Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Forty-five

''Yes yes, later this afternoon…we'll see you then…thank you, goodbye.'' Vince said and then hung up. He had been talking to the photographer who had cancelled on us the day before yesterday.

''I really wish you guys would have told me before you went public with all of this. Every magazine from here to Tokyo has called wanting a photo shoot and interview from the two of you.'' Vince said.

''Sorry, it just kind of happened.'' I said, feeling like a kid who had just broken her mom's favorite vase.

''Yea I know.'' he said. Vince wasn't mad, just frustrated that we didn't give him a warning.

His phone started to ring again and he left the room to take the call.

''You guys are in trouble.'' Tom teased, poking his head in the door to Bill's room.

''Are not!'' I retorted, whipping a pillow at him. He laughed, closed the door and then left.

I fell back on Bill's bed with a loud sigh. I knew that we'd be in for in over the next few days. Between interviews and photo shoots, the paparazzi would be working over time trying to get a picture of us doing something and then speculating on whether or not I was pregnant.

''If we are in trouble, it's your fault.'' Bill said playfully, laying next to me and propping his head up on one hand.

''My fault?'' I asked and he grinned.

''If you weren't so noticeable we wouldn't be in this predicament.'' he said, absently drawing lines across the bit of my stomach where my shirt had risen when I laid down.

''What are you implying Mr. Kaulitz?'' I asked.

''That you are way too pretty for public.'' he whispered, leaning so close that I could feel his breath on my lips.

He looked at my lips and then up to my eyes as if he was silently asking permission to kiss me. I lifted my head slightly, closing the gap between us and connecting our lips. He moved slightly on top of me, resting his forearm on the bed next to me.

I cupped his cheek with my hand as he slid his tongue along my bottom lip. I parted my lips and he deepened the kiss. His free hand was still tracing lines along the bare part of my stomach and was now starting to trace up my side under my shirt. Bill ran his tongue along the roof of my mouth, the feeling of metal ball on his tongue sending shivers down my spine.

''Come on you two! We've got to go soon!'' Vince's voice boomed from the other side of the door, accompanied by a loud bang that made me jump.

''Yea yea.'' Bill called back and then rested his forehead against mine.

''We should get ready.'' I said softly.

''Yea.'' he sighed and I smiled. He kissed me one more time before moving off of me and getting up.

He held out a hand and helped me off the bed. I left his room and headed back to my own.

As I walked I noticed Eden's door was slightly open and there was some shrill giggling coming from inside. I knew I would probably end up scarred later, but my curiosity got the better of me. As I walked by I peeked in Eden's door and then –like I'd predicted- wish I hadn't.

Tom was down to his boxers and chasing a towel wearing Eden into the bathroom. I didn't need to see anymore and closed the door for them.

I shook the image of Tom grabbing Eden's butt out of my mind and hurried to get changed.

''How many heads do we have?'' Vince asked as he got on the bus.

''Ten.'' Tom answered and Vince looked at him questioningly.

''We have two.'' he said, gesturing towards him and the other three boys.

''You're nasty.'' Eden said, pushing Tom away from her by his face and he laughed.

''Let me rephrase, is everyone here?'' Vince asked, rolling his eyes.

''Yes.'' we answered in unison.

''Good now let's go!'' he said, taking a seat at the front of the bus with Leah.

She started the bus and we headed for the photo shoot. It wasn't for another hour and a half, but the boys had to go through hair and makeup first. I wasn't exactly sure why they were having this shoot, the tour was almost over anyways, however, the photographer seemed so much more eager when the information about me and Bill came out.

We pulled into a giant empty parking lot and around to the back of a building that was blindingly white. Leah parked virtually against the wall and I figured that it was because they photographer wanted to do some pictures with the bus.

As we got off the bus, Eden jumped on Tom's back and he started to carry her piggyback style.

''Come on Mandy let's race!'' she said and I laughed.

''Race what?'' I asked and she rolled her eyes.

''Twins of course!'' she said and I laughed.

''You're on!'' Bill answered for me and then bent down so I could get on his back.

''On three.'' Georg said and both boys got ready to run.

''Wait!'' I said and everyone looked at me.

''I can't see over his hair.'' I said, half laughing.

''On three.'' Georg said again, rolling his eyes.


''Three!'' Gustav finished for him and both twins took off across the parking lot towards the door of the building.

Tom seemed to be having some trouble holding his pants up and Bill got ahead. We got close to the wall and I put my hand out and smacked it.

''Yes! My twin is faster!'' I said and Bill laughed.

''Rematch!'' Eden demanded.

''You're just upset because Tom isn't fast enough.'' I said and Tom's crushed ego look returned.

As Eden was about to make a no doubt witty comeback on Tom's behalf, the door I was standing next to flew open.
