Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Thirty-eight

*~Bill's Point of View~*

''Bill do you want to dance?'' Erin asked me hopefully. I didn’t' want to say no but I had good reasons. For one I wasn't a dancer, that was more Tom's thing, and second, I just couldn’t bring myself to leave Mandy alone at the table.

Since earlier today in my room, I hadn't been able to put Mandy out of my mind. The look on her face when she walked in on me and Erin, the longing in her voice when we were talking, it all kept dancing around my mind. It was almost maddening. I felt horrible that she had seen Erin and me like that, it was hard to explain, but some part of me didn't want her to see me with anyone else.

''I'm not really a dancer.'' I said and she sighed.

The song suddenly changed to a slow one and I could see couples forming on the dance floor.

''Oh some on this is a slow one, please?'' Erin begged.

I looked at Mandy sitting alone across the table and the voice inside me screaming her name had never been louder. Part of me was secretly hoping that she would lean across the table and ask me to dance, but after what she had seen earlier, I was surprised she had even spoken to me.

Out of nowhere, Georg came back to the table and started to whisper in Mandy's ear.

''Please Bill? Just one dance?'' Erin asked again. It was really starting to bother me. If she knew me as well as she thought she did, She would know I'm not a dancer.

''Erin, I'm sorry I don't want to dance. I'm not a dancer.'' I said, trying to make my tone sound final.

''Fine.'' she said bitterly, slumping back in her seat.

I looked back to where Mandy was sitting, or at least to where she had been. I looked around and saw her making her way out to the dance floor with Georg.

''I thought she wasn't a dancer either.'' I thought, an odd wave of sadness washing over me.

Georg wrapped his arms around her waist and she rested her head on his chest and I suddenly found myself very jealous.

''Why can't that be me?'' one voice inside of me spoke my true feelings.

'''Because of her.'' another voice piped up and I knew it was true.

The reason I didn't have Mandy was because I had Erin.

The twisted pieces of the puzzle that had become my life over the past little while all seemed to fall into place as the realization of the truth kicked me between the eyes. Even though I had been focussed on Erin lately, the feelings for Mandy still burned like an out of control forest fire, and I was starting to think that she felt the same.

I only realized that I was leaning awkwardly out towards the dance floor when Erin wrapped her arms around me from behind and started to kiss my neck. I suddenly found myself put off by her touch and wishing that she would just go away.

''Erin. Stop.'' I said, trying to break out of her hold.

''Oh come on, if you're going to make me sit here, let's at least have some fun.'' she said, running her nails lightly up and down my chest.

''Erin,'' I said, grabbing her hands.

''Stop.'' I commanded and pushed her hands back towards her.

I turned my gaze back to Mandy on the dance floor –but not before seeing the bitter look on Erin's face- and wished I was out there with her.

*~Erin's Point of View~*

I wrapped my arms around Bill and started to kiss his neck.

''Erin. Stop.'' he said, trying to break out of my hold.

Bill had seemed strangely upset all day, well at least since Mandy had walked in on us.

''Oh come on, if you're going to make me sit here, let's at least have some fun.'' I said, running my nails lightly up and down his chest.

''Erin. Stop.'' he said, taking my hands and pushing them away from him and I was hurt.

I had never really been rejected in my life. Girls were too intimidated by my looks to ever try anything, and guys were too…well you get the picture.

Bill turned around and stared out onto the dance floor. I followed his gaze and suddenly I knew the source of my problems with him.

And her name was Mandy.