Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Sixty-seven

*~Bill's Point of View~*

I was in the bathroom finally washing my face and I heard Tom and Eden come back into the apartment. I dried my face and hurried out into the living room. I looked to Eden and she looked worried.

''What happened? What's going on?'' I asked frantically.

''Something's wrong. He lied about Mandy not calling and then wouldn't let me talk to her.'' Eden said.

''I didn't like the way Alex was eyeing us, like he was nervous we were going to catch him doing something, like he was hiding something.'' she added as an after thought.

''What are we going to do?'' I asked. Clearly Alex had done something to her and I wasn't going to just sit here.

''What can we do? I mean if he's holding her hostage then there's not much the five of us can do.'' Gustav said.

''We can go get her!'' I said, slightly louder than I had intended.

''Bill we can't.'' Tom said softly.

''Why not?'' I asked, my voice still loud.

''Bill, if Alex has snapped to the point of kidnapping Mandy, what do you think he'll do if we show up?'' Georg asked and I knew he was right. Us showing up at his door as an angry mob could send him over the edge.

''But I can't just sit here.'' I said, my voice falling to a whisper.

I couldn't just leave her over there with him. I had lost her once because I was an asshole and I wasn't going to loose her again because I didn't try to get her back.

As the others talked about what we would do –the most predominant thing being calling the police- visions of a terrified Mandy paraded through my mind. I didn't want to think of what he might be doing to her, but with them just down the hall, I couldn't seem to put it out of my mind.

''I'm going over there.'' I decided out loud and everyone looked at me like I had just said that I was going to give my chew-happy ferret speed and then let it go in my grandmother's house.

''Bill you can't!'' Eden shouted.

''Why not Eden? I wanted to die the last time I lost her and I'm not going to let it happen again.'' I retorted.

''This time and last time are totally different things!'' she yelled, throwing her hands in the air.

''Bill clearly Alex is off his rocker! You can't just go over there, ask for her back and then expect to get her! You could get hurt!'' she said before I could get a word in.

I looked around at my brother and my closest friends. The look on all of their faces was the same, they agreed with Eden. I knew she was right, but I had to try.

''I'm going Eden. End of story.'' I stated, moving towards the door.

''If you're going to be stubborn and go, then I'm going with you.'' Tom said, following me to the door.

''You two aren't exactly threatening by yourselves.'' Georg said, joining us by the door.

''Well if everyone's going.'' Gustav said, getting up and coming to the door as well.

''I'm coming too!'' Eden said, starting to cross the room.

''No!'' the four of us answered in unison.

''What! Why not? She's my best friend!'' she yelled, stopping half way to the door. Tom went over to her and put one hand on either side of her face, looking into her eyes.

''If anything happened to you, I'd never forgive myself.'' he said and she nodded reluctantly.

''Or Bill for making me come with him.'' he added and Eden smiled slightly.

''I'm not making you go anywhere.'' I said and Tom turned around.

''I know, I know, just chill.'' he said and I rolled my eyes.

''Can I at least leave the door open?'' Eden asked and Tom smiled briefly.

''Let's go!'' I said as I opened the door.

''Please don't get hurt.'' I heard Eden say to Tom before kissing him quickly.

As we walked down the hall, I turned back quickly to see Eden standing in the doorway, looking more anxious than ever.

The four of us went down the hall to Alex's apartment.

''Mandy?'' I called as I knocked on the door but there was no answer.

I knocked again and it was still quiet. I knocked a third time and there was nothing but silence until,

''Bill!'' Mandy screamed and I could hear that she was crying.

''Mandy!'' I yelled and threw the door open.