Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Fifty

''Where's the black one? I need it!'' Bill said, searching frantically around his dressing room for one of his rings.

''You mean this one?'' I asked, twirling it on my finger as I sat in a chair in the corner of the room.

''Yes!'' he said exasperatedly. I handed it to him and he put it on happily.

''Thank you.'' he said, kissing my forehead.

''What would you do without me?'' I asked playfully.

''Die.'' he answered dramatically and I giggled.

Six and a half hours after we had arrived at the concert hall, all the sound checks were done, the rehearsals complete, all the little problems taken care of, the show was in half an hour, and the boys were ready to go…sort of.

''Come on Bill let's go!'' Vince said, knocking on his door.

''But-'' he started.

''Go go go!'' I interrupted, pushing him out the door.

Vince pulled him over to a makeup chair and Eden went to work on him, fixing the little things that had been ruined in the past twenty minutes during his mad ring hunt.

''What is this! You were perfect like ten minutes ago!'' Eden said, whipping out a can of hair spray.

''Then he lost his ring.'' I told her and he grinned sheepishly.

''It's important.'' he muttered and she rolled her eyes.

''Alright guys, this is the last concert, we want to make it count. Give it all you've got.'' Vince said and the boys listened as if he was telling them where to find the holy grail.

''This entire tour has been great, we've done great shows,'' Vince continued.

''Made great friends,'' Georg continued.

''Had so much fun,'' Gustav added.

''Made amazing memories,'' Tom said.

''And found love.'' Bill added, taking my hand in his.

''All in all, it's been great and I want to thank you guys for being the best band I've ever worked with.'' Vince said. I had to admit it was rather weird to see him so soft. Throughout the whole tour he had seemed like such a tough guy.

''Thanks for putting up with us.'' Tom said and everyone laughed, lifting the somewhat solemn mood from the room.

''Now get out there!'' he said and all the boys jumped up.

We were all at the side of the stage as the boys got outfitted with their instruments and mikes.

''Come on girls, you're front row for this one.'' Vince said to Eden and me.

''Break a leg, I love you.'' I said, kissing Bill quickly and then going back to Vince. It looked like Eden was doing the same as she and Tom indulged in a rather heated kiss.

''I love you to.'' Bill called as Vince led us away.

He took us down to the VIP area in the front row and I looked out over the audience behind us. The crowd was huge, the entire hall filled.

''Have fun girls.'' Vince said and then disappeared.

''Whoa.'' I said to Eden, still looking out at all the screaming fans. All the other seats in the VIP sections were filled with girls, no surprise there.

''Aren't you so excited! We actually get to meet Tokio Hotel after the concert!'' one of the girls squealed, her eyes alight with excitement.

''So excited.'' I said and I heard Eden laugh behind me.

''I'm Clare!'' the girl said.

''Mandy.'' I smiled and she returned it.

The audience suddenly erupted into one giant scream and I turned around in time to see the boys get to center stage. Bill gave his usual speech about how happy they were to be there etcetera and then they started to play Ready, Set, Go!

While the other girls in the VIP section stood and screamed and sang along with the song, Eden and I sat in our chairs, looking up at the boys we had come to know and love.

Before all of this had happened, after one of their concerts, every time I heard the song I would think of the concert, but now when I heard the songs, I associated them with other things that happened on the tour. Whenever I heard Ready, Set, Go! I couldn't help but think of the time Tom's pants fell down during a rehearsal.

The song finished and the audience erupted into more screams. Bill took half a second to catch his breath and then spoke again.

''I want to hear you scream!'' he yelled and the audience screamed louder as the band started to play Scream.

I looked to Eden and we both started to laugh, both thinking of the time when Bill said that during a run through and Georg, Tom, and Gustav all squealed in the most high pitch voices they could manage.

The third song was going to be one of their slower ones, to balance things out.

''I don't usually do this, but this song carries a special meaning for me now, and I want to dedicate this song to Mandy.'' Bill said and my breath caught in my throat as Sacred started to play.

All the other girls –who I assumed learned my name from Clare- looked at me with wide eyes as Bill said my name, but I couldn't have cared less.

Bill Kaulitz just dedicated a love song to me in front of ten thousand people at the last concert on their tour.

God I loved him.