Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Forty-nine

I looked over myself one more time in the mirror before leaving my room. We'd get to change again before the concert so I had put on something comfortable for the rest of the day, dark skinny jeans, converse, and the tour t-shirt Vince had given me at the beginning of the tour.

I left my room and stopped at Eden's room before going back to Bill's. I knocked on the door and Eden opened it soon after. When she saw me she grinned.

''Look who it is!'' she said playfully, letting me in her room.

''Managed to pull yourself off my brother have you?'' Tom teased and I stuck my tongue out at him.

''Like I haven't seen the two of you doing worse.'' I said but instead of being embarrassed, both of them developed smug grins.

''Why did you two come in anyways?'' I asked, sitting on Eden's bed.

''We were in my room-'' Tom started.

''Talking,'' Eden interjected sweetly and, by the look on her face, most definitely lying.

''And we heard this loud bang.'' Tom continued and I grinned slightly.

''And Eden said 'what was that? We should go see if they're ok.' And I said 'we shouldn't go in there, that sounded like a headboard hitting a wall, I know that sound.' ''

''But I being the caring friend that I am, had to make sure you were ok.'' Eden said dramatically and I laughed.

''And then we walked in on you practically raping my brother.'' Tom finished quickly, grinning all the while.

''It's not rape if you're willing.'' I said, sticking my tongue out at him and his mouthed formed a giant 'o'.

''Speaking of your brother, I was on my way there. I'll see you guys later.'' I said, getting up and heading for the door.

''See ya.'' Eden said as I left.

I went to Bill's door and knocked. When I got no answer, I used the key I had swiped from him earlier and went inside. I could hear the shower going in the bathroom, accompanied by Bill belting It's Raining Men.

I laughed and sat up against the door, enjoying his little performance. I heard the water go off and the shower door open, he was still singing and I was getting rather into the song, lip syncing along with him.

All of a sudden, the bathroom door opened, Bill stopped singing and I fell backwards. I landed on my back, half in the bathroom, looking up at Bill, whose towel I was dangerously close to looking up.

''Hi.'' I grinned.

''Having fun?'' he asked, stepping back a bit.

''Of course, I got a private show.'' I said playfully as I got up.

I stumbled a bit as I got up, falling into his slightly wet chest and dampening the front of my shirt.

''You wet me!'' I laughed.

''That’s what you get for lurking outside my bathroom.'' he said with a grin.

''Lurking? It sounds like you're implying that I was waiting to rape you.'' I said and he wiggled his eyebrows.

''I have to get dressed now if you don't mind.'' he said, referring to the fact that I had him blocked in the bathroom.

''Fine.'' I sighed and he chuckled.

I went over and sat on his bed as he went to the dresser where he had unpacked his clothes. I leaned back on my hands and waited for him. He hand one hand on his towel like he was going to take it off, and I waited, slightly anxious. He turned to me and raised his eyebrows.

''Do you mind?'' he asked and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

I huffed and fell back on his bed, closing my eyes and putting one arm over them.

''Better?'' I asked bitterly and he laughed.

''Come on people let's go! We've got a concert to get ready for! Come on! Outta there!'' Vince yelled as he walked down the hall, banging on all the band members doors.

Bill and I came out of his room at the exact same time as everyone else came out of theirs, it looked almost rehearsed.

We all went out to the parking lot and got into the limo that Vince had called for and just like that we were off to the concert hall.

''Mandy! She's coming!'' Gustav said excitedly as we drove.

''What?'' I asked, completely confused.

''My girlfriend, Natasha, she's coming to the concert tonight! She's going to be backstage with us.'' he said.

''So you told her?'' I asked and his face fell slightly.

''Not exactly.'' he said and I rolled my eyes.

''I didn't lie though, I told her I'd be backstage at the Tokio Hotel concert.'' he said.

''So you're just going to spring it on her at the concert?'' I asked and he shrugged as he nodded.

''I guess it's better than never right?'' I asked and he smiled.

After a while we pulled up outside the concert hall. It was huge. We all got out of the car and just looked at it.

''Here we go.'' I said and then we all headed towards the door.