Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Forty-seven

''To ze left, now put your hand- yes! Don't move!'' Vino said, directing the boys in their poses.

We had been there for about two and a half hours already and Eden and I were sitting bored on the sidelines. It was rather amusing though to watch the boys be ordered around by this frail looking man. At one point Tom looked ready to deck him after he told Tom that he wasn't doing it right for the hundredth time.

''Ok now I want just ze twins.'' Vino said and Eden groaned loudly. She was clearly fed up with waiting.

''Chill Eden.'' I said, putting a hand on her shoulder and she sighed.

Georg and Gustav flopped down on the couch next to us while Vino set the boys up for the next few pictures.

''He's so annoying.'' Georg said, rolling his eyes.

''Do zis don't do zat.'' Gustav mocked and we laughed.

Twenty minutes of posing twins later, Vino let the camera fall from his face. He turned and looked at me with anxious eyes, like he was the cookie monster and I was the double chocolate chip cookies.

''Amanda! My dearest! Come come!'' he said, gesturing me forward with his hands.

''Have fun.'' Eden sang teasingly as I got up.

''Dahling, come stand.'' Vino said, guiding me to where Bill was.

''Tom go and sit, take ze break.'' he said and Tom mumbled an exasperated 'thank you' under his breath.

''Now Amanda, put your arm around his neck, and Bill yours around her waist, now lift! Lift!'' Vino said, stepping back and putting the camera up to his eye as Bill lifted me.

''Now ze foreheads togezer, togezer!'' I couldn't help but laugh at his voice as I pushed my forehead against Bill's and he snapped four hundred pictures.

''Ok down, now Bill, try to kiss her, but Amanda, do not let him!'' Vino said, nodding excitedly as he finished.

Bill leaned in to kiss me, his hands still around my waist but I turned my head away and leaned back.

''Yes! Yes! Now wiz ze hands! You are disgusted! You do not want ze kiss!'' Vino said, snapping more pictures. I put my hands up and held Bill back, making a grossed out face. I could only hold it for a minute though before I started to laugh again and this time Bill laughed with me.

Something about Bill and me laughing must have inspired Vino because he seemed to get very excited.

''Amanda turn, now Bill pick her up!'' Vino said, snapping pictures even as we moved.

''Yes! Yes!'' Vino cheered, making us laugh harder. He sounded like a giddy schoolgirl.

A while passed, Vino telling us how to move and us laughing at his almost fake accent. I looked to the couch where the other boys and Eden were sitting; she seemed to be enjoying herself much more now that Tom was at her disposal.

''Stop stop! You and you! Get ze couch!'' Vino said, putting his hands on his hips impatiently like they were already taking too long.

Two guys carried a black couch over to the white backdrop where Bill and I were and Vino told us to sit.

''I have ze perfect vision!'' he said.

''Bill lie down for me, and put your head here.'' Vino said, patting my lap.

''Hi.'' Bill said, looking up at me from my lap.

''Hi.'' I giggled.

''Now ze hand.'' Vino said, taking my hand and placing it on the side of Bill's head that was farthest away from my stomach.

''Now love! I want to feel ze love!'' Vino said, stepping back and holding his camera up.

As much as I was laughing inside at how totally cliché this seemed, when I looked down into Bill's eyes, it was hard not to feel the love. The way he looked at me was as if he never wanted to look at any other face, like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, like he loved me.

''I love you.'' I whispered, stroking his cheek with my thumb and totally lost in the moment.

''I love you.'' he said, still staring into my eyes.

''Yes! Iz young love!'' Vino squealed, bringing me back to reality.

''Vino I hate to interrupt but we have to go, it's almost seven and we have the final concert tomorrow.'' Vince said, once again appearing out of nowhere. Vino suddenly looked more like a sad puppy than a giddy schoolgirl.

''Fine, I guess I am finished.'' he said reluctantly.

Bill sat up and I jumped off the couch only to race across the room and jump on top of Eden…who was on top of Tom.

''OOFH!'' Tom exerted from the bottom of the pile.

''Hi!'' I said cheerfully, adjusting my position on Eden's lap.

''Can't breath! Crushing vital organs!'' Tom complained and Eden rolled her eyes.

''How are you deary?'' Eden asked, completely ignoring the fact that we were crushing Tom.

''Rather tired if I do say so myself, and you?'' I replied.

''Rather bored and wanting to leave.'' she told me

''Being CRUSHED!'' Tom groaned and I sighed. I moved off of Eden and next to them and Tom took in a huge breath.

''Better?'' I asked.

''Much!'' he gasped and I laughed.

Out of nowhere, Bill plopped down onto my lap.

''Ah!'' I laughed as he situated himself on my lap.

''We will not be left out of this fun!'' Gustav declared and then he and Georg laid out across Eden and Bill's laps and we all started to laugh at the fact that they were about to fall and most of us were being crushed.

''AH! Iz perfect!'' Vino screamed and his camera went off for million times, taking pictures of all six of us piled on top of each other on the couch.

''Guys can we get a move on please?'' Vince asked, clearly not amused by our teenage antics.

''Yea yea.'' Eden said and then pushed Georg and Gustav off her and onto the floor.

We all got changed out of the studio's clothes and back into our own and then piled back onto the bus.

I sat next to Bill on the couch. I couldn’t believe how tired I was, we'd barely done anything, but I guess all the excitement had drained me. I leaned against Bill and he wrapped his arms around me as Eden and Tom sat down next to us. She wrapped up in Tom's arms and all of us let our eyes close as the bus gently rocked us to sleep.
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Sorry about the cheesey ending, I was really stuck!