Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Fifty-five

After two hours of pleading, I finally got Eden to let me in the bathroom. Her eyes were red and it looked as though she'd been crying.

I went in and knelt down in front of her.

''You need to talk to me E.'' I said and she sniffled.

''It just bugs me you know? Like I'm sitting right there and he flirts with them like it's nothing! I'm seriously starting to think that he doesn't care for me.'' she said and I put one hand on either side of her face, making her look at me.

''He does Eden, he does care for you, don't convince yourself otherwise.'' I said and the look in her eyes said that she knew I was right.

''But-'' she started.

''No buts Eden, he cares for you. He only does that because it's who he is, he can't help it. He's got a few flaws; you just have to look past them. Underneath it all he's a big suck.'' I said and she smiled a bit.

''But what am I supposed to do when he does that? It hurts!'' she said and I thought about it for a minute.

''Withhold sex.'' I suggested and she smiled hopelessly at me.

''Come on E.'' I said and she sighed.

''At least go back out there.'' I said. Her face was torn for a moment as she debated whether or not to leave her hiding place in the bathroom.

''Alright.'' she finally sighed and we both got up.

I left the bathroom and mumbled a quick ''She's coming.'' Natasha and the boys nodded and Tom started to stand up. I put my hand on his shoulder and shoved him back into his seat.

''Not now.'' I said and he nodded sadly.

I knew how much he cared about her, and I knew how he hated to see her hurt, but I also knew how oblivious he was when it came to things like this. He wasn't insensitive, just unaware.

Eden came out and sat down next to Bill on the couch, on the opposite side of the room from Tom.

It was awkwardly silent for about twenty minutes when out of the blue, the bus jerked to the side and Leah swore loudly as she jammed on the horn. We all looked to the front of the bus wide-eyed.

''He cut me off.'' she said when she saw us looking at her in her mirror and we all laughed a bit, breaking the awkward silence.

''So what are we planning for next week?'' Natasha asked me, trying to keep from falling back into the silence.

''Well I figured we'd just buy ourselves a movie theatre and then go to it, cause otherwise we can't take these guys out in public.'' I joked and she laughed. Bill also laughed as he put one arm around my shoulders.

''Hey hey, it was you that got recognized last time, otherwise we were good.'' Gustav reminded me and I rolled my eyes.

''Well if you want to get 'technical' about it then yea, they can't take me anywhere either.'' I said with a grin.

''Are you lot hungry?'' Leah asked from the front of the bus.

''YES!'' Gustav said as if we had been starving him.

''Good cause we're stopping.'' Leah said as she turned the bus into a nearly empty parking lot where a single branch fast food place stood.

Gustav was first off the bus and Natasha jumped on his back.

''Let's race!'' Natasha said as Bill and I got off the bus. My first thought was of Eden, I couldn't leave her out.

''You know, I'm not really in a racing mood.'' I lied and Natasha looked a little disappointed.

''Me and Eden will race!'' Georg said hopping off the bus and smiling back up at Eden. She glanced at me and I nodded encouragingly.

''We don't race, we win!'' Eden said, climbing onto Georg's back.

''Ready…set…GO!'' I said and the two boys equipped with girls on their back took off across the parking lot.

''Ready set go?'' Bill asked, raising his eyebrows.

''So original right?'' I said and he laughed.

''Yea you should sing it next time.'' he teased and I stuck my tongue out.

''WE WON!'' Eden yelled triumphantly.

''Rematch!'' Natasha demanded.

''Not even!'' Eden said.

Eden and Natasha seemed like they had a lot in common personality wise, although Natasha had never flipped me off.

Tom got off the bus and hurried to catch up with Bill and me who were half way across the parking lot.

''So how deep am I in?'' he asked, walking beside me.

''Deep.'' I answered and he cringed a bit.

''You need to apologize, just let her know how much she means to you.'' I told him and he nodded.

''Cause otherwise, you're not getting any.'' I said and his eyes widened a bit.
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Two updates in one day, told you I'd make up for my lack of updates last week =]