Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Four

''Ahh! We're going out with Tokio Hotel!'' Eden screamed and then started to jump on her bed.

''Now who's not going to last until Thursday?'' I asked with a grin and she laughed.

I felt rather sorry for Brendon at this point. Eden wasn't going to shut up about this until it happened, at which point she would brag as often as possible.

I personally, couldn’t wait.


''Ahh! Where's my black shirt!'' Eden screeched from her room.

''The back of your door.'' I sang, flipping aimlessly through the channels as I sat on the couch.

It was finally Thursday, the night we would get to hang out with Tokio Hotel. I had been ready for a good half an hour now; Eden on the other hand, was having a few problems.

''Where the hell are my contacts?'' she cried, racing around the small apartment.

''In the bathroom where you left them.'' I sighed and she stopped.

''Right.'' she said, blushing slightly and then running for the bathroom.

I left the TV on a music station and then sauntered to Eden's room. I was surprisingly relaxed considering what was going on tonight, but I figured my excitement and nerves would hit later. I went in and sat on her bed. I glanced at her clock; it was already 4:30. She came racing back into her room and fell on the bed next to me.

''Finally ready.'' she sighed, closing her eyes.

''E, honey, I hate to be the one to tell you but you don't have any pants on.'' I laughed and her eyes shot open.

She jumped up and raced to her dresser in search of pants.

My phone started to buzz in my pocket and Bill's picture flashed across the display.

''Hello?'' I answered

''Hi, it's Bill, what apartment are you?'' he asked, getting right to the point.

''3C.'' I told him.

''Alright, I'll see you soon.'' he said and then we both said goodbye and hung up.

When she had put pants on, Eden was finally ready to go and laid beside me once more, although now that we were both ready, the clock seemed to be going much slower than before.

''Wanna play eye-spy?'' Eden asked after a while and I laughed.

''I spy red numbers that read five to five!'' I squealed and we both shot up from the bed.

Eden and I moved from her room to the kitchen and then sat anxiously waiting for a knock at the door. She tapped her nails impatiently on the counter while I sat on one of the barstools and swung my feet back and forth. After a few minutes of tapping, I got tired of listening to it and I put my hand on top of Eden's and she gave me an apologetic smile.

''Sorry, but come on it's already five! Where are th-'' she started but as the saying goes; speak of the devil, and he's bound to appear.

''I got it!'' I said, standing up to fast that I almost knocked the chair over.

I went to the door, took a deep breath and then turned the handle. I opened the door to see Bill and Gustav standing in the hallway. I felt my face turn red as Bill smiled his irresistible smile.

''You look nice.'' he said and I turned even redder.

''Thanks, guys this is my best friend and roommate Eden.'' I said, as I pulled Eden into view. For all the butterflies that were having their way with my stomach, my voice was coming out even, not nervous in the slightest.

''Hi.'' she said, he usually exuberant voice now sounding small and shy.

''We should go or we'll be late.'' Bill said and I nodded.

We went downstairs to the lobby and then out to the front of the building where a long black limo was parked.

''Way to be inconspicuous.'' I laughed, surprising even myself at the way I was talking to them as if we were old friends. Clearly the nerves still hadn't hit me.

''We like to travel in style.'' Gustav said with a grin.

''Let's go, before we cause too much of a scene.'' Bill said, walking towards the limo.

''Yea like that's not going to happen.'' Eden mumbled to me and I giggled. Even as we were standing in front of our apartment building, a few people had recognized them and were snapping pictures with their phones.

Gustav opened the door and the three of us climbed in. when I got in, Tom and Georg were sitting inside. Tom was grinning a grin that was identical to Bill's yet somehow much more mischievous. Bill got in and sat next to me.

''Guys this is Mandy and her friend Eden.'' Bill introduced us as we started to drive. Eden smiled and blushed as she noticed Tom looking at her in particular.

''So where are we going?'' I asked, glancing out the window.

''It's a surprise.'' Bill grinned and I sighed, making him chuckle.

Eden was being unusually quiet. I had half expected her to be hanging out of the top of the limo by now, but she was sitting silently, looking at and then away from Tom.

The silence suddenly turned awkward and I tried not to stare at Bill although I could feel his eyes on my and could see him grinning out of the corner of my eye.

''Well this isn't awkward.'' Eden blurted out and I started to giggle.

The tension in the car disappeared as Bill and Tom decided to give us beginner's German lessons, and then found it hysterical as we tried desperately to repeat after them.

The car started to slow and they still hadn't told us where we were going. We'd been to distracted by their German lessons to even notice where we were. I looked out the window and suddenly realized where that was.

''What happened to dinner?'' I asked, staring wide-eyed at the hundreds of fans being held back by security.

We were pulling up to the concert hall. I had forgotten they had another show, and now realized that that was where we were going.

''Ever been backstage before?'' Georg asked as we slowed to a stop and screaming erupted outside the limo.

Eden and I shook our heads and Tom grinned before opening the door.