Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Fifty-nine

''But it's cold up there.'' Bill complained as we folded down the seats.

''I'll keep you warm.'' I said with a wink and he grinned.

Before climbing up onto the roof, I looked inside the can to make sure everyone was content. Although they looked rather like sardines, the five of them looked happy enough. From left to right, it was Tom, Eden, Georg, Natasha, and then Gustav.

Bill held out his hands to me and pulled me up onto the roof where he had constructed a make shift bed from most of the pillows and blankets we had brought.

''Comfortable?'' he asked as he laid back and I followed suit, cuddling against him.

''Definitely.'' I responded as he wrapped his arms around me.

Half way through the second movie, I just wasn't interested anymore. The first movie had turned out to be pretty good and now we were watching some second rate horror movie from the early nineties.

I looked at Bill. He didn't look that enthralled in the movie so I decided to have a little fun.

I reached into my bag of popcorn, grabbed a kernel, and then took aim right at Bill's head. I throw the bit of popcorn at Bill and then turned around as if I hadn't done anything. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bill look at me but then he turned back to the movie.
I grabbed two pieces this time and they both his him right in the forehead.

''Can I help you?'' he asked in a slight whisper.

''What? Hm? I don't know, someone's throwing things.'' I said and he rolled his eyes playfully.

''Is anyone even watching this? It really sucks.'' Bill said, turning on his side to look at me.

''Let's find out.'' I said and then crawled down to the end of the van to peek inside.

I hung my head over the end of the van to investigate what was going on inside. Tom and Eden were making out like the horny teenagers that they were, Georg was watching the movie intently as he devoured his bag of popcorn, and Gustav and Natasha were cuddled together and fast asleep.

''Sleeping, eating, and making out.'' I informed Bill as I moved back to where we were laying.

''That doesn't sound half bad.'' he said with a smirk I could only describe as one of Tom's.

''I know, this popcorn's good.'' I said playfully, popping one in my mouth. Bill rolled his eyes at me and sighed exaggeratedly.

I giggled and then grabbed another piece of popcorn. I placed it between my lips and then leaned towards Bill. After a few seconds he caught on and closed the gap between him and my lips, taking the popcorn with his.

I smirked as he leaned back a bit and ate the small piece of popcorn.

''It is good.'' he said and I giggled.

He leaned back towards me and reattached his lips to mine, this time not looking for popcorn.


''Worst fight you've ever had with your brother?'' I asked and Bill's face was pensive.

''I wouldn't say worst, but when we were younger we used to hit each other with frying pans. Both of us would end up with black eyes and we'd get over it.'' he said and I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of him and Tom beating each other with kitchenware.

''That would be funny to see.'' I laughed and he grinned. We were playing twenty questions –a version where it was just more of asking each other questions- and it was his turn.

''What do you think you'd be doing right now if I hadn't kissed you that day?'' he asked, his eyes amused yet interested.

''Considering it's around midnight, sleeping.'' I said and he laughed.

Bill and I were sitting in the hall outside of my apartment. Eden and Tom had gone to bed almost as soon as we got back and Bill and I thought it would be wiser to stay out here, just in case.

''What would you be doing?'' I asked.

''I would probably be on an island relaxing and then heading back to Germany in a few days.'' he said, absently twirling a strand of my hair between his fingers.

As though he had just told me he was leaving soon –although he had only reminded me- a sudden wave of sadness washed over me.

''Why do you have to live on the other side of the world?'' I asked hopelessly.
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Hey guys, this is one chapter that I wrote in a set of two, so I should be posting the next chapter later today.

Everyone who sticks around to read my author's notes, please, it is of vital importance that you read my journal regarding this story.

As always, thanks for reading, commenting, and/or subscribing.