Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Three

I felt my face turn a deep red as an extremely good-looking brown haired guy stepped into the elevator and smiled at me. Did he live in our building?

He stood on the other side of the elevator and it was silent. I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye and I blushed a little more, but kept my eyes on the lit numbers in front of me.

The elevator doors opened again when we got to the ground floor and I left in one direction and he in the other.

I put my iPod on random and started to walk towards the video store.

A few blocks away from my building there was a small newsstand that had newspapers and every magazine you could think of.

Eden was definitely a fan of the gossip magazines and this was where she usually got them. I hadn't seen this week's edition of her magazine in the kitchen so I decided to pick up a copy for her.

I wove through the people blocking the way between me and the newsstand. I looked over all over the magazines, trying to remember which one was the one Eden liked, when something caught my eye.

They were yellow letters written across a pink background and my eyes widened as I read.

''TH Lead Singer Stops for a Smooch! See page 5!''

I grabbed the magazine off the rack and yanked it open to page five.

There sprawled across the top half of the page, was a picture. Not just any picture, but a picture of me and Bill Kaulitz kissing outside the back of the concert hall.

There was a smaller picture on the bottom half of the page of Bill and me exchanging cell phones and there were captions under either of the pictures.

''First the kiss…'' was under the first.

''And Then he asked for her number!'' was under the second.

I started to blush uncontrollably as I read the small excerpt in between the pictures that called me 'maybe more than just a fan' and speculated about our 'relationship'.

I quickly paid for the magazine and headed back in the direction of my apartment. I hurried down the sidewalk, dodging people and hearing a few disgruntled remarks.

I pushed the button repeatedly as I waited for the elevator. As I stepped in, I prayed that Eden hadn't left yet.

I bounced on the balls of my feet until the doors opened again and then I raced down the hall to the apartment that I shared with Eden. I twisted the knob and it was unlocked.

''Eden!'' I yelled, running to her room.

''What!'' she asked frantically, looking like she was ready for a masked killer to be chasing me.

''Look!'' I shrieked, holding up the magazine.

''That's you!'' she said, taking the magazine from me.

''And Bill!'' she added as she read.

''E! I'm in a magazine kissing Bill Kaulitz!'' I squealed and she squealed with me.

She went silent for a second and then looked at me with a new light in her eyes.

''Would you sign this for me?'' she asked and we both burst out laughing.

''Do you think he's seen it?'' she asked as I sat on the bed and she read the small article yet again.

''Beats me.'' I shrugged.

''So are you ever going to call him?'' she asked, sitting next to me.

''Probably not, I mean he's probably forgotten about me already.'' I sighed.

''He's probably got hundreds of girls numbers in his phone.'' I added as an after thought.

''Yea but how many of them do you think he kissed in front of a few hundred people?'' she asked with a slight grin and I smiled. She was right about that.

I flipped open my phone and started to scroll slowly through my contacts…backwards.

''So you think I should call him?'' I asked.

''Chyeah!'' she said and I let out a small laugh. I had found his number and I was brushing my finger lightly over the 'talk' button.

''What am I going to say? Hi, remember me? I'm the girl you kissed in front of three hundred people.'' I said.

''Sounds good to me.'' Eden said, absently twirling a strand of hair and I chuckled.

''Here goes noth-'' I started, ready to push talk, but was cut off when my phone started to vibrate with and incoming call. Bill's picture popped up and I almost stroked out.

''AH! Look!'' I shrieked, showing her the screen of my vibrating phone.

''What do I do?'' I asked, slightly freaking out. Bill Kaulitz was calling my cell phone, I had every right to freak out.

''Answer it!'' she commanded and I immediately pushed talk.

''Hello?'' I said, sounding much calmer than I felt.

''Hi Mandy it's Bill.'' he said cheerfully. His voice was so smooth even on the phone and he really needed no introduction.

''Oh hi!'' I said.

''How are you?'' he asked.

''I'm fine.'' I answered.

''So I called because I was wondering what you're doing Thursday night.'' he said and I blanked.

''Hold on let me check.'' I said and then covered the mouthpiece on my phone.

''What are we doing Thursday night?'' I asked Eden in a hurried whisper.

''Nothing that I know of.'' she said and I smiled.

''I'm not doing anything on Thursday night.'' I told him.

''Well what would you say if I asked you to come to dinner with us? I mean, me and the rest of the boys.'' he asked and my breath caught in my throat.

''I'd love to!'' I said, sounding a little shaky from the sudden excitement.

''You'd love to what?'' Eden asked quietly.

''So I'll pick you up at five?'' he asked.

''Sounds good.'' I answered, even though five seemed a little early.

''I'll see you then.'' he said.


''Bye.'' he said and hung up.

''What sounds good?'' Eden whined. I could feel an ear-to-ear grin spread across my face.

''Bill Kaulitz just asked me to go to dinner with him and the rest of Tokio Hotel!'' I said quickly and she squealed.

''Just you and them?'' she asked, wide eyed.

''Yea!'' I squealed.

''When? Where?'' Eden prodded.

''Thursday at five and I'm not sure where.'' I told her.

''Well considering its Monday, I don’t think you're going to make it through the week.'' she grinned and I rolled my eyes.

''I'll so make it.'' I said and then both of us started to laugh.

My phone buzzed again, startling me. Bill's picture popped up again, his irresistible smirk begging me to answer.

''Hello?'' I answered again.

''Hi, it's Bill again. I forgot to tell you that if you want to bring a friend you can, I mean being alone with four guys makes most girls uncomfortable.'' he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

''Actually I know just the person.'' I said, grinning at Eden who's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

''Alright I'll see you Thursday then.'' he said again.



''So E, what are you doing Thursday night?'' I asked and she squealed.

''I love you! I love you! I love you!'' she shrieked.

''I know.'' I sighed and she laughed.
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Sorry it took a little bit to update, but all of my teachers have decided that it's fun to swamp me with homework and assignments so the updates might be relatively slow, although I do have the next few chapters written, it's the typing I can't seem to get time for. Anyways, thanks for reading!