Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Fifty-three

I woke up to the feeling of another warm body underneath mine.

I looked up at Bill, who was already awake, but laying perfectly still to keep from waking me. When he saw that I was awake, he smiled and ran one hand gently through my hair.

''Good morning.'' he said and I groaned.

''Not yet.'' I mumbled, closing my eyes again.

''Where have I heard that before?'' he asked playfully and I couldn't help but smile.

I moved off of him to his side and then cuddled into him. He wrapped both arms around me and then kissed the top of my head.

''I love you.'' he mumbled into my hair and I smiled.

''I love you to.'' I said and then a giant yawn escaped my mouth.

''Maybe it is too early for you.'' Bill chuckled and I nodded, eyes still closed.

I was starting to fall back asleep when there was suddenly some very loud banging on my door. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to ignore it, but the banging continued.

''What!'' I yelled, sitting up slightly and propping myself up on my elbows.

''Mandy! Let me in!'' Eden called from the other side of the door. I looked around quickly for an excuse. It's not that I didn't want to see Eden; I was just too tired to see anyone in general.

''I'm naked!'' I called back.

''It's nothing I haven't seen before.'' she replied and I could practically hear Bill's jaw drop.

''Don't ask.'' I told him and he laughed as he nodded.

''Bill's naked!'' I called, hoping it would deter her.

''I've seen Tom naked; it's the same thing! Let me in!'' she persisted and I rolled my eyes.

''Give us a minute.'' I said, wrapping myself in the sheet and then trying to round up some clothes. I grabbed Bill's boxers and threw them to him and then put my own underwear on.

I grabbed Bill's shirt from last night and pulled it over my head and then giggled a bit.

''What?'' he asked.

''It kind of defeats the purpose if your boyfriends shirts are the same size as yours.'' I said and he grinned.

''Would you have me any other way?'' he asked.

''Well…'' I trailed off and an offended look crossed his face.

''Kidding.'' I said rolling my eyes and he smiled.

Bill jumped out of bed and chased me to the door. I squealed and then laughed as he picked me up by my waist and then spun me around. When he put me down I put my hand on the doorknob and opened it, a decision I would regret in about three and a half seconds.

''AHH!'' Eden yelled, throwing a bucket of water at me and soaking me from head to toe.

''EDEN!'' I screamed and she burst out laughing. Behind her I could see Tom laughing hysterically as well. I heard Bill swear quietly behind me and I turned to see him wet as well.

''Where did you even get that bucket?'' I asked but Eden avoided my question.

''You're it.'' Eden grinned.

''It for what?'' Bill asked.

''Tag of course.'' Eden said, rolling her eyes.

She looked to her left and dropped her bucket before taking off down the hall. Tom looked but didn't run in time. Georg was suddenly right there dumping a bucket of water over Tom's head. He swore loudly and then the rest of us burst out laughing.

I heard Natasha scream from down the hall and I knew she had just become another of Eden's water victims. Her scream however was followed by one of Eden's shrieks, apparently Gustav had been waiting.

''You're next!'' Georg said, looking at Bill and I and then running back to his room to fill his bucket.

I grabbed the bucket that Eden had dropped and then raced for the bathroom.

This was war.
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Hey guys! I'm really sorry about the recent lack of updates, I've been so busy the past couple of days that I haven't had the chance to work on my story at all.
I know I didn't write a steamy sex scene for you, but it's just not the kind of thing that I write, so sorry to anyone who was hoping for one.
As for the water fight that I've started with this chapter, it's just a filler, I don't think that I'll be continuing it as I have bigger plans that will present themselves in the near future.
As always, thanks for reading, commenting, and/or subscribing! I really appreciate it.