Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Twenty-five

*~Wednesday Night (Second Concert)~*

''Are you sure you didn't leave it at the hotel?'' I asked Tom as we searched wildly around his dressing room for his guitar pick. Sure they had lots, but this one was special.

''Yes! I put it in my- oh. Ha ha look at that.'' Tom said, pulling his pick out of his pocket.

''You're a bright one alright.'' I sighed, rolling my eyes.

''Yet you still love me.'' he said, puckering his lips at me.

''Not really.'' I said, pushing him away by the forehead as I walked by.

''Well fine.'' he muttered as I walked out and I laughed.

Bill had gotten over his 'headache' yesterday morning and was out in the main room talking to everyone. I went out and sat next to him on the couch.

''Hi.'' I said as I flopped down.

''Hi!'' Bill said, smiling again. It wasn't the rehearsed smile I'd endured all of Monday, it was his smile. Although his eyes seemed happy again, they seemed to almost fall when he saw me.

I joined their conversation about nothing in particular. Tom sat down next to me, his cell phone out, texting someone and looking rather like Gustav when he had his phone out.

''Who are you texting?'' I asked, trying to get a look at his screen.

''A girl.'' he said, sticking his tongue out at me.

''Oh I didn't see that coming.'' I said sarcastically and he laughed.

''Come on guys ten minutes!'' Vince said from the doorway and all the boys got up.

I followed the boys out to the side stage, where they got all their microphones and were outfitted with their instruments. Bill did a few vocal warm ups and I couldn't help but laugh, he made the weirdest noises. He stuck his tongue out at me and I winked at him.

*~Thursday Night (After the third concert)~*

''And then he fell-''

''I jumped.''

''He fell down the stairs, and landed right on top of me!'' Bill laughed and Tom folded his arms, mumbling something about jumping.

It was after the last concert in the set of three, and my second last night at home. We were in the lounge with the fan girls and for once, everyone was in one big group. I was sitting next to Bill on the couch and Tom was sitting across from us, pouting like a two year old.

All of a sudden, Tom jumped and then took his phone out of his pocket. He quickly read over the message and a grin spread across his face. He got up and went over to Vince. They started to talk quietly and then Vince nodded and Tom left.

You heard me right, Tom Kaulitz left a room full of overeager fan girls. Why? I had no clue.

''Where's he going?'' I asked Georg who smiled.

''He's got a date.'' Georg said and I suddenly felt very out of the loop.

''With who?'' I asked.

''A girl.'' he said and I mock glared at him.

Now I couldn't wait to get home, I had to tell Eden about this. She'd either be crushed, or have a hate that burned like a thousand suns toward whoever he was with.

''Alright girls, I'm afraid I've got to get these boys to bed.'' Vince said after what felt like ever.

They said their goodbyes and then left. I jumped up and bolted to the door.

''There's a car waiting.'' Vince said as I left.

''Thank you!'' I called back.

When I got in the car I couldn't sit still, I had to talk to Eden.

When we pulled up in front of my building, I practically jumped out of the moving car. I pushed the button for the elevator and bounced on the balls of my feet as I waited for it. When it finally came, I got inside and pushed the button over and over, hoping that somehow it would make the elevator go faster.

When it stopped, I ran out of the elevator and down to my apartment. I unlocked the door and then opened it.

Not all the warning in the world could have prepared me for what I was about to walk in on, although in a way I think I knew it was coming.

I opened the door and the lights were dimmed. There were the remnants of a very good smelling dinner on the table and I didn't see anyone…at first.

I looked to the living room and my jaw hit the floor.

There on the couch, on top of a very content looking Tom Kaulitz, was Eden and the pair of them were making out like horny teenagers who had just discovered French kissing. His hands were all over her and she was straddling him.

''Eden!'' I gasped. They both froze.

''MANDY! CALM DOWN! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!'' Eden said, jumping off of Tom and holding her hands up as if she was under arrest.

Tom looked almost embarrassed that he had been caught in such a compromising position, although Eden looked almost proud.

''What are you doing?'' I said, laughing a bit.

''I was- well we were- uh.'' Tom stuttered.

''I was making out with Tom Kaulitz you got a problem?'' Eden asked, her hands on her hips and I burst out laughing.

''I came home to tell you that Tom was on a date, but clearly you already knew that.'' I said and she grinned.

''I'll be in my room.'' I said and disappeared into my bedroom.

''Talk about an interesting night.'' I thought as I changed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter jumps around a bit, but I wanted to get in that bit about Eden and Tom aswell as pushing up the date so that I could get on with Mandy and Alex's date.