Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Forty-six

''Iz so good to be seeing you!'' the man just inside the door said.

He was a thin man, dressed in a tight black sweater, tight grey pants, expensive looking shoes, and a bright red scarf. He had on thick rimmed glasses and his hair was completely grey. Overall he had a look that could only be justified by 'high fashion', although how anyone could understand it, I would never know.

''My name iz Vino Howdenshlaw.'' he said, putting both hands on his chest in a rather gay manner.

''I'm Vince, that's Tom, Bill, Georg, and Gustav.'' Vince said, appearing out of nowhere.

''Of course I know ziz, zey are ze Tokio Hotel!'' Vino said, sounding almost offended that Vince had introduced them.

''Right.'' Vince said, bitterness hiding behind his calm demeanor.

''Well we must get ze boys to makeup! We have many pictures to be taking!'' Vino said.

''Tom had a little problem with makeup artists so we've actually brought one of our own if that's alright.'' Vince said, pulling Eden to the front of the group.

''Yes yes iz good! Now inside inside!'' Vino said, clapping his hands as he moved out of the doorway.

The four boys went in and Eden and I followed. I was going to catch up with Bill when I felt a hand on my elbow. Vino pulled me to a stop and turned me so that I faced him. His eyes were lit as he looked at me and I could almost hear the photo ideas generating in his head as he realized who I was.

''You are ze girl no? Amanda? Bill's girlfriend?'' he asked and I smiled.

''That would be me.'' I told him.

''Would you like to be taking some pictures for me?'' he asked. He looked like a kid on his birthday, looking at a mountain of presents and I couldn't bring myself to say no.

''Sure.'' I said, cringing internally. God only knew what this guy had in mind.

''Wonderful! You must be getting ze makeup to!'' he said, guiding me in the direction of the main dressing room.

''Robert! Come and do ziz one!'' Vino said to one of the free makeup artists as we walked in.

''The girl?'' Robert asked.

''No ze invisible man. Of course ze girl!'' Vino said, putting one hand on his hip.

Robert led me to his chair and I sat down.

''Now I must go make ze beautiful set!'' Vino said and then disappeared.

''Look at you getting all made up for a photo shoot. Tell me you don't feel like you're famous.'' Eden said teasingly as she worked on Tom.

''Shut up.'' I retorted and she laughed.

''Don't speak.'' Robert commanded, sounding almost irritated that he had to do me.

''Work around it.'' Eden snapped.

''Don't tell me how too do my job.'' he retorted, putting one hand on his hip.

''E! It's ok! I was finished anyway.'' I said before Eden started and all out smack down with him.

Robert continued what he was doing while Eden glared daggers at the back of his head and a hairstylist soon joined him. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Bill who was next to me on my left. His chair was turned in my direction and he was grinning as he watched me get made up. When Robert went to change brushes, I stuck my tongue out at Bill and he laughed.

What felt like hours later, Vino came bursting back into the dressing room.

''Dahlings!'' he said again and we turned to him.

We were all finished in the hair and makeup departments, except for one hairstylist who was following Bill with a can of hair spray. They had done my hair, nails and makeup and now we were waiting on wardrobe.

''We must get you to ze wardrobe yes?'' Vino said and we got up.

He led us to another room where there were five clothing bags hanging on the doors to five change rooms. He told us who was to go where and then sat in a chair against the wall opposite the change rooms, most likely to make sure everything looked like he had planned.
Tom, Georg, and Gustav were changed in a matter of minutes, but apparently, they didn't look how they were supposed to.

''No no. Get him ze white, and him ze grey, and him ze blue no! Ze green!'' Vino said to who I assumed was a wardrobe assistant.

''These?'' she asked after a few seconds of hurried movement.

''Yes yes, now put zem on.'' Vino said to the boys.

I listened to their change room doors open and close and then do the same a few minutes later.

''Zat is it!'' Vino said when the boys stepped out.

I had been in there for a while. The stupid ribbons on my shoes were not going quietly.

''Forget that.'' I mumbled to myself and then wrapped the ribbons around my ankle a few times and tied them.

I stepped out of my change room and Tom whistled. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off. This outfit was way too girly to even come close to me and I was anything but comfortable.

''No no, iz not right. Get ze white.'' Vino said and I kicked myself for agreeing to this. It had taken forever to get this on and now I was going to have to take it off.

The wardrobe girl brought me a second clothing bag and hung it up inside my change room. I grumbled under my breath and went back in. I took my current outfit off –not being too kind to the most likely expensive clothes- and violently unzipped the second bag.

The second outfit consisted of a black and white striped v-neck t-shirt, a white sweater that cut off at my elbows, black jeans, and white trainers. It wasn't totally me, but it was closer than the last one had been.

I heard the door to Bill's change room open and figured he had stepped out.

''Yes! Finally one zat works!'' I heard Vino say.

I stepped out of my change room seconds later and Vino squealed, making us all look at him questioningly.

''Iz perfect! Now come togezer!'' he said, gesturing for Bill and me to go to each other.

He looked at me and grinned. He was wearing a black shirt with a white pattern on it, dark jeans and black shoes along with his usual fingerless gloves. He put one arm around my shoulder and I put mine around his waist and Vino squealed again.

''Iz perfect! Now you are all very beautiful, we can be taking ze pictures!'' Vino said, hopping up from his chair and heading out of the room.

Tom, Gustav, and Georg followed him out but as I began to walk, Bill pulled me to a stop.

''You look amazing.'' he said softly.

''So do you.'' I said and he smiled. He gently pushed his lips against mine and then rested his forehead on mine.

''As much as I would like to stay here and make out, we must be taking ze beautiful pictures!'' I said and he laughed.

We went out to where we'd be taking the pictures and Vino was positioning his camera just right. When he saw that we were all there his eyes lit up.

''Get ready to pose for me dahlings!''
♠ ♠ ♠
Three things!
First, I know that I didn't give a description of the first outfit. I decided to leave it to your imaginations.
Second, all the 'z's in here are not chatspeak typo's, they're the way Vino talks.
Third, thanks yet agian to everyone who reads, comments, and/or subscribes to my story. I appreciate it all!