Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Twenty-seven

''Aren't all the beaches around here gross and over crowded?'' I asked as I got into Alex's silver Ford Mustang convertible.

''Most of them are, but not the one we're going to.'' Alex said as he started the car.

''And which one are we going to?'' I asked and he smiled.

''That's for me to know and you to find out.'' he told me as we drove.

''So what's it like?'' Alex asked.

''What's what like?'' I asked.

''Touring with Tokio Hotel! I mean, that's got to be some kind of amazing.'' he said and I laughed.

''Really, once you get to know them, they don't seem like big famous rock stars anymore, just regular guys who are annoying and funny and so stupid.'' I said with a laugh.

As we drove, Alex continued to ask me little questions about the boys and what it was like being on tour with Tokio Hotel. It turns out that they were one of his favourite bands.

The sun was just beginning to set as we pulled onto a small side road. There were trees on either side of the road and I couldn't see very far ahead because of how the road twisted.

''Where does this road go?'' I asked, suddenly concerned that he was going to take me out to a cottage in the middle of nowhere and kill me.

''You'll see.'' he said with a grin.

''Should I be afraid?'' I asked and he laughed.

''Only if you're afraid of water.'' Alex said as we finally pulled past the trees and my breath caught in my throat.

Ahead of us was the most beautiful beach scene I had ever seen in my life. the water looked so clear compared to the horribly dirtied beaches that I was used to seeing around here and it seemed to have no end.

To the left of us there was what looked to be a surf shop, but turned out to be a small, tiki restaurant. It was raised off the beach and there was a patio that jutted out over the water. It was accented with colourful lights and torches and I could hear soft Hawaiian music playing from where we were.

The sun was just about to set, which only added to the beautiful scene before my eyes.

''Alex it's beautiful!'' I said as we got out of the car.

''I know.'' he said, taking my hand.

I was snapped out of my trance by the feeling of my hand in his. Somehow, it didn't ignite the same feeling as it would have before the revelation I had had earlier. I pretended to cough and removed my hand from his in order to cover my mouth. I smiled sweetly at him as I folded my hands behind my back and continued to walk.

''So we're going there for dinner?'' I asked, referring to the restaurant in front of us.

''Yea, I'm pretty friendly with the owner.'' he said. There were no other cars around and I assumed that we were going to be the only ones here.

''Alex! It's good to see you!'' a man with a heavy Hawaiian accent said as we approached the restaurant.

''Freddy! How are you doing?'' Alex asked with a smile as we walked up the stairs towards the door.

''Not too bad. I see you've brought someone tonight!'' Freddy said happily.

''Yea, this is Mandy.'' Alex said, gesturing towards me.

''Welcome to Freddy's Beach Side Bar and Grill.'' he said, stepping out of the doorway and gesturing to the inside of the restaurant.

Alex and I walked in and then Freddy followed. He grabbed two menus and then smiled before leading us out to a spot on the patio.

''Wow, this is so beautiful.'' I said as we sat down.

We were sitting near the end of the patio and looking out over the endless water.

''So are you.'' Alex said and I smiled sweetly.

Clearly, telling him I just wanted to be friends wasn't going to be as easy as I'd thought.

After we'd ordered, the food came faster than any other place I had ever eaten and we were finished in no time. Alex and I ordered coffee and sat talking for a while.

''So what's the worst thing that's happened so far on tour?'' Alex asked.

''I would have to say, getting drugged and then throwing up in front of Bill Kaulitz.'' I said and Alex raised his eyebrows, urging me to go on.

''I shot this guy down, and he put something in my drink that made me violently ill and then on the way out of the club I threw up…in a bush…in front of Bill.'' I said and Alex looked like he was trying not to laugh.

''Shut up!'' I said, throwing a napkin at his face. It was silent for a minute as we both took a drink and then Alex spoke.

''So you're leaving tomorrow?'' he more stated than asked.

''Yea.'' I told him.

''What're you going to do after the tour? Stay with them? move to Germany?'' he asked.

''I've never really thought about it to be honest.'' I said and suddenly found myself thinking about what it would be like after the tour.

''You want to go for a walk?'' Alex asked, looking to the beach and then back at me.

''Sure.'' I said with a smile. I hadn't walked on the beach in ages.

Alex left some money on the table, with a more than generous tip, and then we headed down towards the water.

I slipped my shoes off and carried them as we walked through the wet sand. The sun was completely set now and the only light was coming from torches that dotted the shoreline and there was a soft breeze blowing. It was like something out of a movie, where two people are walking down a beach and then they profess their love for each other, only, I wasn't with the right person.

The water started to reach where we were walking and it was shockingly cold for such a nice looking body of water. I shivered slightly and jumped out of the water.

''Oh come on it's not that cold.'' Alex laughed and I stuck my tongue out playfully at him.

''Yes it is.'' I said and he rolled his eyes.

All of a sudden, he got a wild look in his eye and he grinned at me. I was very afraid.

He started to veer farther out into the water until it was up to his ankles.

''Oh Mandy dearest?'' he said and I stopped walking.

''What are you doing?'' I asked, backing away from the water and he grinned wildly.
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This chapter is one in another set of chapters that I wrote all at once so the next chapter will be posted later today.

Thanks to everyone who's subscribed and left me comments, even if you're just reading without leaving comments, I very much appreciate it!