Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Thirty-three

''Thank you! We love you all!'' Bill called and the audience screamed before the band exited stage left.

''That was amazing!'' Erin said, jumping up and wrapping her legs around Bill.

''Thanks!'' Bill said, kissing her on the cheek and I almost threw up.

Erin had been with us a grand total of three days and so far, she and Bill had been as inseparable as peanut butter and jam. It made me sick to look at them. It was more then obvious that they liked each other, although the extent of their 'relationship' –if you could call it that- was still fuzzy.

''Good job guys!'' I said, trying to out happy Erin. Bill –who had put Erin down-, smiled his appreciation, a post show reaction that I was not used to and cut like a knife. Something on my face must have shown because Georg and Gustav both suffocated me with a bear hug at the same time.

''Thanks Mandy!'' they said happily.

''Come on guys, we’ve got fans to meet.'' Vince said, ushering us towards the lounge.

''Mandy can you go ahead and get everything ready while the boys shower?'' Vince asked and I nodded.

''I'll help! Unless you boys want me to shower with you.'' Erin said and I swear my ears started to burn.

''Thanks Erin, go help Mandy.'' Vince said and Erin smiled sweetly. Was I really the only one who could see past the innocent smile to the home wrecker hiding beneath?

I rolled my eyes and hurried to the lounge, hoping she'd get lost on the way.

''Mandy!'' Vince called down the hallway and I stopped and turned around.

''I've got a surprise for you when you're finished!'' he called and I nodded. Now I was slightly anxious to finish setting everything out.

''So Mandy, I never did ask how you got this job.'' Erin said, walking beside me. She'd hardly said two words to me since we met, let alone asked any questions about my life.

I didn't know whether or not to tell her the truth about how I had met Bill and the rest of the boys, but then again, why the hell shouldn't I?

''I was at one of their concerts and totally out of the blue, Bill walked up to me and kissed me. Then a few days later he called and asked me to dinner, which turned out to be a concert and then they offered me this job.'' I said, making sure to emphasize that he had picked me without me having to throw myself at him.

''Oh, so you guys were never like together right?'' she asked, seemingly unscathed by my attempt to scar her ego.

''No.'' I answered bitterly and she seemed pleased.

''Can you keep a secret?'' she asked and I put on a fake smile.

''Definitely.'' I said as we walked into the lounge.

''Well I know I haven't exactly known him for that long or anything, but I really like Bill, and I think he likes me to.'' she said, whispering the end.

The look on her face said that she was expecting me to be immensely happy for her and share in a squeal fest. Clearly, she was oblivious to my hateful stares and the string of profanities that emitted from my mouth then I saw them together.

''Really?'' I asked, somehow keeping up a happy charade and she nodded excitedly.

''Well I can't wait to see how this all turns out for you.'' I said and she smiled, probably assuming that I meant I wanted it to turn out well for the pair of them. Secretly, I hoped she would go insane and throw herself off a bridge, but she didn't need to know that.

I went about my job, setting everything out and making sure the room was tidy. Erin mostly just hovered over my shoulder. I had this down to a fine art, I did not need help from the likes of her.

''Great job Mandy.'' Vince said as he came in behind the boys.

''Don't you have some kind of surprise for me?'' I asked playfully and he smiled.

''Yes actually.'' he said and then stepped out of the doorway.

''EDEN!'' I shrieked.

''MANDY!'' she squealed and we caught each other in a hug.

''What are you doing here?'' I asked happily.

''Touring, apparently, Mr. Kaulitz doesn't like too many makeup artists.'' Eden said with a grin, glancing over to Tom.

''I'm just happy you're here!'' I said, hugging her again.

''Hi guys!'' she said when I let go of her.

''Hi Eden.'' all the boys answered in unison.

Erin looked rather left out as she stood next to Bill with her arms folded and a rather sour look on her face.

''Who's that?'' Eden asked, nodding towards Erin.

''Eden this is Erin.'' I said, gritting my teeth slightly as I said her name. It left a bad taste in my mouth. Eden seemed to immediately know that I had hostile feelings for Erin just by the way I said her name.

''Hi I'm Eden, Mandy's best friend.'' she said, smiling at Erin.

''I'm Erin, no title.'' she said sweetly.

''If we get anymore people on this tour, we're going to need a bigger bus!'' Gustav said with a chuckle.

''Or we could just get rid of some.'' I mumbled to Georg and he fought back his laughter.

I looked around the room, suddenly Tom was gone.

''Where did Tom- oh.'' I laughed as Tom swooped Eden up into a heated kiss.

''Whoa, talk about PDA.'' Erin laughed and Eden flipped her off.

''This should be interesting.'' I thought and laughed darkly to myself.
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Thanks SO much guys for the comments you've been leaving about the last few chapters! It makes me smile when I hear how into my story you are!