Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Six

Another hour and a half passed and the three blondes were still doting over Tom while Eden and I sat talking to Bill.

''Alright ladies, I'm sorry but these boys have to go to bed.'' Vince said as he stood by the door.

It was late and even though they were having fun, the boys seemed grateful to be relieved of their company.

''Aww.'' the three girls draped over Tom whined in unison.

The girls exchanged goodbyes with the band as Eden and I stood back. One of the blondes, in the process of hugging Tom, started to whisper very fast in his ear, making him grin, and then slipped something into his pocket. Eden got a look on her face as if she had smelled something bad and then folded her arms sourly. I laughed and patted her head, making her smile return.

Vince escorted the five girls out and all four boys crashed on the couches, Bill and Georg on one and Gustav and Tom on the other. All their eyelids were droopy and Eden and I sat on the couch arms.

We sat silently, all the boys looking on the verge of sleep and I glanced again to Tom's guitar. I hated being idle for too long. Gustav saw me looking and he grinned.

''Play for us again.'' he said and I blushed a bit.

''Again?'' Tom asked. Apparently he hadn't noticed last time.

''She played before, where were you?'' Georg asked and we laughed.

''Play!'' Gustav commanded and I laughed. He handed me Tom's guitar and Tom perked up.

''Hey hey hey, that's mine!'' he whined.

''Shut up Tom she plays it better than you.'' Bill said and Eden almost choked on the mouthful of water she had as everyone else tried to stifle their laughter.

''Fine go ahead.'' he said in a pissy tone, only making everyone laugh more.

I started to play Don't Jump and Bill hummed along as did Eden. Tom sat with his arms folded but gradually his scowl became a look of interest as I brought the song to a close.

''Ok so she's good.'' he said rolling her eyes and I grinned as the other boys ''eh-ed'' in approval.

''I guess we have to take you girls home eh?'' Bill said, his face falling again.

''Not if you don't want to.'' Eden said, wiggling her eyebrows. Tom and I laughed while the other boys looked more wide-eyed than anything.

''Actually you guys have got an interview tomorrow and you need to be up early.'' Vince said, re-entering the room.

''So we're going now then?'' Gustav said and everyone chuckled.

Everyone got up and started to move towards the door. Bill, Eden and I were at the front of the pack and Tom at the back.

''Oh, my bag.'' Eden said, suddenly turning around.

''Smooth E.'' I laughed and stopped to wait at the door for her.

As she walked back towards the couch she had left her bag on, I realized she was going to have to get around Tom, considering that they were both trying to get through the same small gap between the couch and the coffee table.

He grinned slightly as he saw he getting close and I could swear I saw him give her the 'up-down' as she got closer. She was blushing profusely, she must have noticed it to.

They were almost right in front of each other now and were about to complete what most would think a simple pass. But Eden defined the word 'oops'.

The gap between them was almost closed when Eden's foot caught on something that only her foot could find on a smooth surface and she fell. She fell forward, crashing into Tom's chest. Instead of letting her fall, he wrapped his arms around her and caught her. For a minute they didn't move, he stood with her cradled against his chest, but then as if she had just registered that she was in the arms of Tom Kaulitz, she started to blush again and he helped her to stand upright.

She said something about being clumsy and he laughed, telling her that it could happen to anyone. They stood there talking and I stood at the door, watching the drama unfold, until a hand pulled me out into the hall.

''Hi.'' I said as Bill spun me around to face him.

''It's not nice to eavesdrop.'' he said with a grin and I giggled.

''I wasn't eavesdropping.'' I said and he chuckled.

''So Amanda.'' he said, pronouncing my full name.

''What do you do, I mean when you're not kissing rock stars and playing guitar?'' he asked as we walked slowly down the hall.

''Well if I remember, rock stars tend to kiss me and I'm sort of 'in between' jobs right now.'' I said and he smiled.

The truth was my family was loaded and I only really worked when I felt it necessary.

''So you're looking for a job?'' he seemed to light up at the prospect.

''Maybe.'' I said, wondering if he was getting at what I think he was getting at.

''Cause Vince is always complaining that he has too much to do and that he needs an assistant.'' Bill said innocently and then looked at me with raised eyebrows.

''Are you asking me to be Vince's assistant?'' I asked, wide-eyed and he nodded.

''Yes! That'd be awesome!'' I said, a huge smile now finding its way to my lips.

''But you would have to put up with us all the time.'' he said with a one sided grin.

''Hm, you know I think I'll manage.'' I said, returning his grin.

''And you'll have to come on tour with us.'' he added, looking at me as if he was waiting for me to give him a line about how I couldn't leave my friends, but I wasn't going to say anything of the sort.

''On tour? With you guys? I guess I could manage.'' I said and he smiled.

''Hey Vince! Looks like we've got you a new assistant!'' Bill called down the hall and Vince smiled.

''Where did Eden and Tom get to?'' I asked, glancing behind us as we got to the doors that lead outside.