Was?'' she prodded.

''It was like watching the birth of Christ and then the young god looks into your eyes and says his first word and it's you name.'' I thought and then laughed.

''Good?'' I said, more like asked.

''Good?'' Eden asked, sounding almost at my lack of detail.

''Amazing, blissful, complete ecstasy! Better?'' I laughed and an ear-to-ear grin spread across her face.

''Much better.'' she said and I laughed.

''Well now that you're happy, I'm going back to bed.'' I said, letting my eyes fall closed again.

''Nope! You've got to take the movies back before noon!'' she sang as she scrambled off my bed.

''Why can't you?'' I whined.

''Because I have a lunch date.'' she said proudly and then skipped out of my room.

I groaned into my pillow and then rolled –quite literally- out of bed. I trudged over to my dresser in search of something to wear. I would have much rather stayed in bed and relived yesterday over and over, but apparently, I had movies to take back.

I got dressed in some skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. It was the beginning of summer and not much else was necessary. I grabbed my ipod off my dresser and then headed for the kitchen.

Eden's door was closed and I imagined her in there, tearing apart her closet in search of something she could wear on her date.

I got a bowl of Lucky Charms and then sat down at the island in the kitchen of our apartment. I flipped aimlessly through the newspaper as I ate. All of a sudden, I heard a loud bang from the inside of Eden's door, making me jump.

Her door opened and she stepped out.

''I am ok!'' she said, holding her hand up and I laughed.

''How do I look?'' she asked, doing a quick twirl.

''You look hot!'' I said, my mouth half full of cereal.

''Really?'' she asked and I nodded.

''Thanks! If you think I look good, imagine what Brendon's going to think.'' she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Let's take a step back. If you're wondering why Eden values my opinion like that, its because I'm bisexual.

Yea, I go both ways.

''So where are you two going?'' I asked as she poured a glass of orange juice.

''Beats me, he wanted to 'surprise' me.'' she said happily.

I finished eating and washed my bowl.

''Alright, I'm going to take these movies back. Good luck with your date.'' I said, grabbing the bag of movies and heading for the door.

''See ya!'' she said.

I put my earphones in and pushed the button for the elevator. When the '3' light lit up, the doors opened and I stepped inside. I pushed the ground button , but just as the doors were about to close, a hand pushed into the doorway and they opened again.
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Ooh! Cliffhanger! The next one will be out soon though!