Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Fifty-seven

''Chinese for breakfast, now that's something I've never had before.'' Georg said as I took the Chinese food out of the bag.

''Shut up it's not my fault I can't cook. That's why I live with Eden.'' I said with a grin and everyone laughed.

''What's why you live with me?'' Eden's voice came from the front door.

''Cause Mandy ordered us Chinese food for breakfast.'' Natasha laughed.

It was around eleven in the morning and we had all just woken up. Bill had slept in my room, Gustav and Natasha in Eden's room, Leah on the couch and Georg on the floor. Eden and Tom had spent the night on the bus and had just come inside now.

As they walked to the kitchen they were hand in hand, their problems clearly resolved. It didn't surprise me though; I had never known Eden to hold a grudge for long. Either way I was happy that they weren't miserable anymore.

''That's ok with me.'' Leah said, helping herself to some noodles.

''See you spend one night away and what we eat goes to hell.'' I said and she laughed.

''But all the same, I'm glad to see you two are no longer miserable.'' I said and she smiled as she wrapped an arm around Tom's middle.

''I don't think we'll have that problem again.'' she said with a smile.

''Scheiße!'' Gustav suddenly shouted and we all stopped and looked at him.

''I dropped my chopstick.'' he said, holding one chopstick hopelessly between his fingers. We all laughed and went back to serving ourselves.

There was a clicking noise as wood hit plate and we all looked to Gustav again. He had a piece of chicken speared on the end of his chopstick.

''Effective.'' he said with a proud smirk.

''We sleep too much.'' I told Bill as we lay side by side in my bed.

Gustav had suggested yet another nap after lunch, and since Tom and Eden were now back in the apartment, we had to clear out of the living room.

''I can think of something better to do.'' Bill said with a wink and then pressed his lips against mine.

He ran his tongue along my bottom lip and I eagerly opened my mouth. I could feel the metal of the ball on his tongue on mine as our tongues began to wrestle.

Five minutes of making out later, Bill pulled away and wrapped his arms around me and I cuddled into his chest. He started to hum Sacred and I smiled as I traced the abstract pattern on his shirt.

''Who's that?'' he asked suddenly.

''Who's who?'' I asked, trying to see what he was looking at.

''In the picture. There's you, Eden and a third person.'' he said, nodding towards my nightstand

''Oh that's my aunt Jessica, she took Eden and I to our first concert.'' I said, craning my neck to see the picture. In it Eden and I were about twelve and absolutely ecstatic. My aunt had taken us to see Busted, a band that broke up shortly after.

''That's why you look so young.'' Bill said with a smile.

''You want to see more?'' I asked and he nodded enthusiastically.

I pulled myself out of his arms and walked over to my closet. I opened the door and bent over, searching for my photo album. There was a wolf whistle from behind me and I turned to see Bill wiggling his eyebrows at me, making me giggle. After moving countless things around the bottom of my closet, I decided that the album wasn't in there.

The only other place it would have been was in my nightstand, and that was the next stop on my quest to find my photo album. I moved to the side of my bed and Bill rolled over so that he was right next to me in full view of what I was doing. I pulled open my night table drawer and my eyes widened before I slammed it shut again.

''What was that?'' Bill asked, an obvious grin on his face.

''Nothing, it's not in there, let's look somewhere else.'' I said, trying to pull Bill away from my nightstand.

''Nein nein, I think it's in there.'' he said, reaching for the drawer.

''I don't think so.'' I said, holding the drawer closed.

''I do.'' he said with a grin. Bill grabbed me around the waist and picked me up, moving me so that I was on the side of the bed opposite my night table.

''No no no no no no!'' I said as he reached for my drawer with one hand and held me back with the other.

''What is this?'' he asked devilishly as he opened the drawer.

''Nothing!'' I said, trying desperately to steal it back.

In his hand Bill held a picture of him and Tom, a poster of sorts, and both of them had big pink kiss marks on their cheeks along with hearts drawn above their heads.''Ich liebe sie'' was written across the top of the poster and I just about died of embarrassment as Bill looked it over.

''You love us huh?'' he asked, grinning.

''Shut up.'' I muttered, giving up and folding my arms across my chest.

''And you made these kiss marks?'' he asked, trying to hide the amusement in his voice.

''Maybe.'' I muttered. What could I say? I've always had a weak spot for hot foreign twins.

''Maybe I should show Tom this.'' Bill mused and my eyes went wide. Tom would hold something like this over my head until hell froze over…twice.

''No no no no!'' I begged, returning to my fight to get the poster back from Bill.

''Hey To-'' he started but I slapped my hand over his mouth.

''Don't you dare.'' I said, narrowing my eyes at him. He nodded, although I could feel his smirk against my hand.

I reluctantly moved my hand and Bill drew in another breath to call Tom. Before I thought about it, my body reacted and I found my lips pressed tightly against his. I heard the poster hit the floor as he wrapped his arms around me.

I had clearly been going about this the wrong way. I quickly jumped off Bill and snatched up my poster from the floor. I ran to my closet, threw it inside and slammed the door.

''Now that's not fair.'' Bill whined from my bed and I grinned.

''You never said anything about fighting fair.'' I said with a wink and he laughed.

I went back to my bed and laid next to Bill. Clearly he wasn't finished with me. He rolled over, resting his forearm on the other side of me and reattaching his lips to mine.

All of a sudden, there was a loud bang against the wall behind us and we both looked at the wall like an alien had just jumped through it. There were some hurried footsteps and then my bedroom door opened to reveal a slightly out of breath Eden.

''I know what you're thinking and we're not doing it!'' she declared in one breath.

''Clearly.'' I laughed from underneath Bill.

''But maybe you were.'' Eden said as if she had just realized Bill was on top of me and then quickly closed the door.

Bill looked down at me and we both started to laugh.
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I don't know when the last time I did this was, but thanks to all my readers, suscribers, and comment-ers, I really appreciate it.