Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Forty-three

''C'est manifique!'' Eden said, kissing her fingers as if she was looking at a beautiful piece of art.

''I have to admit E, you're pretty good at the whole 'disguise the rock star' thing.'' I said and she smiled proudly.

We had gone back to the hotel and let Eden have her way with the boys. Now Tom was hidden under a sweatshirt with a hat, Gustav and Georg were dressed almost the same, minus the hat and plus some giant glasses. Bill's hair was straight down and he was wearing a black beanie, minimal makeup, and giant glasses.

''Yea, now they just look like bank robbers!'' Leah said and the three of us started to laugh while the boys glared at Leah.

''I like it.'' Tom said, wrapping one arm around Eden's waist and kissing her cheek.

''Suck up.'' Leah snorted and we started to laugh again.

''Come on! We're going to miss the movie if we don't go soon.'' Eden said, moving towards the door. As we walked out to the parking lot, Bill took my hand in his and sent yet another wave of electricity through me.

''Goin' to the movies! Goin' to the movies!'' Eden sand as we drove to the theatre. Leah had called for a car to take us to the theatre so that the bus wouldn't cause a scene.

''Sit still!'' Georg said, putting one hand on either of her shoulders and stopping her bouncing.

''Sorry.'' she mumbled and then sighed loudly, making everyone chuckle.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Gustav was texting someone and grinning like an idiot. That was a dead giveaway as to who it was.

''So when are we going to meet this girlfriend of yours?'' I asked and he looked up at me like a dear in the headlights.

''The girl you've been texting for forever.'' I reminded him.

''Never.'' he mumbled and then went back to his phone.

''Aw, why not? Afraid we'll embarrass you?'' I asked playfully.

''More like expose.'' he muttered, completely confusing me.

''Wait what? Expose you?'' I asked and he sighed.

''She doesn't know who I am. She thinks that I'm just a regular guy, not the drummer for Tokio Hotel.'' he said, sounding upset at the bitter truth.

''Why haven't you told her?'' I asked. Clearly this girl was out of the loop, I mean, she'd never seen a billboard with them on it? Been into a CD store and seen their album? From what I gathered, she needed to get out more.

''It's not exactly easy to get close to someone when all they can think about is how famous you are.'' Gustav said.

''Well you are going to have to tell her at some point.'' I told him.

''But how do you tell someone that? 'Oh yeah, my day is going good, oh by the way I'm the drummer for a famous German rock band'.'' he said, rolling his eyes.

''Sounds good to me.'' I said and he chuckled.

''We're here.'' Leah announced from the front seat and Eden let out a high pitch squeal.

''Shh!'' I said, putting one hand over her mouth.

''People are going to think you've never been to the movies before.'' I said and she licked my hand.

''Ew!'' I yelled and then we both burst out laughing.

''What are we seeing anyways?'' Georg asked as we got out of the car.

''That is for us to know and you to find out.'' Eden said, referring to her and Leah who had planned this whole outing.

The theatre wasn't that busy, a fact that I was thankful for considering that the four boys we were accompanied by could start a riot in a matter of seconds.

Eden and Leah went to get tickets for their mystery movie, leaving the rest of us to get popcorn and other movie theatre goodies.

For a 'not that busy' theatre, the concession lines were very long, as if everyone in the theatre had decided they needed popcorn all at the exact same time. As we stood inline, Georg and Gustav got into what sounded like a heated discussion about something in German while Tom watched, much to his amusement. I turned away from the three boys and caught Bill staring at me and I couldn't help but blush.

''What?'' I asked, thinking that there might have been something on my face.

''Nothing.'' he answered with a smile that made my knees go a little weak.

He wrapped one arm around me and pulled me towards him and then kissed the top of my head. I leaned against him. I felt so safe with him, like nothing could possibly go wrong.

But there would be no such luck.

''That's her!'' I heard someone whisper.

''No it isn't!'' someone else retorted.

''Yes it is!''

''I'm telling you it's not.''

''And I'm telling you it is!''

''Fine it is!'' the second person gave in.

''But I don't get it, if she was 'very close' with him, who's this guy?'' the first girl asked.

''I don't know, maybe she had a boyfriend and they're just close friends.'' the second girl suggested.

''Maybe, but come on! If Bill freaking Kaulitz kissed you in front of two hundred people and then asked for your phone number, would you honestly keep any prior boyfriends?'' the first girl asked and my eyes went wide.

''Good point.'' the second girl said.

We had been so concerned about making sure that no one recognized the boys, we had completely overlooked the fact that one of us might get recognized. Clearly, the boy's disguises worked if these girls didn't recognize them, but as their voices got closer, I wished I had worn one too.

''You can't just ask her! It's rude!'' the second girl said and I could tell they were getting closer.

''Hey! She left Bill Kaulitz for this guy, that's rude.'' the first girl retorted.

''Amy, leave her alone! You're embarrassing me!'' the second girl whined.

''Then leave!'' Amy snapped.

''Excuse me?'' Amy said, standing right behind me.

''Yes?'' I said, slowly turning to face her.