Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Five

After walking up the walkway lined with screaming fans and having a billion pictures taken of us, the six of us made it safely backstage.

''Ta da.'' Bill sang as we walked into a room outfitted with couches tables and a mini fridge.

''Whoa.'' Eden said and I laughed.

The four boys went in and Tom flopped down on a couch, spreading out and taking up enough room for three people. Gustav smacked him in the back of the head and he sat up straight and then produced a guitar from behind the couch.

Eden and I sat down on the couch opposite Tom as Bill went to the fridge and Gerog and Gustav started up a quiet conversation in German.

''Do you want anything to drink?'' Bill asked.

''Water?'' Eden and I answered and Bill chuckled.

All of a sudden a tall man with dark hair burst into the room. He started speaking loudly in German and then noticed Eden and me sitting on the couch.

''Who is this?'' he asked, nodding towards us.

''Mandy and Eden.'' Tom answered, fiddling with his guitar.

''Mandy? Mandy, ah! From the picture!'' the man said and I turned a deep red as Tom burst out laughing and Bill grinned.

''Yea that's her.'' Tom laughed.

The man muttered something in German and Tom wiggled his eyebrows at Bill before Bill slapped him across the head, making him laugh again.

''I am Vince, I make sure the boys make it to their shows on time.'' he said and we smiled.

It was all too surreal. Us being out with Tokio Hotel and backstage at one of their concerts was something I had never even imagined possible until the beginning of this week. It was surprising me though that I hadn't started to feel the nerves and that I could still form coherent sentences.

''You boys need to get ready, you're on in twenty minutes.'' Vince said.

''And what about the girls?'' he asked as Bill handed us our waters.

''They're going to be front row.'' Bill said with a grin.

*~After the Show~*

We were already waiting in the room we had been in before the show when the boys came off stage. They burst in talking and laughing loudly, clearly pumped from the show.

''What'd you think?'' Bill asked as he came in and collapsed onto one of the couches.

''You guys are amazing.'' I said and his smile grew.

''Yea and way better from the front row.'' Eden said proudly.

''So now what?'' I asked as Gustav tossed Bill a bottle of water.

''We wait.'' Tom said.

''For?'' Eden asked, and then there was a knock at the door, followed by Vince walking in.

''Ok boys, we've got five girls with passes and you get to play nice with them for the night.'' he said.

''Very nice.'' Tom whispered but still loud enough for everyone to hear. Georg hit his shoulder and he laughed.

All four boys suddenly got up and clambered to the bathroom. I gave Vince a questioning look and he smiled.

''They probably smell funny.'' he said and Eden and I started to laugh.

While the boys were in the bathroom, Vince put on a CD to play in the background and put out an assortment of drinks on the table.

The boys came out one by one, looking much fresher and then the fan girls arrived.

There were five of them, like Vince had said. There were three blondes and two brunettes. The blondes immediately started to chat up Tom while the other two veered towards Bill.

Eden and I stood with Georg and Gustav –the only unoccupied band members at the moment- and talked idly, making jokes and discovering that we had a lot in common. I confessed my ability to play guitar at which point Georg commandeered Tom's guitar and demanded that I play.

I glanced nervously at Tom before taking his guitar from Georg, but he didn't seem to be paying much attention to anyone other than the girls who were currently doting upon him.

I took his guitar and started to play one of the songs I knew in full and completely by heart, which was conveniently Scream, my absolute favourite TH song. My playing got Bill's attention and he smiled as he watched me play. Tom barely turned his head, not even noticing that I was playing with his guitar.

Later on in the night, all four boys were visibly tired. Tom was sitting on one couch, the three blonde girls sitting beside him, still doting, and Bill was on the other couch with Eden and me. The brunette girls had basically traded places with us, although neither of them started to play on Tom's guitar.

''So what do you think?'' Bill asked sleepily. It was pretty late and I was starting to feel hazy.

''Of what?'' Eden asked.

''All this.'' he said, gesturing around the room.

''I could totally be you.'' I said and the three of us laughed.

We sat silently for a minute, looking at the other people in the room. Tom was getting up and the three girls who had draped themselves over him all looked disappointed.

''Look at them they just fall all over him.'' I said more to myself but out loud all the same.

''Hey, he's hot, I don't blame them.'' Eden said as she followed Tom with her eyes across the room.

''Dude, they're twins.'' I said, rolling my eyes and Bill laughed.

''Psh I knew that.'' she said and we all laughed.