Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Fifty-one

''We love you all! Thank you good night!'' Bill yelled and the audience screamed at the top of their lungs.

The boys ran off stage as the crowd screamed and I stood up right away. I needed to get back stage. When Bill had dedicated that song to me, my heart stopped, and when it restarted again, I knew he would be the only one it would ever beat for again.

Vince was waiting when I got to the security check. He grinned and told the security guard to let Eden and I through, not like I would have let them stop me anyway. I was determined.

I walked quickly down the hall, getting ahead of both Vince and Eden. Bill and the boys were standing backstage, where we usually waited for them when we weren't watching from the front row. Georg saw me first; he tapped Bill on the shoulder and then nodded towards me.

Bill turned and his eyes lit up when he saw me. I didn't know why, but tears welled up in my eyes as I went towards him, walking intentionally fast.

''Mand-'' he started but I cut him off when I smashed my lips against his, maybe just a little too hard, but who cared.

I wrapped both arms around his neck, pulling myself against him, and he put both arms around me. He lifted me slightly off the ground and then set me back down as we broke free of each other's lips.

''I love you.'' I said, slightly out of breath.

''Then why are you crying?'' he asked with a soft smile as he brushed the tears that had managed to escape my eyes away with his thumb.

''Shut up.'' I muttered with a smile, wiping them off on the back of my arm

''I love you too.'' he said, kissing my forehead.

''Aww!'' Eden, Georg, Gustav, and Tom said in unison and I grinned.

''If you two are finished, we've got an after party to get ready for.'' Vince said.

''Yea!'' all four boys cheered in unison and I laughed.

''You lot need to shower.'' Eden said, moving away from Tom and I nodded in agreement.

''Let's go boys.'' Vince said, herding them towards the change room where the showers were.

We all started to walk, Eden and I were going to wait in the main room while the boys showered and got changed.

''Vince!'' someone called and gestured Vince over to him.

We continued to walk without him, but soon he ran to catch up with us.

''Mandy, I've got to go sort something out, can you take the boys their change of clothes? It's in the wardrobe room.'' Vince said, putting a key in my hand.

''Sure.'' I said.

''Thanks.'' he said and then disappeared.

''Let's go find these boys some clothes!'' I said to Eden and we hurried off to the wardrobe room.

There were four clothing bags hung up just inside the wardrobe room with a sign on them that said 'post show'. Eden and I took two each and then went back to take them to the boys. We got to the door and I started to push it open with my butt but Eden stopped me.

''They could be naked in there.'' she said reluctantly.

''Like you haven't seen Tom naked.'' I teased and she rolled her eyes.

''But I have no desire to see any of the others naked.'' she said and I huffed.

''Give me the bags.'' I said and she smiled.

''Thank you.'' she said, putting the bags over my arms.

''Hey are you naked?'' I asked as I walked in.

''Yes!'' Tom answered seductively and I laughed.

''No.'' Georg answered for them.

''I brought your clothes.'' I said, hanging up Gustav's clothing bag.

As I hung up Georg's, Tom took his shirt off. All down his back there were faint red lines.

''What happened to your back?'' I asked, looking over the marks. He glanced over his shoulder and then grinned.

''The same thing that happened to Bill's.'' he said, grinning.

I looked at a newly shirtless Bill and saw that he had faint red lines running down his back, although not as many as Tom.

''Well well.'' Tom said, looking at Bill's back.

''Shut up Tom.'' I said, rolling my eyes.

I hung up the last clothing bag and then just kind of stood there, looking over the four shirtless German rock stars in front of me.

''Do you mind? I'd like to take my pants off now.'' Tom said, folding his arms.

''Sorry.'' I laughed and then went back to wait with Eden.
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Thanks for all your comments guys, it makes me smile to read them and I really like getting them. Thanks for reading!