Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Forty-four

''You're Amanda right? The girl who Bill Kaulitz kissed after their concert?'' Amy asked.

''Maybe.'' I muttered.

''First, let me say that you are the luckiest girl alive,'' she said and I grinned slightly, she had no idea just how lucky I was.

''Second, I just have to ask, but who is this guy? I mean you had Bill Kaulitz!''

''Bill Kaulitz?'' I more asked then stated. As much as I didn't want to blow our cover, I didn't want to be known as 'that bitch who dumped Bill' when he and I were actually together.

''Yes, you had Bill Kaulitz, now who's this?'' she asked, nodding towards Bill who had just turned around.

''Who's who?'' Bill asked, clearly oblivious to Amy's previous line of questioning.

''Who are you?'' Amy asked condescendingly. Evidently she wasn't fond this guy who I had supposedly left Bill for.

''Her boyfriend.'' Bill said and my heart fluttered a bit.

''So you did have a boyfriend before you met Bill? Or did you just leave him for this guy?'' she asked, giving Bill a bitter look and he got a look on his face like he was trying not to laugh.

''I got this boyfriend after I met Bill.'' I said, telling the truth.

''Why? You had a chance with Bill Kaulitz!'' Amy said. The way she said his name made him sound like some kind of god.

''Can you keep a secret?'' Bill asked and Amy nodded. Bill took off his glasses and winked at her and her mouth fell open, causing her to look rather like a fish.

''Bill Kaulitz!'' she said, way too loudly and I slapped a hand over my eyes.

Our cover was officially blown.

''And that's- and they're- TOKIO HOTEL!'' the second girl burst out, looking to the rest of the people Bill and I were standing with.

At the name of their band, Tom, Georg, and Gustav all turned around, confirming the girl's accusation. It was like everyone in the entire theatre had known that the band was there, and were just waiting for someone to give the ok before they swarmed. All of a sudden all I could hear was camera phones going off with several different tones and everyone asking questions.

''Bill! Can I have your autograph?''

''Tom! Can I get a picture?''

''Georg! Will you marry me?''

''Gustav! Can you sign this?''

''Bill! Are you two a couple?''

''How long have you been together?''

Fans seemed just as bad as reporters when it came to whether or not Bill and I were together. There was a sudden break in the crowd and Leah came pushing through with Eden right behind her.

''We have to go.'' Leah said and we all nodded.

''Bill! Amanda! Are the two of you a couple?'' someone yelled particularly loudly as we pushed our way through the crowd.

''I'm sorry about this.'' Bill said in my ear as we moved.

''It's ok, I've been with you guys long enough that I'm almost used to it.'' I said and he smiled.

''Bill! Are you and Amanda a couple?'' someone else asked, screaming right in my ear and I'd had it with all the damn questions.

I stopped Bill and grabbed onto his gorgeous head of hair. He looked at me slightly puzzled for a minute before I smashed my lips against his, answering all the questions at once.

The crowd gasped as a whole and then the camera phones started to go off twice as fast as before. I pulled away and Bill looked rather surprised at my new found way of answering questions.

I grabbed his hand and followed the rest of the group out to the car.

''So much for the movies.''