Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Seventy-nine

''What's happening!'' Eden said, panic filling her voice.

''I don't know! Mandy! Mandy!'' I said frantically, putting one hand on either side of her face.

''Call a doctor!'' Eden demanded and Georg flew out of the room.

''Mandy please, please don't leave me.'' I cried, tears that I hadn't noticed before suddenly streaming down my cheeks. I pushed my forehead against hers and gently kissed her lips.

''Please, I need you,'' I said, my voice a pained whisper.

''I love you.''

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I perked up at the return of the constant beeping. I looked to Mandy's heart monitor and they jagged lines were back as powerful as ever, like nothing had happened. I looked back down at Mandy whose face was scrunched up in a look of discontentment.

''Stupid thing fell off.'' she muttered as she opened her eyes.

''What?'' Eden asked incredulously.

''The monitor, it fell off.'' Mandy said, waving the finger with the heart monitor clip in the air.

''Oh my god.'' Eden breathed, relief obvious on her face. Mandy smirked a bit.

''What?'' she asked innocently.

''You scared the living shit out of me!'' Eden said, furrowing her eyebrows and then smacking Mandy's shoulder.

''Sorry.'' Mandy said, rolling her eyes.

Then Mandy looked to me. I was wiping the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand. She reached up and put one hand on the side of my face, looking straight into my eyes.

''I will never leave you again.'' she said, sincerity coloring her tone.

''What's going on!'' Doctor Collins said as he raced into the room, two nurses pushing a defibrillator cart behind him.

''You called the doctor?'' Mandy asked, sounding almost offended, yet embarrassed at the same time.

''You were dead!'' Eden defended and Mandy rolled her eyes in defeat.

''Amanda, are you alright?'' the doctor asked.

''I'm fine, the monitor just fell off.'' Mandy replied, showing him her finger with the now in place heart monitor.

''Well that's a relief.'' Doctor Collins said and then waved off the nurses with the cart.

''Since I'm already here, I may as well tell you the good news. I've looked over all of your charts, all your tests, and based on what I've seen of your recovery, you can go home tomorrow morning.'' he said with a smile and Mandy's eyes lit up.

''Thank you so much Doctor Collins.'' she said, her face alight with happiness.

''Your welcome. I'll be back tomorrow morning to give you a few prescriptions.'' he said, a kind smile still on his face and then he left.

''You get to come home!'' Eden said excitedly and the look on her face matched Mandy's.

''I can't wait to sleep in my own bed!'' Mandy said, her face filled with excitement.

''I'm glad you're going to be home.'' I said and then kissed the top of her head.

''Yea, now we don't have to spend our last days here in this horrid hospital.'' Tom said and everyone chuckled a bit.

''Well now I'm not going to go back to sleep.'' Mandy said and we chuckled again.

''That's ok, this movie's not too bad.'' Gustav said, nodding towards the TV as he sat back down.

We all settled back into our places throughout the room, and everyone's attention was recaptured by the movie. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mandy, her features accented by the changing light coming from the TV screen in the dark room.

She looked so unreasonably happy, I hadn't seen her look like that in a while. All things considered, it wasn't that much of a surprise that she hadn't been inexplicably happy over the last few days, but all the same, it was good to see a smile become a permanent fixture on her lips again.

On sheer impulse, I leaned slightly onto Mandy's bed and pressed my lips against her cheek, right next to her lips. She turned to me, a mischievous grin taking the place of her smile. Before I could lean back, she attached her lips to mine. She ran her tongue over my bottom lip, I opened my mouth slightly, and our tongues began to wrestle.

The steady beeping of her heart monitor picked up a bit as her heart rate increased and I couldn't help but grin. I could feel everyone's eyes on us after they noticed the change in the rhythm of her heart.

''They're going to think she's having a heart attack if you keep kissing her like that.'' Eden said.

Mandy's heart monitor went back to a steady beep and I pulled away a bit. Mandy rolled her eyes as she flipped Eden off and the replaced the heart monitor clip on her finger. Eden made a noise in the back of her throat and Mandy grinned before pulling my lips back to hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
What kind of a sadist do you think I am? I like you guys too much to kill her, lucky for you.

Thanks for reading!