Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Thirty-five

Eden and Georg raced down the hall ahead of me. They stopped at Bill's room and knocked. Naturally Erin was still in there.

''Hi can we talk to you?'' Eden said when she opened the door.

''I was kind of-'' Erin started but Eden cut her off.

''Perfect!'' she said, pulling Erin out of the room by her arm.

I watched them walk her down the hall and then get her in the elevator. What their plan was, I had no idea.

''Erin?'' Bill asked, now standing at his door.

''Try Mandy.'' I said and he jumped a little.

''Mandy are you alright? What's going on? Are you ok?'' he asked frantically. Part of me knew he still cared, but that was greatly overshadowed by the fact that he was probably sleeping with Erin.

''I'm fine, I was just feeling a little sick, but I need to talk to you.'' I said and he nodded.

We went into his room and sat on his bed. I took a deep breath and tried desperately to avoid his gaze.

''It's about Erin.'' I said and Bill looked slightly confused.

''Seeing you and her was like…it made me…'' I couldn't get the words out right.

''What are you trying to say Mandy? You can tell me anything.'' he said, his brown eyes catching mine for a second and temporarily mesmerizing me. Yea, like it was that simple.

''Seeing you with Erin, it just…hur-'' I started but was interrupted by screaming in the hallway.

''What are you trying to do! Get away from me!'' Erin shrieked.

''Get back here!'' I heard Eden yell. Oh god, what was she doing?

''Bill!'' Erin screamed, running into the room.

''What's this?'' she asked, just realizing that Bill and I were in here alone, on his bed, unconsciously leaning towards each other.

Eden and Georg made it to the door, looking slightly out of breath. Eden mouthed 'sorry' with a pained expression on her face. Clearly their plan had fallen through.

''Nothing, Vince just sent me to ask if Bill needed anything before the party tonight.'' I said with a fake smile.

''Oh.'' she said, disbelief colouring her tone.

''I'll see you later.'' I said, getting up and walking towards the door.

''Mandy?'' Bill said and I turned around, half hoping that he would send Erin out and profess his undying love for me, or better yet, do it right in front of her.

Erin knelt on the bed behind him and wrapped her arms around his middle, resting her head on his shoulder.

''Never mind.'' he said, although the look on his face said there was something more.

I sighed and walked out into the hallway.

''Sorry.'' Eden said as we walked back to Georg's room.

''What did you guys ever do to her?'' I asked.

''I just thought she needed a little hair cut.'' Eden said sweetly and I started to laugh. I pictured Eden chasing Erin down the hall with a pair of garden sheers and started to laugh harder.

''So what did he say?'' Georg asked as the three of us sat on his bed.

''I didn't tell him.'' I admitted.

''Why not?'' Eden asked.

''Erin came back just as I was about to say something.'' I said and Eden narrowed her eyes.

''I told you we should have tied her to the chair!'' she said and I couldn't help but laugh. Even if I was completely shattered on the inside, Eden could always make me smile.

''What time is that party at?'' she asked suddenly.

''I think it starts at ten, but we probably won't go until midnight.'' I told her and she looked to the clock on the nightstand.

''We've only got three hours to get ready! Come on! Let's go!'' she said, grabbing my hand and puling me towards the door.

''I'll see you later!'' I called to Georg as Eden pulled me out into the hall.

''So what are you going to wear? You've been to one of these before. What do you think I should w-AH!'' she squealed as she was suddenly pulled into a room.

''I'm going to borrow this.'' Tom said, holding Eden around the waist.

''Have fun.'' I laughed.

''Oh we will.'' she said, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I walked back to my room. Three hours was enough time for Eden, but way too much for me. I preferred to be scrambling at the last minute as opposed to ready too early with nothing to do.

I went into my room and hit random on my iPod. I laid down on my bed and Rescue Me started to pulse from my speakers. How fitting. I put my pillow over my head and let myself fall into the music.