Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Twenty-two

''Mandy, stop bouncing, you're moving the bus.'' Leah said, putting a hand on my leg.

''Sorry, I'm just excited.'' I said, ceasing my bouncing for a minute.

I was sitting in the front of the bus with Leah as the boys slept in the back. It was around six in the morning and they were all very objective to actually being awake. After we left the hotel, they had all crashed on the bus.

I, on the other hand, was wide-awake and absolutely ecstatic. Today we'd finally be back where we started in my city, and I couldn't wait to see Eden.

The band was doing three shows and a spot on another talk show, although I was slightly more excited for this one. Eden was a makeup artist, and the show the boys were going to be on was coincidentally the she worked for.

''So how much farther is it from here?'' I asked and Leah laughed at my impatience.

''It's about-'' she started but was cut off when her phone started to blast 'Barbie Girl' from her purse. The boys were asleep in the back and they slept like logs so we weren't too worried about the noise.

''It's a text, can you get it? I have to drive'' she said and I nodded and dug her phone out of her purse.

''Hey baby, can't wait to see you. Call me when you get here. Xo –Nikki.'' I read and she blushed a bit.

''Ooh, sounds like someone's got a girlfriend.'' I said and she giggled.

''We keep it casual cause I'm on the road so much.'' Leah told me.

''That's so cute. I wish I had someone to call me baby.'' I sighed and she laughed.

''I think you and me have different ideas about who that someone should be.'' she said, referring to the fact that she was a lesbian.

''Not very.'' I said and she gave me a questioning look.

''I'm bi-sexual.'' I told her. I was open about my sexuality but it had never come up in conversation since I'd met Leah and the boys.

''No way!'' she said.

''Way.'' I laughed.

''Really?'' someone asked from behind us. I turned around to see a wide-eyed Tom who had been listening to our conversation.

''So Leah must turn you on as much as she does Tom.'' Gustav said and I laughed.

Tom had gone and woken up everyone with his news about what he'd heard me say and the boys had proceeded to start in on a line of questioning. They'd asked about boyfriends and girlfriends, when I realized that I liked boys and girls, and now, if Leah turned me on. Leah was gorgeous, but she was too much of a friend for me to think of her like that.

''I don’t think anyone gets as turned on as Tom.'' I said playfully and he glared at me.

''We're friends and I just don't think of her like that.'' I said.

''But we still make out like horny teenagers!'' Leah called from the front.

''Really!'' Tom said hopefully and we all burst out laughing.

*~Ten a.m.~*

''WE'RE HERE!'' I squealed as we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel.

I started to look around for Eden. She had said that she would meet us here for the obvious reason that pulling up outside our building in a tour bus would cause a scene. She was standing outside of the main building and her eyes lit up when she saw the bus.

I stood at the door, waiting anxiously for Leah to stop the bus. When she finally put the bus into park I flew out of the door and b-lined towards Eden.

''EDEN!'' I screamed as we crashed together in a hug in the middle of the parking lot.

''MANDY!'' she screamed.

''I missed you so much!'' I said as we hugged.

''Me to! How was it? Was it fun? Do you have pictures? Where are the boys?'' she asked, looking over my shoulder.

''They're coming.'' I said as I turned around to.

The boys were sleepily climbing off the bus and Eden and I walked back to the bus.

''Hey guys!'' Eden said excitedly and the boys smiled.

''Hi Eden.'' they answered as a whole. They were all still half asleep. After the novelty of my new found –for them- sexuality wore off, they had gone back to bed.

Vince had appeared out of nowhere and was suddenly standing beside me.

''So Mandy are you staying here with us, or are you going to stay at your apartment?'' Vince asked.

''I'm going home! Sorry guys, but I can't wait to sleep in my own bed.'' I said and Vince chuckled and then went to get the keys for the boys' rooms.

''I'm hungry.'' Gustav whined.

''You guys could come to our house for lunch!'' Eden offered excitedly.

''Unless you don't want to.'' she added.

''We'd love to.'' Tom answered for the group and Eden's face lit up.

Vince got a car to drive Eden and me home and the boys told us they'd be over around noon, after they had all their stuff put into their rooms.

''Ah! It's so good to be home.'' I said, dropping my bag as soon as I got in and then falling onto the couch. It was then that I noticed how inexplicably good our apartment smelled.

''E? Have you been baking?'' I asked, poking my head up from the couch.

''I needed something to do while you were gone.'' she shrugged.

''Cookie?'' she offered and I jumped off the couch.

''Now you get to help me make lunch.'' she said. She went to the closet and pulled an apron out of it that had an angry muffin screaming ''IMMAEATCHOO''.

''Now that's sexy.'' I laughed.

''Oh I make it sexy.'' she said, wiggling her eyebrows.