Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Forty-one

''What the hell!'' Erin shrieked, violently ripping me back to reality. I pulled away from Bill and stared wide eyed at Erin whose usually flawless face was contorted into a look of anger.

''Erin calm down.'' Bill said.

''DON'T tell me to calm down! She was kissing you! You expect me to be calm after I find some skank kissing my boyfriend!'' Erin said, throwing the bag she was holding to the ground in her rage.

''I-'' he started, but she cut him off.

''Don't try to defend her! I knew you were the reason! I knew it! You're the reason that he's been so distant lately, you're trying to take him from me!'' she said, stepping towards me.

''Erin I'm not trying to 'take' him from you, I just wanted to tell him the truth.'' I said in a surprisingly calm tone.

''And what's the truth Mandy? Enlighten me.'' she said. I looked over to Bill and he was looking at me now, an almost hopeful look on his face.

''I love him.'' I said in more of a mumble. I looked to Bill and his eyes were lit up and his mouth curved into an irresistible smile.

''Oh, well isn't that nice, but he's with me now and I'm not going to let you come between us.'' Erin said, standing next to Bill.

''Let's go Bill.'' she said, taking his hand and starting to walk away.

''No Erin.'' Bill said Erin looked shocked.

''Excuse me?'' she said and he pulled his hand out of hers.

''No Erin, I'm not going with you, I'm never going with you again. Erin we’re finished.'' Bill said and Erin's expression went blank.

I heard the door open behind me and Eden, Tom, Georg, and Gustav all came out into the parking lot.

''This-this-this is your fault! You did this!'' Erin shrieked at me, her eyes glowing with anger.

All of a sudden, she jumped at me, like some kind of jungle cat. The next thing I knew, I was on the ground and Erin was on top of me, she was hitting me over and over in the head.

''Mandy!'' I heard Eden yell from across the parking lot.

I balled my hand into a fist and it collided with Erin's jaw and she went down hard. She was on the ground next to me holding her face and crying. I secretly hoped I broke her too perfect jaw. I slid away from her and put my head in my hands; something about being hit in the head four hundred times made me dizzy.

''Mandy are you ok?'' Bill asked, suddenly right next to me.

''My head hurts.'' I groaned.

I heard what sounded like a snarl come from somewhere to my left and my head immediately shot up. Eden had pounced on Erin and was beating her like a whack-a-mole. I jumped up and grabbed Eden.

''E stop!'' I said, pulling her off Erin. Eden fought my hold but when she realized it was me, she went from being a crazy psycho chick to my concerned best friend.

''Mandy! Are you ok?'' she asked frantically, gently touching my head, as if she pushed too hard it would fall off.

''I'm fine, I don't think I can say the same about Erin though.'' I said, looking over Eden's shoulder.

Erin was on the ground and she was definitely bleeding.

''What the hell is going on here?'' Vince boomed as he sprinted across the parking lot to where the seven of us were.

''Erin attacked Mandy!'' Georg answered.

''And then Eden went psycho on Erin!'' Gustav added.

''Mandy are you alright?'' Vince asked and I nodded.

''A little dizzy.'' I told him.

''And a little bleeding.'' he said, touching a spot on my face and making it sting a bit.

''Erin can you hear me?'' Vince asked, leaning over her and she groaned in response.

''Mandy, can you still go?'' he asked, referring to the photo shoot.

''Yea.'' I answered.

''I've got to patch her up, take this and the six of you get going before you're late. Take some Tylenol, Leah can help patch you up.'' Vince said, handing me a clipboard with a bunch of papers on it and I nodded.

Tom helped Eden up and the six of us started to walk towards the bus. Bill grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop, letting the others get ahead of us. He looked into my eyes and my breathing became quick. I had said that I loved him, but I hadn't heard his response yet. This was going to be it.

''Mandy, I think…I love you to.'' he said and my heart stopped and then restarted at an alarming rate.

''I-I.'' I stammered, but I didn't need to say anything.

Bill Kaulitz had his lips pressed tightly against mine.

''If you two keep sucking face like that we're going to be late!'' Eden called from the door of the bus and I smiled against Bill's lips.

The two of us walked towards the bus hand in hand and I was in a complete state of ecstasy.

I loved Bill, and he loved me to.