Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Thirty-seven

''Sorry.'' Erin said, not trying very hard to conceal her grin.

''Alright now let's go.'' Vince said.

As we started to drive, Erin started to reapply her lip-gloss, grinning at Bill as she did. I made a disgusted noise in the back of my throat, folded my arms and looked the other way.

When we pulled up to the club, I could already see the cameras flashing outside the limo.

''Big smiles.'' Vince reminded us and everyone plastered on their best, rehearsed smile.

Gustav got out of the car first, followed by Tom and Eden. Bill and Erin got out next and I could hear the reporters screaming questions at them. Georg slid out next and I expected to walk out alone until he turned around and offered me his hand.

''Miss.'' he said and I smiled. Georg really had become my best friend on the tour, other than Eden.

He helped me out of the car and we linked arms as we walked towards the door of the club that was pulsing with music. As soon as they say us come within two inches of each other, the reporters started to go nuts.


''Georg! Is this your girlfriend?''

''Miss! What about Bill!''

We simply smiled and shook our heads, although the questions about Bill and me did sting a little.

When we got inside, a bouncer escorted us to our booth. Bill, Erin, Tom, Eden, and Gustav were already there. Georg and I sat down across from Bill and Erin. Bill smiled at me and I returned it, which almost seemed to make his smile grow.

''Do you want something to drink?'' Georg asked, whispering in my ear to be heard over the music.

''Surprise me?'' I said and he nodded.

He got up and went to the bar. He was followed by Gustav who, instead of getting a drink, went to a group of girls that had been making eyes at him.

The song that was pulsing through the club suddenly changed and Eden's eyes lit up. It was one of her favourites. She leaned over to Tom and started to whisper quickly in his ear. He smiled and nodded and then she grabbed his hand and the two of them climbed over me and headed out to the dance floor, earning Eden several dirty looks from girls at the bar.

Georg came back and set my drink down in front of me. Almost as soon as I had thanked him, a girl came over and asked him to dance. He looked at me as if to ask permission and I smiled encouragingly.

As soon as he left, I realized why he was asking if he could go. He had just left me alone at the table with Bill and Erin.

Erin turned to Bill and asked him to dance.

''I'm not really a dancer.'' he said and she sighed, though it didn't look like she had given up.

''If she knew anything about him she would know that he's not a dancer.'' I thought bitterly.

All of a sudden, the song changed from the upbeat dance song to a slow song, in a way only a request could have done.

''Oh come on, this is a slow one. Please?'' Erin begged but he caught me by surprise when Bill looked at me.

We made eye contact for a second and it looked almost as though he was asking me to dance with his eyes. Before I had time to decipher the hidden meaning in his eyes, there was a hand on my shoulder.

''Möchten sie tanzen?'' Georg asked.

''What?'' I asked and he laughed.

''Do you want to dance?'' he asked. I looked to Bill but he didn't seem too concerned with what I was doing as he spoke in Erin's ear.

''I'd love to.'' I said and Georg took my hand and we walked out to the dance floor.

Georg put his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck. He pulled me close and I rested my head against his chest and then for the first time in a while, I just forgot about the world around me.