Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Seventy-three

*~Eden's Point of View~*

Bill had been gone for about ten minutes and I was watching the hands on the clock inch slowly towards nine-thirty.

Georg had brought me some clothes as well and I had already changed. I didn't feel the need to shower though.

I only realized that my leg was bouncing when Tom put one hand on my thigh and stopped it.

''Sorry.'' I muttered and he smiled sympathetically.

''We're all anxious.'' He said and then moved his arm from my thigh to around my shoulder, pulling me into him and kissing the top of my head.

Tom was the only thing keeping me together at this point. I was so happy that I had him. If it weren't for him, I would be a blubbering, nervous wreck by this point.

I reached over to the table on the other side of Tom and grabbed the remote. I turned on the TV and flicked through the channels until I decided that there was nothing on and I left it on the news.

I wasn't really paying attention to the bland newscaster on the screen until it cut to footage of someone being put into an ambulance.

I suddenly focused on the TV and realized that the building that the medics had come out of was mine, and that the girl on the stretcher was Mandy. Everyone else seemed to make the connection as I turned the volume up a bit.

''This was the scene outside of a Fourth Street apartment building late last night.'' The female newscaster said as the footage played out.

''Bill Kaulitz was identified as the man escorting the stretcher out of the building and the victim has been identified as his recent girlfriend Amanda Rosell.'' The camera zoomed in on Bill's face.

''The eighteen year old girl was stabbed inside her apartment building and was taken to hospital. So far there has been no word on her condition.'' The footage cut to a shot of Alex strapped to a stretcher.

''Although the details of the victim's relationship with the accused nineteen year old, Alex Robinson, are unclear, it is currently being speculated that Miss Rosell was dating Robinson along side the eighteen year old Mr. Kaulitz and that the attack was a result of a lover's quarrel. However nothing had been confirmed and Kaulitz is yet to comment on the situation.'' The woman finished and then proceeded to announce the winning lottery numbers and I could feel the anger boiling inside of me.

''Did you hear that?'' I asked, my voice coming out as an angry whisper.

''Calm down Eden, they just don't have their facts straight.'' Georg said, trying to keep me from getting too upset.

''Did you hear what they said about her?'' I asked as tears filled my eyes and spilled over.

''We'll fix it don't worry.'' Tom said into my hair as he pulled my against his chest.

It seemed like they didn't even care that Mandy had almost died. They were more concerned with creating the most vicious rumor about she and Bill possible. But I guess that's what comes with fame.

I continued to cry until I had no more tears. My crying wasn't so much a result of what had been said on the news –although it enraged me- but just what had been going on in general. Everything had just been so wrong recently. First Bill and Mandy fight and break up over something as simple as living arrangements, then Mandy goes to Alex of all people, and then he stabs her for god sakes! I knew that weird photographer was a bad omen.

After successfully crying myself out, I pulled myself away from Tom's chest and took a deep, shaky breath. I then went to the bathroom and washed my face. It was almost ten after nine and I didn't want Mandy to see me as a crying mess.

When I came back into the waiting room, Bill was back, looking much better than before. He seemed somewhat refreshed. Before I had a chance to sit back down, the nurse who had offered Bill the shower was standing in the room.

''Your friend's awake.'' was all she said but those three words were the 'ready, set, go' in our race to see Mandy.

At he word 'awake' all five of us stood. Bill was the first out of the room and I followed right behind.

''Now just be careful how Mandy questions you throw at her, she just woke up.'' the nurse said and then stepped out of the doorway to Mandy's room.

When we went in, my heart wrenched at the sight before me. I'd never seen Mandy look so weak. She was hooked up to a few machines and the one monitoring her pulse was already getting on my nerves. She looked so pale and the slow rising and falling of her chest was a testament to how weak she was after all of this. Mandy had always been the strong one, able to deal with anything with a smile, but not this time and seeing her like this almost made me cry.

Even though the nurse had said she was awake, Mandy's eyes were still closed. We stood silently around her bed, Bill opposite me so that we could both be closest to her head.

''I though she was awake.'' Georg said just a little too loudly.

''Be quiet, you're going to wake her up!'' I said.

''You be quiet.'' he retorted.

As I opened my mouth to speak again, another voice interrupted me.

''Will you two quit arguing already?''
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm happy to report that you all seem very happy that I decided not to kill Mandy....yet. I still have several chapters to go, but that's all I'm going to say to that effect.

As always, thanks to my readers, subscribers, and/or comment-ers. I really appreciate it all!