Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Thirty-six

''Mandy? Mandy wake up!'' a voice called and I groaned in response.

''Mandy you've only got an hour left to get ready!'' the voice belonging to Eden told me and I jumped out of bed.

''Why didn't you wake me up sooner?'' I asked frantically, grabbing a towel and running for the bathroom.

''I was uh busy.'' she said with a cute little grin.

''I'm sure you were.'' I laughed.

''Do you need help?'' she asked from the bathroom door as I started to rid myself of my clothes.

''Yea can you pick me out something to wear, and get me Bil- a blow drier?'' I asked, stopping myself halfway through Bill's name. Throughout the tour, we had grown accustomed to using each other's stuff, but that was before she happened.

''I'm on it.'' Eden said, leaving the bathroom.

I got in the shower and washed as fast as humanly possible while still making sure I was clean. When I got out, I wrapped myself in a towel and went out to my room. Eden wasn't there, but there was an outfit laid out on my bed.

I got dressed and then started to pull a brush through my hair. Eden still wasn't back with the blow drier so I started to do my makeup. There was a knock at my door, which was odd, Eden had a key. I opened the door to see Georg standing there with a blow drier.

''Eden told me to bring this to you.'' he said, handing me the blow drier.

''Thanks, why couldn't she bring it?'' I asked, walking back over to my mirror.

''She got a little tied up, and sadly, I mean that in the most literal way possible.'' Georg said, shaking his head disapprovingly.

I laughed and turned the blow drier on. As I started to dry my hair, I noticed that Georg was still standing there. I shut off the drier and turned to him.

''Did you want a tip?'' I asked playfully and he laughed.

''It's just, you look nice.'' he said with a smile.

''Thanks.'' I said and then kissed him on the cheek.

After that he left. I knew that Georg's compliment didn't mean anything other than its face value. He wasn't looking for something in return, he just knew I was feeling down, and he was the friend who wanted to fix it. That was what I loved about him.

I finished drying my hair and ended up with five minutes to find Eden. I grabbed my stuff and left my room.

I was about to knock on Tom's door when there was a loud bang from the other side like something had been thrown against it.

Suddenly I was worried. Was he mad at her? Would he get physical about it? Or worse, was she mad at him? I knew for a fact that she would get physical about it.

I knocked on the door and there were some hurried whispers from inside.

''No not yet!'' I heard Tom say but all the same the door opened.

''Yea?'' a rather out of breath Eden said and I gave her a questioning look. She looked as if she had been caught doing something bad.

''What was that noise?'' I asked, trying to see past her.

''Uh nothing.'' she said and I rolled my eyes.

I pushed the door open all the way and started to laugh at the site in front of me. Standing just behind the door was Tom, frantically trying to put his shirt back on.

Oh they were getting physical alright.

''So that bang was…'' I said, trailing off into laughter.

''I like it rough.'' Eden admitted in a mumble and I laughed harder.

''Was there some reason you're here?'' Tom asked after pulling his shirt over his head.

''Yea, we have to go.'' I said, still laughing a bit.

''Let's go then!'' Eden said, grabbing Tom and dragging him out of the room.

Georg and Gustav were just coming out of Georg's room at the same time as we were leaving Tom's and the five of us walked out to the limo together.

Vince got in the front seat and turned around to do a head count.

''Where's Bill?'' Vince asked and I grinned to myself at the fact that he hadn't asked about Erin.

The door to the limo suddenly opened and Bill and Erin jumped in, both slightly out of breath.