Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Fifty-eight

''That's a pair of twos, take off your pants Kaulitz!'' I demanded as I threw my cards down.

''Should have made you play poker.'' Tom grumbled as he took his pants off and handed them to me.

A day and a half later, we were all in the apartment, sitting around the table, playing strip go-fish. Tom was bored and had begged to play strip poker, but after most of us complained that we weren't good at poker, he settled for strip go-fish.

However, because most of us didn't want to play in the first place, we had ganged up on Tom and now here he sat in just his boxers, looking like a kid who just got told off by their grandmother in front of all his friends.

It was Eden's turn and her eyes lit up as Georg handed her the five she had requested. She waved the matching cards in the air before slamming them down on the table. She looked at Tom mischievously and he groaned.

''I want your boxers.'' Eden whispered rather seductively.

''I'm not playing anymore.'' Tom declared.

''No fair!'' Eden whined.

''As much as I'd love to get naked for you all, I think that if you saw all of this,'' he gestured to the area still covered by his boxers.

''Your girlfriends wouldn't be able to keep it in their pants.'' he finished with a smirk.

''Yea cause you turn me on that much.'' I said sarcastically.

''Well actually…'' Bill started and I knew he was going to bring up the poster. I dug my elbow into his thigh and he yelped.

''Ow!'' he said, narrowing his eyes at me.

''I love you.'' I said sweetly, kissing his cheek.

The phone started to ring and Eden jumped up to answer it.

''Hello?'' she said as she lifted the phone to her ear.

She listened for a while, mmhm-ing and ok-ing occasionally.

''Ok, I'll tell them. Bye.'' she finally said and then hung up.

''Who was it?'' I asked.

''Vince.'' she replied.

''And?'' I prodded.

''We're going to the drive in!'' she said excitedly.

Taking the boys –or me for that matter- to the movie theatre was out of the question, we were too easily recognized, but in a dark car at night, going to the drive in, no one would be able to see us.

''You mean we actually get to go you?'' Tom asked, sounding just as excited. We had gone to a club the night before last, but we ended up being run out by clingy fans and hadn't been out since.

''Yes!'' Eden squealed, nodding vigorously.

''I've got to put some clothes on.'' Tom said, heading for Eden's room.

Yesterday, Bill and Tom had brought a couple of their suitcases into our apartment after they decided that they'd rather stay with us than in a hotel.

Tom went to Eden's room to get dressed and a while later he came out wearing something totally different than he had been earlier.

''He's such a diva sometimes.'' Georg muttered and we all laughed while Tom glared at Georg.

''Can we go already?'' Gustav asked.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, telling me that I had a text. It was from Vince letting us know that there was a van waiting for us out front.

''Let's go!'' I said and we all moved towards the door in a very disorganized herd.

We all piled into the can and I found myself between Bill and Gustav. The two boys, Natasha and I were in the very back, Tom and Eden in front of us, and Georg sat in the passengers seat.

When we got to the drive in, the driver paid for our tickets and the guy in the booth told us what movies we'd be watching. I had never heard of either of them –I wasn't exactly up to date on current movies- but Eden was excited. Despite the fact that I had no clue what the movie was about, I was still happy to be out of the house.

The driver pulled into a spot and everyone in the van began to bicker about where we'd be sitting as we watched the movies.

''I'm not sitting on the roof! It's too cold!'' Gustav whined.

''Ok ok, everyone breath,'' I interjected before anyone's head exploded.

''We'll fold down all the seats in here and the five of you can cram in and Bill and I will sit on the roof.'' I said and everyone grudgingly agreed to my plan.