Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Sixty-five

*~Bill's Point of View~*

I turned around and started to run towards the hotel. There would be a car there and I knew I had to tell the guys where I was going, I couldn't just vanish.

Soon enough I rounded a corner into the hotel parking lot and was nearly blinded by the lights.

I ran up to Tom's room and knocked frantically on the door. When Tom finally answered, he looked tired. I looked in the room and Georg and Gustav were in there too, looking like they were trying to keep themselves awake.

''Bill!'' Tom said and everyone looked to the door at my name.

''I'm going to- Mandy's apartment-, I have to- tell her- I'm sorry.'' I said, out of breath.

''We're coming with you.'' Georg stated, standing up. His tone was final; there would be no debating this.

''Can you hurry up then?'' I asked, as they all moved towards the door.

The car ride to Mandy's apartment was agonizingly slow. We seemed to hit every red light possible. My legs bounced anxiously as I sat on the edge of my seat and stared out of the window.

When we finally got there, it was pushing nine thirty.

I pushed the elevator button and started to watch the lights count slowly down to one. I jumped inside and pushed the button frantically, as though the more times I pushed it, the faster we would go. Georg looked ready to restrain me and I dropped my hand from the button.

The light for the fourth floor finally lit up and I raced down the hall to Mandy's apartment. I raised my hand to knock, but dropped it again, having second thoughts. What if she didn't want to hear my apology?

''Bullshit.'' a voice inside of me said.

I raised my hand and started to knock. I was still knocking when Tom, Georg, and Gustav got to the door and no one had answered yet. Georg grabbed my hand and pushed it away from the door. He turned the knob and the door swung open to reveal a very angry Eden.

''What the he- Bill!'' she said after realizing that it was me.

''You look uh…'' she trailed off. Only then did I realize that I hadn't bothered to do my hair or wash my face since I had left the hotel.

''Is Mandy here?'' I asked, looking around the apartment.

''Actually she went out.'' Eden said regretfully, as if she had known that I was going to come bursting through the door and that Mandy needed to be here.

''Wasn't she going over to that Alex guy's apartment?'' Georg asked and Eden nodded reluctantly.

My eyes went wide as another wave of pain hit me. Alex? The other guys might not have recognized the name but I knew exactly who he was. He was the guy Mandy had gone out with and then proceeded to leave her at the beach after she told him that she didn't feel the same way as he did. Maybe she still had feelings for him and they had just been dormant while we were dating.

Had I totally screwed myself over?

While I processed all of this, there was a conversation going on.

''I don't know, she said she'd call if she was staying past nine, but she hasn't called.'' Eden was saying.

''Well he only lives down the hall right? Maybe you should go see what's up.'' Gustav said.

''Come with me?'' Eden asked Tom and he nodded.

They left the apartment and I sat down at the island, waiting for the to return.

*~Eden's Point of View~*

I took Tom's hand and we walked down the hall towards Alex's apartment. It wasn't like Mandy not to call so I was a little nervous.

I knocked on the door and it was silent for a minute until I heard someone speaking in a hurried whisper and then footsteps coming towards the door.

A few seconds after, the door opened, but only enough for Alex to see out.

''Hi Eden.'' he said with a smile.

''Hey Alex, is Mandy here?'' I asked, trying to see past him.

''Yea, after dinner we got to talking and we decided to watch a movie. She meant to call, but she said you'd understand.'' Alex said.

I knew he was lying. Mandy always called. If the guy had his tongue down her throat she'd stop him to call me and tell me she was going to be home late. It was just the way she was.

''Can I talk to her for a second?'' I asked, noting how Alex eyed Tom nervously.

''Actually she's in the bathroom, I'll tell her you came by though.'' Alex said.

''Alright, I'll see her later.'' I said.

''Bye.'' Alex said and closed the door. I turned to Tom.

''Something's wrong.''