Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Forty-two

''If you're actually bleeding, I'd love to see what that skank looks like.'' Leah chuckled as she wiped my small cut with an antiseptic wipe.

''I think her nose is broken.'' Eden said proudly.

''There you go.'' Leah said after she had finished mending my wound, if you could even call it that.

I got up and went to sit next to Bill on the couch. He smiled warmly at me as I sat down and it made me blush. He wrapped both arms around me and pulled me against him, kissing my cheek as he did.

Georg and Gustav were sitting not too far away from us and I heard Gustav mumble something to Georg about how ''this is the way it's supposed to be'' and I smiled to myself. It seemed like Bill and I were meant for each other, and everyone knew it.

''Eden do you need and medical attention?'' Leah asked, gesturing towards her first aid kit as if she were displaying it on the Price is Right.

''Leah, I was on top of her.'' Eden said, rolling her eyes and Leah laughed.

''Alright then! We've got a photo shoot to get to!'' Leah said, closing her first aid kit and moving towards the front of the bus.

Eden sat down next to me on the couch and Tom walked over and flopped down with his head in her lap.

''Hi there.'' he said from her lap and she smiled sweetly.

''And who gave you permission to crush my internal organs with your head?'' she asked and he shrugged.

''Exactly.'' she said and then pushed him off her lap and the couch and onto the floor. He landed with a thump and she started to laugh.

''Hey!'' he said and she grinned angelically.

He furrowed his eyebrows for a minute and then grinned evilly. He sat up and leaned towards her, gesturing for her to move forward with his finger. She leaned closer to him and when they were about an inch apart, he grabbed her and pulled her to the floor with him.

He pinned her underneath him and grinned at her and she looked almost vulnerable for a minute, but then again, Eden and vulnerable rarely fit into the same sentence.

She put her hands around his neck and leaned as if she was going to kiss him. He leaned down to her, radiating smugness, but when she flipped him over so that she had him pinned, it all seemed to disappear.

Eden leaned down and whispered something in his ear and his eyes were suddenly filled with desire.

Tom tried to flip her again, but this time she fought back and the two were now wrestling on the floor.

The bus started to move and we were all jolted a bit, but that didn’t seem to throw off either of the wrestling lovers on the floor in front of me.

After about five minutes of this, Eden had Tom pinned again.

''Mandy! Call it!'' she said, straining to keep him down.

I jumped off the couch and knelt down next to them.

''Pinned!'' I said, smacking the ground. Eden laughed and rolled off of Tom, slightly out of breath.

The bus suddenly stopped and my eyes went wide. The last time the bus stopped for no apparent reason, my heart was violently shredded. I jumped back on the couch next to Bill and moved right against him. He must have seen the concern in my eyes because he wrapped one arm around me and held me close.

''Leah what's going on?'' Gustav asked, moving towards the front of the bus and she put up one hand to shush him.

After a minute of silence from her, I heard Leah say ''ok bye'' and then she got up and turned to us.

''The photo shoot got cancelled, the photographer's niece has a ballet recital and he decided this morning that he was going to go and take pictures.'' Leah said, leaning against the sliding door frame.

''So now what?'' Tom asked from the floor.

''Why don't we just go to the movies or something?'' Eden asked, her eyes alight at the prospect.

''E, they're Tokio Hotel, you don't 'just' take them anywhere.'' I said and Eden looked slightly confused.

''Why not?'' she asked, propping herself up on her hands.

I pulled Eden up off the floor and walked over to the window with her. Outside, even though we had only stopped for about two minutes, there was a rather large crowd of girls already forming outside of the bus.

''Oh.'' she said and I laughed.

''We can disguise them.'' she said, rolling her eyes playfully.

''That won't-'' Gustav started.

''That's actually a good idea.'' Leah interjected, a wild look in her eyes.

''And I haven't been to the movies in forever!'' Eden added excitedly.

''Looks like we're going to the movies.'' Leah said, getting back into the driver's seat.

''Great.'' I muttered.

My gut told me that this outing would not be very productive.