Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Fifty-four

''We're going home, we're going home!'' Eden sang as we crossed the parking lot to the bus.

''Wait, I thought we weren't going back to Germany for a week?'' Natasha said sounding confused.

''No we're going to Eden and Mandy's and we're going to stay with them for the week.'' Gustav told her and she nodded.

''Wait, are we staying at your apartment?'' Natasha asked.

''I don't think we have enough beds.'' Eden said and we laughed a bit.

''We'll probably stay at a hotel.'' Georg said.

''And if all else fails you can sleep on the couch with me.'' Tom said to Natasha with a wink and Eden elbowed him hard in the ribs.

''Ow!'' he said, rubbing his side and she glared at him.

''I think I'd rather sleep with Gustav.'' Natasha said, linking arms with him and Gustav looked as happy as a kitten with a ball of yarn soaked in catnip.

We carried on an idle conversation about the boarding arrangements for the next week as we made our way to the bus. As we got closer, I realized that I couldn't see Leah in the driver's seat where she usually waited for us.

We got on the bus and she wasn't in the main cabin.

''Maybe she's inside.'' Bill shrugged as he dropped his bag and the flopped down on the couch.

Georg walked to the bathroom near the back of the bus and disappeared from sight. About ten seconds later he came back into the main cabin, eyes wide.

''What?'' I asked and Georg pointed at the bathroom door.

''What is it boy?'' Tom asked as if he was talking to a dog and Georg glared at him.

All of a sudden, from behind Georg, someone cleared their throat, telling him to move. He stepped out of the way and there stood Leah holding the hand of a tall black haired girl. Both of their hair looked as though it had been quickly redone and they were both flushed a light shade of pink.

''Hi guys.'' Leah said.

''This is Nikki.'' she said, referring to the girl behind her. Nikki waved meekly and I smiled. She was Leah's girlfriend.

''I'm Tom.'' Tom said, getting up and shaking her hand a little too eagerly. Eden stood up behind him and yanked him away from her by the back of his shirt.

''I'm Eden, his girlfriend.'' she said, more to him than Nikki.

''I'm Leah's girlfriend.'' Nikki said to everyone.

''Come on Leah, let's try and get there before dark eh?'' Vince said, climbing onto the bus.

''No problem.'' Leah said, walking with Nikki to the front of the bus.

Vince smiled at Nikki and then stepped out of their way as she and Leah stepped out to say goodbye.

''So what did you see?'' Tom asked Georg who grinned.

''That's for me to know and you not to know.'' Georg said and Tom furrowed his eyebrows.

Georg turned his back to Tom and faced us instead, and then mouthed an exaggerated ''Oh my god!'' and we laughed. Natasha was sitting with Gustav looking rather confused.

''Leah's a lesbian.'' I told her and it looked as if everything had just clicked.

''I totally knew that.'' she laughed.

''Alright let's get going!'' Leah said, coming back on the bus and then going straight for her seat.

She started the bus and Vince did a quick head count.

''Five, six…seven? If you boys get any more girlfriends we're going to need a bigger bus!'' Vince said.

''Natasha can sleep with us to conserve space.'' Tom said playfully, but it didn't look like Eden was taking too kindly to his jokes.

I had known Tom for a while longer than Eden had and I was used to his flirty jokes, but Eden seemed to be getting sick of it. She slammed herself back against the back of her chair and folded her arms and when Tom tried to put his arm around her she moved away. Tom shrugged and turned to Georg who was sitting across from him now.

''If Georg gets a girlfriend we can get a bigger bus! So we need to find you someone with nice…you know?'' Tom said, making an hourglass shape with his hands.

Eden grumbled and then stood up in a huff. Tom looked at her as if to ask what was wrong and she pushed his face away, rather violently I might add. She stormed to the back of the bus and then I heard the bathroom door slam.

''Way to go Tom.'' I snapped and then went after Eden.

''What did I do?'' he asked, clearly oblivious to how his jokes affected her.
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See I'm starting to catch up, updates will definetly be more often this week as I should be home for most of it.

If you guys are bored and looking for something to read, I finally updated my other story My Twisted Teenage Romance. Just a suggestion, but you also might fall in love.

As usual, thanks to all my readers, subscribers, and comment-ers!