Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Thirty

''Come on guys let's get a move on!'' Vince said as he helped the boys get their stuff to the bus.

''We're coming!'' Gustav said as he wheeled his suitcase to the bus.

''Mandy! Tom! Let's go!'' Vince called.

''Just waiting on Don Juan here!'' I called back, folding my arms and Eden flipped me off.

We were leaving today and Tom and Eden were trapped in a heated lip lock in the parking lot of the hotel. Bill was already on the bus and I hadn't had a chance to talk to him yet. I couldn’t wait to tell him about my newly discovered feelings and find out if he felt the same way. I hoped desperately that he did.

Georg had just put his suitcase on the bus and was standing on the steps, looking at Tom and Eden and rolling his eyes.

''Little help?'' I asked and he laughed as he ran over to where we were standing.

''You grab her and I'll get him.'' Georg mumbled and I nodded and stifled a giggle.

I went up behind Eden and Georg went behind Tom. He counted to three on his fingers and then we both grabbed the person we were standing behind and pulled. Tom started to thrash, trying desperately to get out of Georg's death grip and Eden squirmed furiously.

''No! No! No!'' Tom called as Georg dragged him to the bus.

''Goodbye Eden!'' Georg called and Eden waved bitterly.

''I hate you.'' she said, turning to me.

''Aw, I love you too Eden and I'm so glad to know you'll miss me.'' I said and she laughed.

''Have fun, I'll miss you, call me.'' she said, engulfing me in a hug.

''Miss you!'' I called as I walked towards the bus.

''Finally.'' Vince mumbled as I climbed on the bus.

''Sorry.'' I said and he nodded.

''Alright Leah are we ready to go?'' Vince asked.

''Ready when you are.'' Leah said.

''Then let's move this tin can.'' Vince said and Leah started the bus.

Vince did a quick head count and then left the bus to get in his own car.

We followed him out of the parking lot as usual and then we were on our way to our next destination.

Bill was sitting talking quietly to Tom in German and I was practically dieing to tell him. I went over and tapped him on the shoulder.

''Bill can I talk to you for a minute?'' I asked.

''Can it wait? I'm kind of busy.'' he said.

''Oh, alright.'' I said, although I didn't really believe he was busy, but then again, I had no clue what they were talking about.

I went to the front of the bus and sat next to Leah in the passengers seat. I looked out the window and was rather surprised when I realized that we were already in the middle of nowhere on some barren highway.

''What's up buttercup?'' Leah asked and I giggled.

''I need to talk to Bill, but it appears as though he's eaten some sour grapes.'' I said and Leah chuckled.

''What do you need to talk to him about?'' she asked. I got up and closed the door separating the driver and passenger seats from the rest of the cabin.

''Can you keep a secret?'' I asked and Leah nodded.

''I have…feelings for Bill.'' I said and she understood right away.

''Really? How long?'' she asked.

''I realized last night, right before my date with another guy.'' I said regretfully.

''Oh my.'' she said and I nodded.

''And the best part is, I don't think he wants to talk to me because I went on a date with that other guy.'' I said.

''Did anything happen with the other guy?'' Leah asked.

''No, oh except the fact that I shattered his dreams by telling him that I didn't feel that way about him.'' I said.

''You need to tell Bill that.'' she said.

''How am I supposed to tell him when he won't talk to me?'' I asked.

''Tell him its important.'' she said.

''Wish me luck.'' I said, getting up from my seat.

''Good luck.'' she said as I opened the door.

Bill was sitting with Gustav now, talking in German. I went and stood in front of them.

''Bill, I need to talk to yo- AH!'' I screamed as the bus suddenly jumped and sent me flying into Bill's lap.

He looked down at me and I blushed profusely, although his eyes still seemed sad as he looked at me. I stood up and walked to the driver's cabin. We had pulled to the side of the road and Leah looked rather flustered.

''What was that?''
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Ooh! Cliffhanger! Just for anyone who didn't know / is wondering, Don Juan is pronounced Don Wan and he was a real ladies man.