Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Thirty-nine

''Eden, get off my face.'' I mumbled.

''Sorry.'' she said, a grin plastered across her face. She rolled off of me and laid next to me, then sighed a loud happy sigh.

''So what exactly happened last night?'' I asked, propping myself up on one elbow to look at her.

Last night, when we came back from the club, I had seen Tom walking Eden to her room, however I hadn't heard his door –that was across from mine- open again until early this morning. She sighed loudly again and I rolled my eyes.

''E!'' I said and she giggled.

''Ok!'' she said, a cute smirk stuck on her lips.

''So at my door we kinda started to get into it, if you know what I mean and then he just didn’t leave.'' Eden said, being very vague on the details.

''And?'' I prodded.

''No I didn't sleep with him! What kind of girl do you think I am?'' she asked, trying to sound offended. I raised my eyebrows at her as if to say 'seriously?' and she laughed. Every girl on this planet would be a slut for Tom Kaulitz. End of story.

''He has to work for it.'' she added proudly and we both started to laugh.

''Oh I'll bet he's working alright.'' I laughed.

''But the feeling was amazing, just lying there in his arms, him stroking my hair, waking up to his smile, it just makes me all tingly.'' she said, squirming to express her feeling.

''And his eyes! Mandy, have you ever seen a pair of eyes like those!'' she sighed.

''Yea…I have.'' I muttered quietly. I had seen eyes like his, identical to his, just on someone else…

''Oh, right.'' Eden said, realizing what I meant.

''What's going on with you two anyway? Did you talk to him at all last night?'' she asked and I shook my head.

''No, I spent most of the night with Georg.'' I told her and she nodded.

''Mandy, you just need to tell him! Just walk up to him and say 'Hey! Bill Kaulitz! Yea you! I like you, I like you a lot! Now kiss me!' it's not hard.'' she said and I rolled my eyes playfully.

''Yea cause I can go up to Bill Kaulitz and tell him to kiss me.'' I said and she nodded enthusiastically.

''Be like 'hey! I let you kiss me in front of everyone, you owe me'.'' she said, whispering the word 'owe' in an evil voice and I started to laugh.

''I never get him alone, so even if I did by some miracle get the courage to say that, I wouldn't be able to.'' I said and Eden's grin suddenly seemed rather mischievous.

''He's alone now, there you go.'' Eden said.

''How do you know?'' I asked, narrowing my eyes at her.

''Cause Erin's at the drug store, GO!'' she said, saying the first part very quickly.

''How do you know?''

''Cause I might have stolenherbirthcontrol.'' Eden mumbled and my eyes went wide.

''You did what!'' I asked, starting to laugh.

''Nothing! All I'm saying is that her period is most definitely here.'' she said sweetly and we both started to laugh.

''So are you going to go?'' she asked excitedly.

''I look like a hobo.'' I said, making excuses.

''Here's a brush, no go!'' she said, pushing me out of bed,

''Fine!'' I said, trudging to my mirror.

I wanted to tell Bill how I felt, I was just nervous. I wanted, but didn't want to see his reaction. What if he didn't feel the same? What if I had tricked myself into seeing what I wanted to see? I mean, he was with Erin now.

''You know he feels the same, now brush your damn hair.'' Eden said as if she had read my mind, but more likely the expression on my face.

The phone on the table next to my bed started to ring and it made me jump. I saw Eden look to the phone and I jumped across my bed to answer it before she could.


''Hi Mandy, I just wanted to remind you that we're going to a shoot this morning and to let you know that we're taking the bus. The photographer called this morning and said he wanted to do some pictures in it.'' Vince said through the receiver.

''Alright, I'll get ready.'' I said and then we both hung up.

''We're taking the bus to the photo shoot this morning.'' I said, hopping off the bed and going to find some clothes.

Eden was suddenly right behind me and she spun me around by my elbow.

''Amanda, if you get on that bus and haven't told him, I swear I'll throw you both off.'' she said and I knew she wasn't lying.