Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Twenty-eight

He bent down and scooped up some water in his cupped hands, not a lot, but enough to make an effect upon impact.

''No! No! No! No! No!'' I squealed as he threw the water at me.

''You wet me!'' I said in a mock shocked voice and he laughed.

''Hardly.'' he said, rolling his eyes playfully.

''Look at this.'' I said, pointing to a damp spot on my shirt.

''I'll show you wet.'' he said and then ran at me. I squealed and tried to run away.

He grabbed me around my waist and I dropped the shoes that I was still holding. He carried me out to the water and I tried to get away.

''Let me down! Let me down!'' I said and then immediately regretted it.

''Ok.'' he said and then put me down into the ankle deep cold water. I shivered and then we both started to laugh.

''You're priceless.'' he laughed and I grinned.

I turned my head and looked out over the water, but I could feel Alex's eyes on me.

Now every romantic beach scene, comes fully loaded with a romantic beach kiss, and there's no way to avoid it without shattering the other person. Alex was a great guy and this was not going to be fun.

''Mandy.'' Alex said and I turned back to him. He was staring at me with warm eyes and I knew what was coming.

''I like you a lot Mandy.'' he said quietly, looking into my eyes.

He started to lean in towards my face and I knew I was going to have to bite the bullet and get the shattering over with.

''Alex,'' I said, turning him my cheek.

''I can't, I'm sorry, I just don't feel that way about you.'' I said softly.

''What?'' he asked and I could hear the hurt in his voice.

''I don't feel the same way Alex.'' I said, looking anywhere but at his face.

''Then why would agree to go out with me? Are you just that cruel of a person? At least if you had rejected me I wouldn't have made a fool of myself!'' he said, his voice coloured with anger and sadness.

''I'm sorry, I didn't know when I agreed to go out with you that I felt this way about someone else.'' I said.

''How could you do this?'' Alex said and it was like a slap in the face. He really was a great guy, and I wished I didn't have to do this to him.

''I'm sorry Alex, I'm sorry.'' I repeated.

''Whatever.'' he spat and I finally looked at his face, he looked hurt, embarrassed and angry. It made my stomach turn to think of what I'd done to him, but I couldn't choose who I fell for.

''I'm leaving, have a nice life.'' he snapped and then left towards his car.

''How am I supposed to get home?'' I asked, walking slowly after him.

''Like I care!'' he snapped bitterly without even turning around.

I picked up my shoes and watched him get into his car and drive away, leaving me there. As the realization that no one knew where I was, or how to get here slowly hit me, I started to panic a bit.

''What am I going to do? How am I going to get home? I could go and ask Freddy. No, he saw that and he's Alex's friend, he probably wouldn't speak to me.'' I thought hopelessly.

Then I remembered something that my phone company had sent me about a GPS function being available for trial on my phone for the next two months. At the time I had labelled it as something I'd never use, but now I was grateful.

I took my phone out of my bag I opened the GPS feature. It took a minute, but my phone soon found my location on the map. I was on the Bosani beach. I'd never heard of it before and I was almost positive that no cab driver had either.

Now that I knew where I was, the problem was getting home.

Eden didn't have a car, the studio she worked for provided one to pick her up and drop her off. I could call Vince, but he might say something to the boys. Part of me didn't want them to know about my predicament, especially Bill. There was only one other person I could think of that would come and pick me up off some random beach in the middle of nowhere at ten o'clock at night. He wouldn't exactly be happy to hear about my situation, but asking him to come get me would be better than staying here alone.

I scrolled through my contacts until I found his number. I pushed send and held my breath as the phone rang.

Finally a familiar voice answered.
