Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Thirty-one

''What was that Leah?'' Gustav asked as all five of us moved towards the front of the bus.

''I think we blew a tire.'' Leah said. She tried to restart the bus, but instead of turning over, it made a loud popping sound and we all jumped.

''That jolt must have rocked the engine just a bit too much.'' she said, undoing her seatbelt.

She hit the switch to pop the hood and then got off the bus. She called Georg to give her a hand as she opened the hood of the bus. Now, I don't know much about cars, but something told me that smoke wasn't good. Leah swore loudly and then came back on the bus.

She took out her phone and called Vince.

''Yea we broke down.'' she said.

''I don't know.''

''The only way we're going anywhere is if these boys got out and pushed.''

''Alright bye.' she said and hung up.

''So?'' I asked.

''Vince found a gas station not too far from here. They're also a towing company; apparently a lot of people break down out here. They're going to send someone to get us.'' she told us.

''What are we supposed to do until then?'' Gustav asked.

''Anyone got cards?'' Leah asked.

''Strip poker!'' Tom said just a little too eagerly.

''No!'' Leah and I answered at the same time and then we all started to laugh.

After about half an hour of playing various card games, there was a loud noise coming from outside the bus. I looked out the window and a giant truck size tow truck was there.

''Finally!'' Leah said, getting up.

We all got off the bus, knowing that we would have to ride in the truck, and followed Leah towards the tow truck.

There were two people in the truck, although I could only make out their shapes through the grungy windshield. The driver's door opened and a young guy with cropped black hair climbed down. He was nothing special, but what climbed out of the passenger's side no doubt made everyone's jaw drop.

She was a strawberry blonde, at least a D cup, with a pair of legs that would drive anyone crazy. She was wearing a tight blue t-shirt with the name of the towing company on it and a pair of shorts that looked like they used to be jeans before someone took a pair of scissors to them and cut them just above the knee. Something deep inside of me was praying she went both ways.

''Hi I'm Erin.'' she said, holding her hand out to Leah.

''This is my brother Toby. I'm more of a mechanic, he just drives the truck.'' Erin said and Leah's eyes widened.

''This is Tokio Hotel, their manager's assistant Mandy, and I'm the bus driver Leah.'' Leah said, gesturing towards us as she said our names.

''Yea I've heard of you guys, you're a German band right?'' she said and the boys nodded.

''I'm Georg I play bass, that's Gustav our drummer, Tom our lead guitar, and that's our lead singer-''

''Bill.'' Bill interjected, stepping forward to shake her hand. She smiled at him and every feeling of lust I had had for her two minutes ago was obliterated with four small words.

''Nice to meet you.'' she said.

Now, this wouldn't have been so bad, had she not said those four words in German, so it sounded more like:

''Nizza zum treffen sie.''

The only reason I understood was because of what I remembered from the short German lessons the boys had given me.

All the boys seemed to light up when she suddenly started speaking their language.

''Sie sprechen Deutsches?'' Bill asked excitedly.

''Wenig.'' She responded and I suddenly wished I had taken German instead of wood shop.

Bill's eyes were bright as the two of them talked and laughed in German. There was pure anger and hate towards this Erin inside me, threatening to boil over any minute.

''Just breath.'' Leah whispered in my ear, putting a hand on my shoulder.

''I know.'' I said through gritted teeth.

''Mandy, you alright?'' Georg asked, looking particularly at my hands. Only then did I notice they were balled into fists.

''Fine.'' I said, shooting yet another hateful glare towards Erin.

Georg looked at Leah as if to ask what was wrong and Leah mouth a quick ''I'll tell you later''.

Toby started –with no help from Erin- to attach the bus to the truck and I watched him closely, trying desperately not to look at Bill and Erin.

''All set.'' Toby said, tapping loudly on the bus.

We all moved towards the cab of the giant tow truck, Erin and Bill seemingly attached at the hip. The cab of the truck sat five –and unusual number, I know- meaning that two people would be sitting on someone's lap. I quickly volunteered, as did Leah, knowing that the only other option was Erin, and we all knew where she would sit. I climbed in and sat on Gustav's lap and Leah on Georg's.

As we drove towards the gas station, Erin and Bill were speaking a mix of German and English, so I only picked up half of the conversation.

''No way! You're on your way there! I would love to see that city!'' Erin said suddenly and several alarms went off inside my head.

''Well you could come with us! You could stay with us while we're there and then your brother could bring you back here.'' Bill said and the alarms in my head were replaced by a deafening silence.

''Did he really just invite her with us?'' I though and prayed that I was wrong.

''Oh this is going to be fun! I've never been on tour before.'' Erin giggled, confirming my fears.

Erin was coming on tour with us.