Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Twenty-three

''Just cause you see it in a movie doesn’t mean it's true.'' Eden said, rolling her eyes.

''I know I'm just saying that if you decided to run around in your underwear I would have no objections.'' Tom said with a grin and Georg slapped him upside the head and Eden blushed slightly.

''Enough about Tom and his sorority fantasies.'' Bill said rolling his eyes.

''Mandy can you show me where the bathroom is?'' he asked and I nodded.

We got up from the table and I showed Bill to the bathroom near the front door as the one attached to both mine and Eden's bedrooms was 'out of commission'.

As I started to walk back to the table, there was a knock at the door. I turned on my heel and went to answer it. I opened to see a –naturally- half naked Alex standing in the doorway.

''Hey Alex.'' I said, trying hard not to stare at his –toned- body.

''Hey Mandy, what's up? Eden told me you were coming home today.'' he said.

''Nothing, just having lunch.'' I said, nodding my head in the general direction of the dining room although you couldn't see the table from the front door.

''Alright, well then I'll keep this short. I was wondering if you want to do something Friday night?'' Alex said hopefully.

A thousand thoughts rushed through my head, the most predominant being 'What about Bill?'. I found that one a little odd considering we weren't together or anything. Some part of me wanted to go with Alex, saying that he was a great guy and would make a good boyfriend. But then there was my other half that kept screaming Bill's name, although at the moment I had no clue why. I was so confused.

Either way, I didn't want to be mean to Alex, so after a moment of indecision, I decided that I would go with Alex, just to see. My conscience felt better giving Alex a chance, even if it was still screaming Bill's name.

''Yea, that sounds great.'' I said.

''I'll pick you up around seven?'' he asked more than said.

''Sounds like a plan.'' I said and he smiled.

''I'll see you then.'' Alex said, smiling and then leaving.

I heard the lock click on the bathroom door and then Bill came out, looking almost upset. Didn't we have any paper? I smiled and he returned it weakly, barely meeting my gaze.

''Are you ok?'' I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

''I just have a headache.'' he said and we continued back to the table.

''So what's on the agenda for the rest of the day boys?'' Eden asked, starting to clear the table.

''They're doing a spot on your show.'' I reminded her and she looked as if someone had just turned on a light.

''Right! I knew that.'' she laughed, continuing to clear the table.

Tom suddenly stood up and started to take things off the table. Everyone else –myself included- stared at him as if he had just sprouted an extra head and a tail. Tom had never helped clean up after anyone.

''What?'' he asked and we continued to stare as he walked to the kitchen with the dishes he was holding.

Eden had started to run water in the sink and was starting to wash the dishes. She was standing at the sink and Tom went to put the dishes in, innocent enough…right?

Lest we forget ladies and gentlemen we are talking about Tom Kaulitz, who by definition, is the opposite of innocent.

He went up behind her to put the dishes in the sink, putting one arm on either side of her as he reached for the sink, leaning so that his cheek was touching hers. She froze instantly and I could almost hear her heart pounding in her chest. He put the dishes in the sink and then whispered something in her ear before pressing his lips to her cheek and lingering for just a second too long.

I was watching the drama unfold, wide-eyed. I had no idea how Eden was still standing at this point.

Tom walked back over to the table, a smug grin plastered across his face. Georg rolled his eyes and Tom shrugged as if to say ''What?''.

''Mandy, could you uh, dry these for me?'' Eden asked, not turning around.

I hopped up from my chair and went over to the sink, grabbing a towel as I went. I looked at Eden. I had never in my life seen her face so red. It was as if every drop of blood in her body had gone to her face when Tom kissed her.

''You saw that right?'' she asked as she handed me a plate.

''Yea.'' I said, drying the plate and giving her a questioning look.

''Good, for a minute I though I was dreaming.'' she said and then started to grin uncontrollably.

*~Bill's P.O.V~*

The mirror in their bathroom was huge. It wasn't really a surprise considering that two girls lived here. As I washed my hands I heard someone knock on the door, not the bathroom door, but the door to the apartment.

I heard Mandy's voice and then a guy's. I knew it was rude to eavesdrop, but as I dried my hands, I couldn't help but overhear.

''Hey Alex.'' I heard Mandy say and I was surprised when a light wave of spite towards him washed over me. I moved towards the door and stood, listening.

''Hey Mandy, what's up? Eden told me you were coming home today.'' he said.

''Nothing, just having lunch.'' Mandy said.

''Yea, with us, now leave.'' a voice inside me piped up.

''Alright, well then I'll keep this short. I was wondering if you want to do something Friday night?'' Alex said hopefully and a part of me wanted to throw open the door and punch him.

''Yea, that sounds great.'' Mandy said and I felt the blood drain from my face.

''I'll pick you up around seven?'' he asked more than said.

''Sounds like a plan.'' she said and I got a turning feeling in my stomach.

''I'll see you then.'' Alex said and I heard the door close.

I didn't know why I was feeling like this. I didn't have feelings for Mandy…did I? No! she was just a friend…at least that's what I'd been telling myself.

''You can't deny it.'' a voice cooed inside of me and I wished it would just shut up.

Even if I did have feelings for Mandy –which I definitely didn't- she had just agreed to go out with him. Clearly she didn't feel the same way.

I opened the door and Mandy was still there. She smiled at me and I tried to return it, but that must not have worked to well because she stopped me.

''Are you ok?'' she asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

''I just have a headache.'' I lied and we went back to the table.
♠ ♠ ♠
I went back and changed this chapter, nothing major, just moving her date with Alex back to Friday to accomodate my story line.