Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Sixty-nine

''It looks like I wont have to make any calls after all.'' Alex said, a new light in his eyes.

I shook my head frantically, tears pouring from my eyes, praying that somehow Bill would realize that he shouldn't come in.

''I want you to call to him.'' Alex said softly, moving towards me. He pulled the duct tape slowly off my mouth, ripping my skin with every inch.

I shook my head; tears still streaming steadily down my cheeks.

''Amanda, I want you to call to him.'' Alex said through gritted teeth. I shook my head again and he put the tip of his knife tightly against my cheek.

''Call to him.'' he said, pushing the knife hard enough to break my skin.

''Bill!'' I screamed half sobbing as Alex dragged the knife along my cheek, cutting a line into my skin.

''Good.'' Alex whispered and quickly replaced the tape over my mouth before disappearing into the darkened bathroom just behind the door.

''Mandy!'' Bill yelled and then threw the door open.

When he saw me his eyes went wide. Behind him in the hall I could see Tom, Georg, and Gustav. I almost didn't want to believe that they were here, that they had put themselves in so much danger because of me, but they probably didn't know about the danger. They seemed to be catching on though as they processed the scene before them. I was bleeding, no doubt bruised, and tied to a chair with duct tape over my mouth and tears streaming down my face.

''Mein gott!'' Bill gasped as he raced towards me.

''Mmm! Mmm!'' I tried to scream, starting to sob midway. Bill needed to get away, but he didn't seem to understand that my muffled screams were a warning not a cry of happiness.

Bill knelt down in front of me and put his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

''Mandy, I'm so sorry!'' he said, sounding almost on the verge of tears. I started to sob uncontrollably, he needed to get out but all he wanted to do was apologize.

The other three boys started to move cautiously into the apartment, looking everywhere to make sure it was clear, but from where they stood they couldn't see the impending doom that lurked just behind the door.

Bill pulled away, only far enough so that he could see into my eyes, my utterly terrified eyes, and put one hand on either side of my face.

''I'm so sorry about what I said before, I didn't mean to push you like I did, I shouldn't have questioned how much you love me. Mandy I'm so sorry, please forgive me?'' he said, sincerity filling his eyes.

''Mmm.'' I sobbed, shaking my head. Of course I forgave him, we had both lost it during that fight, but I was more concerned with the shadow of Alex that I could now see in the doorway to the bathroom.

At first Bill looked crushed, like he had taken my head shaking to mean that I couldn't forgive him, but upon giving it further thought, he slowly pulled the tape off of my mouth. I stood up, hoping to get him out of there faster and he stood with me.

''Bill you n-''

What happened next I could only describe as being in slow motion. It was a strange effect, but I guess that was how my mind dealt with everything that was happening.

Alex's figure emerged from the shadows, the knife clenched tightly in his hand, glistening in the light from the door. At the moment, I was the only one who saw him and the only one to react.

He was coming at Bill. Even though everything was in slow motion, he was going so fast. My body reacted before my brain had time to catch up.

As though I had just remembered that I had slipped the knot earlier, my hands only now broke free of the rope. I put one hand on either of Bill's shoulders and pushed him, moving him out of Alex's line of fire.

I saw bills' eyes widen with horror as he saw what was coming behind me, although I already knew.

Bill looked back at me and everything went numb save for an odd sensation and then immense pain in the lower right side of my back as I fell into Bill's chest.

Dear god it hurt, I just hoped I hadn't died yet.

Bill caught me as I fell into him and then sank to his knees, holding me like a child. He looked down at me with mortified eyes. Everything was muffled, as if I was under water, except for Bill's voice, it was the only thing I could hear clearly.

''Oh mein gott! Oh mein gott!'' he was repeating. The pain in my back was getting worse every second and I knew I wasn't going to last long.

''Bill,'' I said, although it came out as more of a rough whisper. He nodded in response, his eyes filling with tears.

''I forgive you, can you forgive me?'' I asked, a whisper the only thing I could manage.

''Forgive you? You didn't do anything wrong it was me I sh-'' I put a hand to his lips to stop him.

''Can you forgive me?'' I asked again.

''Yes, I forgive you.'' he said, his voice a sad whisper now.

''I love you.'' I said, brushing his cheek lightly with my fingers.

''I love you too.'' he said and I dropped my hand.

And with that, everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now I know what you're all thinking, ''She can't possibly be dead, there's a sequel coming!'' I hate to burst your bubble, but for all you know, the sequel could be a few chapters about how miserable Bill is without Mandy. Dunh dunh dunh!

Now that I've left you all with a horrible nagging sensation in the back of your minds,

Thanks to my readers, subscribers, and/or comment-ers. I really appreciate it all!