Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Twenty

Alex must have noticed me sitting alone and jumped at the chance. He came over and sat next to me. He clearly wanted to talk to me, but I couldn't figure out why, he was here with Tokio Hotel. I spent everyday with them so it was nothing new for me, but for him, this was a once in a lifetime thing, yet there he was, sitting next to me on the couch.

''Having fun?'' I asked as he sat down.

''Yea these guys are actually pretty cool.'' he said.

''Try annoying.'' I said and he laughed.

''So the question is are you having fun?'' he asked.

''I don't think I've ever had more fun working, this is the best job I've ever had.'' I said, laughing a bit as I said it.

''I'm glad you're happy, even if it does mean not seeing you around the building so much.'' he said with a grin.

''So why are you guys all the way out here anyways?'' I asked, turning slightly towards him as I brought my knee up underneath myself.

''Road trip.'' he said with a grin. As he grinned I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was. I mean he had nothing on Bill, but his smile still seemed to make my insides melt a little.

I sat talking to Alex for most of the night. It turned out that we had a lot in common and that he was rather charming.

''Favourite band as of now?'' he asked. He was now sitting with one arm across the back of the couch and we were turned towards each other.

''Tokio Hotel.'' I grinned.

''And not just cause I work for them.'' I added.

''Because they're great in bed right?'' he asked and we both burst out laughing.

''Alright everyone I hate to break up the party, but these boys have got a long day tomorrow.'' Vince announced and a resounding 'aww' rang through the room.

There was a lot of noise as everyone said their goodbyes and shuffled towards the door. I went and got the tour shirts that we gave to everyone who had backstage passes to hand out at the door.

I stood at the door, handing out shirts and smiling sweetly at everyone as they left. Trevor went out early, but Alex was at the back of the line. When he got to the door he stopped.

''Call me, we'll be in town for a few days, maybe we can hang out.'' he said as I handed him a shirt.

''Yea, maybe.'' I teased and he laughed.

Then he did what I had been dreading all night.

He pulled me against his –amazingly built and tanned- body in a one armed hug and pushed his lips gently against my cheek, dangerously close to my lips. I felt my face turn a deep scarlet as he smiled and left.

I didn't want to turn around to face the boys, I was dreading their reactions, but I had to. I turned slowly, my face still a deep red, to see all four band members staring at me, each with a slightly different look on their face. Gustav and Georg were grinning like idiots and Tom looked almost proud, but it was Bill's expression that I feared the most. He looked like he wasn't sure what he should be feeling.

''Woo! Looks like Mandy's getting some!'' Tom hooted and I blushed even more.

''It looks like I'm rubbing off on you after all.'' he said, putting an arm around my shoulders.

''Shut up.'' I said, rolling my eyes and pushing him away.

''Yes, yes Mandy can attract the opposite sex just as well as you Tom, now can we go?'' Vince asked and the boys chuckled.

For once the limo wasn't parked right outside of the doors and we had to walk across the parking lot. I was quite far ahead and Bill ran up to walk with me.

''So who was that?'' he asked, cutting to the chase.

''Alex.'' I said simply and he raised his eyebrows.

''He lives in my building.'' I said, not really wanting to divulge just how well we knew each other.

''Oh.'' Bill said but I could hear the curiosity burning beneath his single syllable.

''So are you going to call him?'' Bill asked, one of the many questions no doubt bouncing around his head.

''Probably not.'' I shrugged and Bill's mood seemed to lighten.

''Besides, who needs him when you've got a gorgeous German rock star.'' he asked playfully, wiggling his eyebrows and putting an arm around my shoulder. Clearly he hadn't forgotten about what started our argument that morning in his room.

''Oh you're gorgeous alright.'' I laughed, rolling my eyes. Without even thinking about it I put my arm around Bill's middle and we continued to walk like that.

''WOOOO!'' someone hooted from behind us and I felt myself blush again. Bill rolled his eyes and flipped them off which made me laugh.

All of a sudden, there was an arm around my waist and I looked over to see Tom with a mock hurt expression on his face.

''How could you leave me for him?'' he asked dramatically.

''I'm sorry Tom, you just weren't enough man.'' I said and suddenly his mocking expression turned to one of a crushed ego. The other three boys doubled over with laughter.

''I'll give you enough man!'' he said and then started to tickle me. I squealed and ran out onto the grass beside the parking lot.

''Tom you're just not fast enough.'' I said, making it sound like there was an underlying meaning to my witty comment and the other boys continued to laugh hysterically. He mock glared at me as he took off across the grass after me.

I ran and hid behind Georg, almost completely hidden.

''Save me!'' I squealed and Georg did a little superman pose, making me laugh.

''Who's side are you on? I thought we were friends!'' Tom said as Georg kept himself between Tom and me.

''Face it Tom, I have one thing you'll never have.'' I said, still hiding.

''Oh and what's that?'' he asked, trying to reach around and grab me.

''Boobs!'' I exclaimed and everyone burst out laughing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry about the slightly lame ending, I was so stuck with it.
Hope you liked it anyways!