Sequel: Until You Believe It

Until You Feel It

Chapter Eight


''E! Geddit!'' I mumbled from my pillow, a small part of me hoping she could hear me.

''EDEN!'' I screeched from my pillow, face down and knowing that she couldn't hear me.

''URGH!'' I grumbled as I dragged myself from my bed.

I dragged my blanket with me as I walked sleepily to the door, rubbing my eyes. The person at the door was banging again. It was noon, but come on, we were out late.

''I'M COMING!'' I yelled as I stumbled to the door and the banging stopped.

''What do you wa- hi!'' I said as I opened the door, dropping my blanket along with the last of my dignity.

Standing in my doorway, was the guy I had seen in the elevator. He was just in a pair of shorts and was holding a bunch of papers. His upper half was perfectly tanned and his brown hair was hanging slightly over his eyes. He smiled at me and I blushed profusely, I must have looked like an idiot.

''Hey.'' he said.

''So uh, what's up?'' I asked, now severely conscious of the fact that I still had on last night's makeup and I probably looked like I just crawled of a box.

''I'm Alex, we just moved in down the hall.'' he said, holding out a hand to me.

''Mandy.'' I said, shaking his hand.

''So we're having a party tonight, a housewarming kind of thing and wanted to know if you'd wanna come? We've invited the whole floor.'' he said, handing me one of the papers in his hand.

''Unless you're all partied out?'' he said, more like a question and I laughed.

''Shut up'' I laughed. ''We'd love to come.'' I said and he smiled.

''Great it's at eight.'' he said and started to walk away.

''Alex!'' I called and he turned around.

''You might want to skip that door, those people hate everything under the age of fifty.'' I said and he laughed.

''Thanks.'' he said and I nodded and closed the door.

I read over the paper quickly, and then put it down on the counter before grabbing my blanket and going back to my room for a few more hours of sleep.

''Amanda.'' someone cooed in my ear.

''Go away.'' I grumbled. I was still amazingly tired.

''Get up.'' the voice sang.

''Get off me!'' I said, turning over very fast and knocking the person off of me.

''What was that for?'' Bill asked, half laughing from my floor.

''Oh my god! I'm so sorry!'' I said, reaching down to help him up.

''It's ok, you look tired.'' he said, giving me a once over.

''Well that puts my 'hot guys who've seen me looking like a hobo' count up to two.'' I thought as I tried to smooth my hair out.

''What's up?'' I asked as he sat on the side of my bed.

''Vince was going to come over and drop this stuff off, but I offered to do it.'' he said, putting a bag on my bed.

''It's a bunch of papers and stuff you'll need for the tour.'' he said as I ruffled through it.

''When do we leave?'' I asked, pulling out a black shirt that read 'Tokio Hotel' on the front and had a picture of the boys on the back along with their concert dates.

''Sunday.'' he said and I nodded.

''Well I'd better get back, we've got something or other to go to this afternoon.'' Bill said, getting up.

''Thanks for dropping this off.'' I said as I walked him to the door. Eden was in the kitchen with a glass of orange juice, reading over the invitation I had put on the counter.

''See ya! Bye Eden!'' he called as he left and she raised a hand in response, looking still half asleep.

''Another party?'' Eden whined, holding up the invitation.

''We don't have to go, if you're all partied out.'' I said with a teasing grin and she glared.

''Oh, we're going.'' she said, slamming the paper back down with a smack.

''Who's having it anyways?'' she asked as I moved into the kitchen.

''Some new guys who moved in down the hall.'' I said, grabbing a bowl and the cereal.

''You mean that one with blonde hair and his roommate with brown hair who like to wrestle with their shirts off!'' she asked excitedly.

''I think so.'' I said and she squealed.

''Wait, how do you know that?'' I asked, pouring milk into my cereal.

''I 'accidentally' was wandering in the hallway and their door was open. It was the day they moved in.'' she said.

''I need to shower.'' she said quickly before disappearing into the bathroom.

It was barely one and the party wasn't until eight. I sat down to eat and looked over the invitation. Apparently Alex's roommate's name was Trevor.

After I finished eating, I walked into Eden's room, looking for my black pleated skirt that she had borrowed a while ago. I went in and saw her towels hanging on the back of her door. I sighed and grabbed them, walking out of her room and to the bathroom door.

The door opened a crack and Eden reached her hand out and I put the towels in them.

''You know me too well.'' she said before closing the door.

''I know.'' I sighed and we both laughed.
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Just for anyone who's wondering and/or couldn't figure it out 'E' is Short for Eden