Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Seven

''They're coming.'' Bill reassured me as I looked back towards the door again.

''I will find out what went on.'' I promised him and he chuckled.

When we got outside, Gustav was hanging out of the top of the limo and Georg was presumably inside.

''We should go clubbing!'' Gustav said and Bill and I chuckled.

''What happened to Tom and Eden?'' Georg asked, poking his head out a newly rolled down window.

''They're busy.'' Bill said and the other two boys seemed to know exactly what he meant. I couldn't help but feel out of the loop as the three boys chuckled.

Tom and Eden suddenly came bursting though the doors as if they had been called. Eden was bright red and Tom was smiling confidently. Eden stood beside me and squeezed my hand hard, meaning that she was desperate to spill about the past five minutes that she had spent alone with Tom Kaulitz.

We all piled into the limo, Tom sat across from Eden and I sat between her and Bill. Every time she looked at Tom, Eden would blush a little more, making me that much more desperate to know what happened.

As we drove home, the boys started again with their German lessons, telling us that we'd get it…eventually.

When we pulled up in front of our apartment building, the six of us barely even noticed that we had stopped. I wanted to say something along the lines of 'don't worry I'll be back' but I wanted to spring that on Eden after she told me what happened.

The street was unusually crowded for this time of night and I figured that a club or party must have just kicked everyone out, so the boys stayed in the car so they wouldn't cause a scene.

We said our goodbyes and then got out of the car. As we were walking up to the doors, I heard the sunroof of the limo open and I turned around.

''Mandy! Call me!'' Bill called and I blushed and nodded.

He was suddenly pulled back into the limo and Georg and Gustav popped up.

''Mandy! Call us!'' they said in mock gay voices and Eden and I burst out laughing.

''SPILL.'' I commanded as soon as Eden and I stepped into our apartment.

''EEE!'' she squealed.

''Tell me!'' I whined, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her playfully.

''OK, OK!'' she breathed, a smile permanently etched on her lips. We went to the couch and I sat, perched on the edge, waiting intently.

''SO after I kind of fell into him and he helped me back up, we were making small talk about my clumsiness and then were talking about the show and then'' she said, sounding like she was getting to the good part and putting me on the edge of my seat.

''Just as I was about to whip out my phone and get his number Tom remembered that you guys were waiting and we left.'' she said all in one slightly disappointed yet still excited breath.

''WHAT!'' I gasped.

''Yea, but did you see that catch!'' she sighed. She didn't seem totally crushed by the fact that she didn't get his number so there was no need to be totally disappointed.

''What did I miss? You're glowing!'' Eden said, completely straying from the topic of her and Tom.

''I got a job!'' I said excitedly and she looked at me like I had gone slightly insane.

''I'm an assistant!'' I said, only giving her pieces of my very confusing puzzle.

''To Vince!'' I said and a light bulb turned on over her head as everything clicked.

''OH MY GOD! You mean you get to hang out with TH all the time?'' she asked, now as excited as I was.

''No, I have to work.'' I said very seriously and the look on her face dropped.

''Of course I get to hand out with them! I get to go on tour with them!'' I said and her expression was excited again, but I saw it flicker.

''What's wrong?'' I asked her.

''You're leaving.'' she said, slightly disappointed.

''Yea.'' I sighed.

''But you'll be back! And at least you're going for a good reason.'' she said, her voice genuine. As sad as she was that I was leaving, she was still ecstatic for me.

''So when're you leaving?'' she asked.

''I don't know, he didn't say.'' I said, but the end was interrupted with a yawn.

''Aww, are you tired?'' she asked as if I was five.

''Not even.'' I said and she laughed.

''You know what the best part is?'' Eden said sleepily, her buzz starting to wear off and her exhaustion starting to shine through.

''What?'' I asked, my eyelids drooping.

''You could totally slip Tom my number.'' she said and we laughed before both falling asleep on the couch.
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Thanks to anyone who's left me comments, I really do appriciate them. There might not be any updates this weekend as I'm going away, but I'll be sure to post as soon as I get back!